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Composition of the Study Programme


6 semesters - 180 credit points (CP)

Components of the study programme

The programme consists of 17 core modules (compulsory modules) and 11 profile modules (elective modules). Each module has a scope of 6 CP (4 hours per week for one semester) and concludes with a course-related examination. The grades achieved in the individual module examinations result in the final degree grade. In addition, the programme includes a Bachelor's thesis, which is equivalent to 2 modules. This proves that you are capable of independently writing a scientific paper.

Individual profile

The development of an individual profile plays a major role in the degree programme. Our students decide for themselves whether they want to acquire a broad all-round knowledge or prefer to specialise, whether their studies are more practice-oriented or scientific and theoretical. They can choose profile modules from the complete range of courses offered by the Department 09 or even from other departments at JLU. 


Practical relevance

In addition to choosing practice-oriented modules, students have the opportunity to complete an internship to gain a first insight into professional life. Module BP 144 "Professional Internship" corresponds to 12 CP and can be chosen as a profile module in all Bachelor's degree programmes of Faculty 09. In this way, students familiarise themselves with the professional world and get suggestions for the individual organisation of their further studies. The Internship Office maintains a database of suitable companies and institutions and supports students in their search for a suitable internship.




Course of studies


1st  semester 2nd semester 3rd semester
Biology Introductory chemical internship Crop production
Economics & Business Administration I Biochemistry I Plant Nutrition
Mathematics and Statistics Bioeconomy


Basics of ecology and soil science Natural Products Research Insects as a source of protein
Genetics Bioresources Breeding for renewable resources and bioenergy
4th semester 5th semester 6th semester
Sustainability Communication Profile module 4 Profile module 9
Renewable raw materials Profile module 5 Profile module 10
Profile module 1 Profile module 6

Profile module 11

Profile module 2 Profile module 7 Bachelor's thesis
Profile module 3 Profile module 8 Bachelor's thesis




Possible focus areas

Broad all-round knowledge or specialisation - both are possible. Our students have it in their hands, they put together their studies according to their individual inclinations from the whole range of our offer. From a selection of over 80 modules, students can choose profile modules from the following topics, for example:

  • Renewable raw materials and bioresources
  • Plant cultivation and plant breeding
  • Plant Nutrition
  • Soil science and soil protection
  • Organic Farming
  • Market Studies 
  • Business Administration
  • Agricultural, food and environmental policy
  • Insect Biotechnology 
  • Resource Management
  • Bioinformatics
  • Communication and extension


Modules from other research fields of the department can also be chosen, e.g. landscape planning, soil microbiology, landscape, water and material balance and consumption.
The exact names and descriptions of the profile modules can be found in the Special Regulations.