Inhaltspezifische Aktionen


Begutachtete Artikel

Begutachtete Artikel


  • Wie hältst du es mit der Corporate Governance? Auswertung der DCGK-Entsprechenserklärungen 2020-2023 (Christina E. Bannier und Henry Flach), 2024, Die Aktiengesellschaft, Online Appendix.
  • Are sustainability-linked loans designed to effectively incentivize corporate sustainability? A framework for review (Alix Auzepy , Christina E. Bannier und Fabio Martin), 2023, Financial Management,
  • Evaluating TCFD reporting—A new application of zero-shot analysis to climate-related financial disclosures (Alix Auzepy, David Lenz, Christoph Funk und Elena Tönjes), 2023, PLOS One
  • The risk-return tradeoff: Are sustainable investors compensated adequately? (Christina E. Bannier, Yannik Bofinger und Björn Rock), 2023, Journal of Asset Management, DOI 10.1057/s41260-023-00303-6
  • What could possibly go wrong? Predictable misallocation in simple debt repayment experiments (Christina E. Bannier, Florian Gärtner und Darwin Semmler) 2023, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organisation, Vol. 205, S. 28-43.
  • Doing safe by doing good: Non-financial reporting and the risk effects of corporate social responsibility (Christina E. Bannier, Yannik Bofinger und Björn Rock), 2022, European Accounting Review, DOI 10.1080/09638180.2022.2042349

  • The symmetry and asymmetry of bidder and target termination fees in acquisitions (Christina E. Bannier, Corinna Ewelt-Knauer, Mohamed Khaled und Jan-Philipp Kölling), 2021, Accounting, Economics, and Law: A Convivium, im Erscheinen.

  • The sustainability trap: Active fund managers between ESG investing and fund overpricing (Christina E. Bannier, Yannik Bofinger, Kim Heyden und Björn Rock), 2021, Finance Research Letters, im Erscheinen.
  • Corporate Social Resonsibility and Credit Risk (Christina E. Bannier, Yannik Bofinger und Björn Rock), 2021, Finance Research Letters, im Erscheinen.
  • Effekte guter Corporate Governance - Die Rolle unternehmerischer Transparenz (Christina E. Bannier, Julia Redenius-Hövermann), 2020, Zeitschrift für Corporate Governance, 06/2020, 246-252.
  • Differentiation and Risk Aversion in Imperfectly Competitive Labor Markets (Christina E. Bannier, Eberhard Feess, Natalie Packham und Markus Walzl), 2020, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, im Erscheinen.
  • Rating Changes and Portfolio Flows to Emerging Markets: Evidence from Active and Passive Funds (Christina E. Bannier, Thomas Heyden und Peter Tillmann), 2019, Economics Letters, 178, 37-45.
  • The gender gap in “Bitcoin literacy” (Christina E. Bannier, Tobias Meyll, Florian Röder und Andreas Walter), 2019, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 22, 129-134.
  • The glass-cliff myth? - Evidence from Germany and the UK (Christina E. Bannier, Myriam Bechtoldt und Björn Rock), 2019, Leadership Quarterly, 30(3), 273-297.
  • Content analysis of business-specific text documents: Introducing a German dictionary (Christina E. Bannier, Thomas Pauls und Andreas Walter), 2019, Journal of Business Economics, 89(1),79-123.
  • Gender- and education-related effects of financial literacy and confidence on financial wealth (Christina E. Bannier und Milena Schwarz), 2018, Journal of Economic Psychology, 67, 66-86.
  • Cash-flow sensitivities of interdependent corporate decisions - The role of financial constraints and hedging needs (Christina E. Bannier und Carolin Schürg), 2018, Credit and Capital Markets, 51(2), 259-292.
  • Finanzwissen und Vorsorgesparverhalten (Christina E. Bannier und Dennis Sinzig), 2017, Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung, 70(3), 243-275.
  • Gender differences in financial risk taking: The role of financial literacy and risk tolerance (Christina E. Bannier und Milena Neubert), 2016, Economics Letters, 145, 130-136. [Link]
  • Bewertungsmethoden in der Projektfinanzierung Erneuerbarer Energien – Realoptionsanalyse vs. Kapitalwertmethode, 2016, Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung (Christina E. Bannier), Vol. 68(1), 75-110.
  • Characteristics and development of corporate and sovereign CDS (Christina E. Bannier, Heinz Vogel und Tom Heidorn), 2014, Journal of Risk Finance, Vol. 15(5), S.482-509
  • SMEs’ growth heterogeneity – Evidence from regional developments (Christina E. Bannier und Sabrina Zahn), 2014, International Journal of Business Administration, Vol. 5(2), S. 23-49.
  • Competition, bonuses, and risk-taking in the banking industry (Christina E. Bannier, Eberhard Feess und Natalie Packham), 2013, Review of Finance, Vol. 17, S. 653-690.
  • Are SMEs large firms en miniature? – Evidence from the growth of German SMEs (Christina E. Bannier und Sabrina Zahn), 2012, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Vol. 17 (2), S. 220-248.
  • The economic function of credit rating agencies - What does the watchlist tell us? (Christina E. Bannier und Christian Hirsch), 2010, Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol. 34 (12), S. 3037-3049.
  • Rating opaque borrowers: why are unsolicted ratings lower? (Christina E. Bannier, Patrick Behr und André Güttler), 2010, Review of Finance, Vol. 14 (3), S. 263-294.
  • Stabilität versus Aktualität - Wann sind stabile Agency-Ratings marktbasierten Bewertungen vorzuziehen? (Christina E. Bannier), 2010, Kredit und Kapital, Nr. 3/2010, S. 349-374.
  • Is there a hold-up benefit in heterogeneous multiple bank financing?, 2010, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, (Christina E. Bannier),Vol. 166(4), 641-661.
  • Open-End Real Estate Funds in Germany – Genesis and Crisis (Christina E. Bannier, Falko Fecht und Marcel Tyrell), 2008, Kredit und Kapital, Nr. 1/2008, S. 9-36.
  • Heterogeneous multiple bank financing: does it reduce inefficient credit-renegotiation incidences? (Christina E. Bannier), 2007, Financial Markets and Portfolio Management, Vol. 21, S. 445-470.
  • The Role of Information Disclosure and Uncertainty in the 1994/95 Mexican Peso Crisis: Empirical Evidence (Christina E. Bannier), 2006, Review of International Economics, Vol. 14, Nr. 5, S. 883-909.
  • Big Elephants in Small Ponds: Do Large Traders Make Financial Markets More Aggressive? (Christina E. Bannier), 2005, Journal of Monetary Economics, Vol. 52, Nr. 8, S. 1517-1531.
  • Optimal Transparency and Risk-Taking to Avoid Currency Crises (Christina E. Bannier und Frank Heinemann), 2005, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, Vol. 161, Nr. 3, S. 374-391.
  • Private and Public Information in Self-Fulfilling Currency Crises, 2002 (Christina E. Bannier), Journal of Economics, Vol. 76, Nr. 1, S. 65-85.



