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Application: Entrance requirements

Entrance requirements

The requirement for acceptance into the Master`s course is a completed  Bachelor`s degree in Biology with a final mark of good or better.
In addition the board of examiners can recognise further scientific and biomedical degree courses as equivalent after individual examination. This applies in particular to:

  • Biochemistry
  • Bioinformatics
  • Biomedicine
  • Biotechnology
  • Human Biology
  • Molecular Biology

With these courses of study, the studies done so far must present the following subject profile: broad scientific training with the necessary and relevant basics of biology and also, if possible, in chemistry, mathematics/statistics and physics, with a clear emphasis on biology or closely-related subjects.
In the case of students with a Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry, physics or mathematics, this is regarded as giving a biology profile, if in the Bachelor`s course biology, biochemistry, bioinformatics, biometry, biophysics, biotechnology, human biology or molecular biology have been completed successfully as major or minor subjects.
The subject specific prerequisites will be checked by the board of examiners.