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University Archives

The university archives maintain a number of collections that serve to document the history of Giessen University and are constantly being expanded.

These include a collection of flyers and posters, the estates of Giessen professors, and the newspapers that the University of Giessen has published, including the press reviews. The bequests are currently being processed; you can already find more information on the bequest of the mathematician Friedrich Engel and that of the classical philologist and folklorist Hugo Hepding online. Another collection contains valuable individual items (including lecture transcripts, family registers, institutional chronicles, and coins), most of which come from private sources.

For some years now, the archives' extensive collection of images has been stored together with the holdings of the Giessen university library in a joint image archive. The Liebig Deposit is a special department, which the Liebig Society of Giessen owns, comprising about 3,500 documents (mainly letters) on the life and career of the chemist Justus Liebig.

The chalices and insignia are also part of the collections of the university archives. Some of the precious items can be viewed in the Rector's Room in the main building.

Point of contact:
Dr. Joachim Hendel, Head of Archives
University Archive
Otto-Behaghel-Strasse 8
D-35394 Giessen
Tel.: +49 641 99-14060