  • Vertragstheorie –Eine Einführung mit finanzökonomischen Beispielen und Anwendungen, 2005, Springer, Physica-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York.
  • Information Dissemination in Currency Crises, 2003, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York, Dissertation.

Working Papers

Working Papers

  • Walk the Talk: Shareholders’ Soft Engagement on Annual General Meetings (mit Alix Auzepy, Christina E. Bannier und Fabio Martin), 2023, Center for Financial Studies Working Paper No. 689.
  • Carbon Footprints & Equity Risk Assessments (mit Alix Auzepy, Christina E. Bannier, Yannik Bofinger und Björn Rock), 2022, SSRN Working Paper.
  • What could possibly go wrong? Predictable misallocation in simple debt repayment experiments (mit Florian Gärtner und Darwin Semmler), 2022
  • Corporate ethics programs in the transformation process: Reducing risks or wasting money? – Insights from the perspective of investors (mit Anastasia Bauer, Yannik Bofinger und Corinna Ewelt-Knauer), 2022.
  • CEO-speeches and stock returns, mit Thomas Pauls und Andreas Walter, 2022.
  • Summarization in Financial Disclosures: Determinants and Effects of Prospectus Summaries (mit Daniel Blaseg), 2020
  • Learning from the Bad Guys– What Investors Learn from Error Announcements over Time (mit Corinna Ewelt-Knauer, Fabienne Hermann und Mohamed Khaled), 2020.
  • The role of financial literacy and confidence for entrepreneurship (mit Carolin Schürg und Milena Schwarz), 2019.
  • Does credit card repayment behavior depend on the presentation of interest payments? The cuckoo fallacy, mit Florian Gärtner und Darwin Semmler, 2018.
  • Performance-sensitive bank loans – The intertwined effects of performance measurement and pricing grid asymmetry, mit Markus Wiemann, 2014, in Überarbeitung.
  • Do credit ratings affect firm investments? The monitoring role of rating agencies, mit Christian Hirsch und Markus Wiemann, 2013, in Überarbeitung.
  • Bonuses as screening devices: The detrimental impact of labour market competition, mit Eberhard Feess, 2012, in Überarbeitung.
  • Credit rating agencies, financial market efficiency, and stability, mit Marcel Tyrell, 2011, Working Paper Series: Finance and Accounting, Nr. 160 (überarbeitet), Goethe-Universität Frankfurt.
  • The capital structure of Germany’s Mittelstand – Data and literature review on an alleged equity gap, mit Michael Grote, 2011.
  • Determinants of banks’ engagement in loan securitization, mit Dennis Hänsel, 2010, Deutsche Bundesbank, Discussion Paper, Series 2: Banking and Financial Studies, No. 10.
  • Austausch von Kosteninformationen in Supply Chains – Open Book Accounting, Unsicherheit und Vertrauen, 2010.

Work in Progress

Work in progress


  • Sustainable Finance Literacy & Sustainability Preferences, mit Alix Auzepy und Florian Gärtner (Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen)
  • Sustainable management compensation in Germany, mit Jan Reinschmidt (Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen)
  • Walk the Talk: Shareholders’ Soft Engagement on Annual General Meetings, mit Alix Auzepy und Fabio Martin (Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen)
  • Managing Climate-related Financial Risks in the Banking Sector, mit Alix Auzepy (Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen)
  • Performance effects of diversity in corporate boards, mit Björn Rock und Benjamin Fiorelli (Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen)



  • Bannier/Redenius-Hövermann (Hrsg.), Nachhaltigkeit und Transformation, Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag, Stuttgart, 2024.