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How to get to Giessen

Giessen is centrally located in Germany and can easily be reached by plane, train, and car.

Travelling to Giessen by plane via Frankfurt/Main International:

It is best to fly directly to Frankfurt Rhein/Main Airport (FRA) and not to Frankfurt Hahn Airport since Hahn is actually located in the Hunsrück Mountains, about 150 kilometers away from Frankfurt/Main.

If you still intend to arrive at Hahn, take the Airport Bus (click on "Frankfurt" on the map of the pages of Hahn Airport) to Frankfurt/Main Hauptbahnhof (main train station - 1 hour and 45 min.). Trains from Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof to Giessen leave every hour.

Having arrived at Frankfurt/Main Airport, take either local S-Bahn or regional trains (RE) from Frankfurt Airport Tiefbahnhof at Terminal 1 to Frankfurt Central Station (Hauptbahnhof) or take fast InterCity (IC) and ICE trains from Frankfurt Airport Fernbahnhof at Terminal 1 to Frankfurt Central Station (Hauptbahnhof). Trains leave every 15 min. 
Trains from Frankfurt Central Station (Hauptbahnhof) to Giessen leave at least every hour.

Travelling to Giessen by train:

Giessen is well connected to Europe’s rail network. All European train connections to and from Giessen can be found on

Travelling to Giessen by car:

Giessen is well connected to Germany’s/Europe’s Autobahn/Motorway system. Google Maps enables you to find the fastest route to Giessen.

Have a nice trip!