Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

Giulia Casartelli

Giulia Casartelli (Lecco, 1986) is a researcher and mail artist. She holds degrees in cultural management (Bocconi university, Milan), anthropology (Bicocca university, Milan), thanatology (University of Padua) and she is about completing her PhD in European studies (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens). After working as a coordinator for international art exhibitions (including the Armenian Pavilion at the 56th Venice Biennial awarded with the golden lion), she began experimenting with writing and visual practices. Clementina, an exhibition and reading room (Thessaloniki, 2016), was the first result of this ongoing venture, followed by 111 Stanze (Meno Una) (Venice, 2022). She is the founder of the independent publishing project Edizioni postali tigre.

Szenisches Projekt: Words in Motion. Motion in words A writing workshop on things and rituals