Become a member

Form to apply for membership in the GGN

A Membership in the GGN is open to all (early career) researchers whose field of research corresponds to one of the areas covered by the GGN.
As a member of the GGN, you can take full advantage of all the GGN's services flexibly and according to your needs. Moreover, you can play an active role in shaping the programme.


By submitting this short form you are applying for a membership in the GGN.

  • People who are assigned to a department or a centre at JLU, or whose supervisor is not yet a member of the GGN, need to be confirmed by the Board of Directors.
  • People whose supervisor is already a member of the GGN, will automatically become a member by submitting this form.

Note: If you are a student, please register with your JLU email address.


This information is only used for internal reporting purposes.