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(Inter)national Artistic Cooperations


Applied Theatre Studies

The international outlook is evident throughout the institute and integral to its teaching practice (not only in the theatre studies modules but also in the related philological modules). The institute strives for an open exposure to a variety of different cultures and languages, inviting guest professors from such varying cultural conexts as the US, the Libanon, India, China amongst others. Normally, these classes will be taught in English.

Regularly, the performance projects include project-based artistic cooperations with other European universities and art schools. During these projects students from Gießen will will work together with students from the participating institutes, such as the Music Academy RITS, Brussels, the media laboratory La Fabbrica, Treviso, Italy, the Academy for Fine Arts, Vienna, the IUAV Venetia, the Conservatory in Lyon, the Academy for Fine Arts in Utrecht und der Theatre Academy Prague. In addition, the institute has developed numerous links with other partner universities through the ERASMUS+ program.


Cooperating partners (a selection)
Mousonturm Frankfurt / tanzlabor_21
Continuing collaboration with the Mousonturm (for example, by staging the diploma performance) as well as with the tanzlabor_21 (regular participation at the International summer academy)


Regular participation at the Internation Festivalcampus


2000: Exhibition Hall Offenbach
2003: Exhibition Hall Offenbach
2006: Capitol and Exhibiton Hall Offenbach
2008: Hafeninsel Offenbach
2010: Compound of the EVO AG Offenbach, former Diamantbörse Frankfurt am Main
2012: Campus Bockenheim in Frankfurt, of the prospective Kulturcampus Frankfurt, curated by Anja Nathan-Dorn (Köln)
2014: Offenbacher Hafen, unter der Kuration von Roos Gortzak
2016: Neuer Kunstverein Frankfurt
2018: Neuer Kunstverein Frankfurt


KörberStudio Young Directors, Hamburg
2003: Christina Hänsel and Andre Eiermann - DAS MEINUNSGBILDUNSGINSTITUT: NO.MORE.THEATRE
2004: Anna K. Becker and Katharina Bischoff - BIG Notwendigkeit: TAKE A BOW with Sahar Rahimi and Rabea Kiel
2005: Susanne Zaun, Philipp Schulte, Friederike Kenneweg, Kathi Loch and Marion Schneider: DRECKIG TANZEN with Isabell Dachsteiner, Annika Scheffel, Anna Schewelew, Anne Tenhaef and Philipp Schulte
2007: Monstertruck: LIVE TONIGHT!
2008: Boris Nikitin: WOYZECK with Malte Scholz
2009: Ana Berkenhoff, Cecilie Ullerup Schmidt, Ferdinand Klüsener and Stefan Behrendt, Tobias Rosenberger: 3x MÜLLER
2010: Philipp Karau, Katharina Stephan: DIE HALBZARTEN
2011: Lea Letzel, Alexander Giesche: RECORD OF TIME (Preis der Jungen Kritik)
2013: Arnita Jaunsubrena, Lea Schneidermann, Kim Willems: DER SOUVERÄNE MENSCH - WARUM JUWELEN GLÄNZEN UND KIESELSTEINE GRAU SIND (winner of the jury award and the audience award of Körber Studio Junge Regie 2013)
2014: Tilman Aumüller, Jacob Bussmann, Bettina Földesi, Ruth Schmidt: MACCIA
2015: Gregor Glogowski, Alisa Hecke, Benjamin Hoesch: FLIMMERSKOTOM
2017: Caroline Creutzburg: NERVE COLLECTION (Gewinn des Preises des Körber Studios Junge Regie 2017)
2018: Arthur Romanowski: IRGENDWAS FÜR IRGENDWEN AN IRGENDEINEM TAG IM JUNI (Gewinn des Preises des Körber Studios Junge Regie 2018)


Hessian Theatre Days
2002: Staatstheater Kassel
2004: Stadttheater Giessen
2009: Landestheater Marburg
2011: Staatstheater Kassel
2013: Stadttheater Gießen
2015: Hessisches Staatstheater Wiesbaden
2017: Staatstheater Darmstadt


Collaborative projects (a selection)
Baroque bodies in Brussels and Amsterdam
2012: Collaborative project with the arts centre in Beursschouwburg and De Brakke Grond, Amsterdam, under the supervision of Bjoern Mehlig

At the still point of the turning world
2011: Collaborative project with the Theatre Academy Prague under the supervision of Prof. Heiner Goebbels.

Wunsch, Indianer zu werden
2010: Collaborative project with the Academy of Fine Arts, Utrecht under the supervision of Prof. Heiner Goebbels.

„The communist manifesto“ based on Karl Marx/Friedrich Engels
Collaborative project with students studying Directing at the FDA Terese Venice. Performances in September/October 2006 at the Teatro Due/Parma and in the spring of 2007 in Turin and at the Mousonturm, Frankfurt.

Performance project by Prof. Heiner Goebbels with students of the ATW Giessen and the Academy for Fine Arts, Vienna (master class scenography, Prof. Erich Wonder). Through this cooperation between students from Vienna and Giessen, following projects were realized: BLACK BOX, CAFESÄTZE, PLACEBO SQUARE and ALIBI N. These four installative works were shown in 2003 for the first time a spart oft he Festival junger Talente (Offenbach) and could be seen in 2004 in the Künstlerhaus Mousonturm (Frankfurt), at Kampnagel (Hamburg) an a spart oft he Hessische Theatertage (Gießen).

European Capital of Culture 2002 Brughes
Collaborating with students of the Music Academy RITS (Brussel) and scholars from the art and media laboratory Le Fresnoy from Northern France, students oft he Institue for Applied Theatre Studies created SOUNDINSTALLATIONS, that were shown in the context oft he .wav profram in the summer of 2002 in Brughes along the characteristic channels (supervision by Prof. Heiner Goebbels)

fabrica Medienlabor, Treviso, Italy
Collaboration between students from the Institute for Applied Theatre Studies with scholars of the media laboratory fabrica to work on a collective multimedia project, that was shown in the spring of 2001 in Gießen, Taormina (Italy) and London (UK) unter the title of LEFT HAND OF GLENN GOULD. This scenic-musical project was supervised by Prof. Heiner Goebbels and the composer Andrea Molino.