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TC: Evaluating & Assessing Student Performance


Nov 27, 2020 from 09:30 to 01:30 (Europe/Berlin / UTC100)



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+49 641 / 99-30 054

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The second part of this workshop takes place on December 12, 9.30 am - 1.30 pm.

Students show what they have learnt in our courses through presentations, term papers, and other forms of evaluation and assessment. What we can see here, is what they are able to perform in/after going through their learning process. For students’ demonstration of learning outcomes, we can make use of traditional forms and newer forms of evaluation and assessment, such as wikis, portfolios, posters, or simulations. So how do we, as lecturers, know which is the appropriate form of evaluation and assessment in our classes, and in which ways are we free to choose and design these? In this workshop, we will work on these questions and identify your individual solutions. On the way, we will discuss a range of possibilities and criteria catalogues to evaluate and assess presentations, etc., and provide feedback, consistent with your specific contexts. This includes selecting ways of formative evaluation of the teaching and learning process during a running semester to help you optimize your course of action in your specific fields.

// Alexandra Bergedick, Dipl. Päd. ist Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der HHU Düsseldorf, angesiedelt am Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf, und arbeitet dort in Studium und Lehre für Medizinstudierende, die ihre kommunikativen Kompetenzen in Simulationen mit Schauspielpatient/innen aufbauen. Seit 2010 ist sie freiberufliche Hochschuldidaktikerin (lern-reich) mit besonderem Fokus auf internationale Kontexte und führt Workshops und Coachings an Hochschulen und Graduiertenzentren durch.