To help you orient yourself on the campus areas, you will find the numerous buildings of Justus Liebig University Giessen with their floor plans on JLUmaps
JLU manages around 330 buildings with over 20,500 rooms on its campuses. This corresponds to an area of around 655,000 m² (gross floor area).
On JLUmaps, the JLU campus areas can be viewed on an online map from OpenStreetMap, whereby the university buildings are marked interactively. Helpful information on each building can be called up via the markers:
- Floor plans with the option of selecting individual rooms,
- a photo of the building,
- a link to a route planner and
- information on accessibility and family-friendliness.
Each campus area overview, each marker of an individual building, each floor plan and each room can be accessed via its own URL ('Internet address'). The URLs can be used anywhere, e.g. to link to JLUmaps in a route description.
Great importance was attached to data protection during the development of JLUmaps. The IP addresses of website users are neither stored on the JLU server nor passed on to OpenStreetMap. This means that it is now also possible to integrate JLUmaps into JLU websites in compliance with data protection regulations.
Click here to go directly to JLUmaps.
And this is how it works:
Left section: Location fields
Use the fields on the left to select the desired location. The display in the centre updates automatically according to your selection.
The 'Room type / usage' field only appears once you have selected a building. The following selection options are available for this field, which can only be clicked on if they are available in the building:
- Handicapped accessible toilet *
- Parent-child room
- First-aid room
- Classroom Stud.IP **
- Passenger lifts
- Rest room
- Toilett
- Diaper changing possibility
Clicking on a room or utilisation type opens a window in which all the corresponding rooms in the selected building are displayed. Clicking on a room opens the corresponding floor plan and the selected room is highlighted in colour.
* Note: A toilet can be largely barrier-free but not be considered a handicapped accessible toilet. Further information on the accessibility of a building can be found via the link 'Show Information about accessibility and family-friendliness' in the right-hand section of JLUmaps.
** Note: If you select the room type 'Classroom Stud.IP', all rooms available in Stud.IP of the room types computer room, lecture theatre, student workroom, practical room and seminar room are displayed.
Centre section: Site plans and floor plans
Site plans
Depending on the location selected in the left-hand fields, the display in the centre area changes automatically. If you select a campus or a campus area, a map is loaded that shows the JLU buildings located in this area.
The displayed map section can be moved by holding down the mouse button. To zoom in and out, you can turn the mouse wheel when the mouse pointer is over the map. Alternatively, you can also use the plus and minus buttons at the top left of the map.
If you click on one of the buildings on the map, a info box opens with the name of the building, the address, a small photo of the building, links to the floor plans and a link to the Google Maps route planner.
Clicking on the small photo opens a pop-up window in which the building is shown enlarged. If you click on the building name or the address, the building is transferred to the location fields on the left and only the pin for the selected building is displayed on the map.
The individual floors of the building are listed under the address. These can be clicked individually to open the corresponding floor plan.
There is also a 'Google Maps route here' link in the info box. If you click on this link, the Google Maps route planner opens in a new browser window and the address of the building is automatically entered as the destination.
Interactive floor plans
Each room in a flor plan can be clicked on. After clicking, the room is highlighted in colour.
The displayed plan section can be moved by holding down the mouse button. To zoom in and out, you can turn the mouse wheel. Alternatively, you can also use the plus and minus buttons
For security reasons, no room names are displayed in the floor plans. Rooms that are managed in Stud.IP are an exception.
Display of other points of interest
Additional points of interest can be displayed on the map via a buttons at the top right: Car parks, barrier-free entrances, passenger lifts, relevant bus stops, barrier-free parking, barrier-free toilets and rental bike stations. Click on one or more of the designations to display them on the map. Click on an object on the map to obtain further information.
Right area: Links/features
- Copy URL to current site to clipboard: If you click on this link, the URL of the current JLUmaps page will be copied to your computer's clipboard. You can then paste it anywhere you like, e.g. into an e-mail using Ctrl + V.
- Generate URL as QR-code: When you click on the link, a small window opens in which a QR-code is displayed. This QR-code links to the JLUmaps page from which the 'Generate QR-code' link was clicked.
- Show building/room in Stud.IP: Clicking on the link opens a new browser window with Stud.IP. If you are logged in to Stud.IP, its room search opens for the building/room previously selected in JLUmaps.
- Show building on Google Maps: If you click on the link, a new browser window opens with Google Maps, in which the building selected in the left area is displayed.
- Create PDF-document with graphic: If a floor plan is displayed in the centre area and you click on this link, a PDF-document with the floor plan will be created. Depending on your browser settings, the PDF-document is opened directly or saved. Room colouring cannot currently be displayed in the PDF-document.
- Show Information about accessibility and family-friendliness: First select a building using the location fields in the left-hand area. If you then click on the link, an overview will open with information on accessibility and family-friendliness for the building displayed.
You can also select a floor and then click on the link. In this case, the information for the entire building is displayed.
Click on the magnifying glass symbol at the top left to open the search function. There you can search directly for addresses, building names and room names*. Click on an entry to display the result.
* JLUmaps only shows the names of rooms that are available in Stud.IP. Other room designations/names are not displayed for security reasons.
Hide areas
The links/features can be hidden by clicking on the arrow symbol at the top right.
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Project manager: Gerrit Bölter, Tel.: 0641 99-12608, Gerrit.Boelter@admin.uni-giessen.de