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Ljuljanović, Denis, M.A. (alt)

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Denis Ljuljanović, M. A.
Historisches Institut, Osteuropäische Geschichte
Projekt: LOEWE-Schwerpunkt Konfliktregionen im östlichen Europa

Otto-Behaghel-Str. 10, D-35394 Gießen, Haus D303

Tel: 0049-641-99-30063 


Inhalt: Biographie | Forschungsinteressen | Publikationen | Projektbeschreibung


2008-2011 Bachelor of International Relations and Diplomacy in Humanistic Studies, University of Donja Gorica, Podgorica, Montenegro
2011-2014 Master of International Relations in Humanistic Studies, University of Donja Gorica, Podgorica, Montenegro
Seit 09/2014 PhD Candidate in Political Science and International Relations, Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey
Seit 09/2016 Researcher of Political Science and Civics, Bologna University, Bologna, Italy
Seit 02/2017 Research Assistant in the Department of Eastern European History (Prof. Dr. Rohdewald), Justus-Liebig-University, Giessen

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  • Geschichte der politischen, sozialen und kulturellen osmanischen Institutionen auf dem Balkan
  • Interkonfessionelle Beziehungen im Osmanischen Reich - soziale und religiöse Aktivitäten verschiedener ökumenischer Gemeinschaften
  • Der Balkan in der Ära von Nationalismus und Modernisierung
  • Moderne politische und soziale Geschichte des Balkans

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  • Damat Ferit Paşa – Karadağ asıllı bir sadrazam [Damat Ferit Pasa - ein Großwesir montenegrinischer Herkunft], Muhacirin Sesi, Istanbul, 2016. [Abstract in Serbo-Kroatisch]
  • The Emancipation of Women in the Ottoman Serbia in the 19th century, World Forum of Young Scientists, Baku, 2014.
  • Zhvillimi i Nacionalizmit Shqipëtar në Mal të Zi – perspektiva historike [Die Entwicklung des albanischen Nationalismus in Montenegro - historische Perspektiven], Albanian Center for Academic and Strategic Studies Collection of Scientific Papers, Tiranë, 2014.
  • Prošlost budućnosti  – od konflikta do saradnje [Die Vergangenheit der Zukunft - Vom Konflikt zur Kooperation], Podgorica Info, Information Booklet of Capital City, Podgorica, 2012.

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  • The research analyzes the Ottoman-Montenegrin relations in the context of Macedonian Question (1878-1913). The Congress of Berlin brought the official international recognition of Balkan countries as Serbia, Romania and Montenegro which were until 1878 nominally a part of the Ottoman Empire. As new-formed sovereign states, the Balkan countries granted the right to send and receive diplomatic representatives. Thereby, it gained the international legal ground for development of their own diplomatic networks, including the right to communicate with other countries through accredited foreign diplomats. Following its international recognition, Montenegro established official diplomatic relations with the Ottoman state/Devlet-i aliyye which became active at the turn of XX century in the solving process of the Macedonian Question as the last part of the Eastern Question. Actually, the Macedonian affair was at the center of the Eastern Question conflict, brought on by the progressive decline of the Ottoman Empire and imperial ambitious of great and small neighbor countries. Situated at the crossroads of East and West, Macedonia is located at the heart of Balkan Peninsula, which gives it a particular strategic value for diplomatic, political and social activities. Therefore, Macedonia/Vilayat-i Selase became foremost principal domain of political interference of the Great Powers and small Balkan countries (Montenegro, Serbia, Bulgaria and Greece) as a part of the “small power imperialism” policy and the “greater state” building projects.

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