Obstetrics Collection
There is an extensive gynecological–obstetrical collection at the Women's Clinic of Giessen's University Hospital. It includes instruments and devices used in surgical obstetrics, as well as original books on midwifery. The former head of the clinic, Professor Wolfgang Künzel assembled the collection. The historical artifacts are displayed in the hallways of the clinic. (Women's Clinic of Giessen's University Hospital, waiting area, Klinikstrasse 33, 35385 Giessen - open 24/7).
Collection Coordinator
Video: Until 2012, the collection was stored in the old Women's Clinic. There is a recording of to the former exhibit in the movie Die Frauenklinik der Justus-Liebig Universität Giessen by Arne Jensen from the year 1989: https://youtu.be/WWdA0p8udTo, minutes 10:20-13:20.
Literature: Alissa Theiss/Wolfgang Künzel, Geburtshilflich-historische Sammlung. In: Alissa Theiss/Michael Lierz (eds.), SACHVERSTAND. Die Sammlungen der Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen (Giessen 2021), pp. 154–161.