Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

Coral model organisms

Stony corals are complex holobionts, they tightly associate with a large diversity of microbial organisms including symbiotic microalgae (Symbiodiniaceae) and bacteria. The individual role and contribution of these microorganisms to holobiont functions as well as their interactions are difficult to disentangle. We use a model organism approach to address this knowledge gap mechanistically. Similar to the use of mice, worms, or fruit flies as models to understand aspects of human biology, we develop cnidarian model systems and tools to understand coral holobiont complexity.

Human model organisms               Coral model organisms

                                                   Image by Giulia Puntin

Highlighted publications

  • Puntin, G., Craggs, J., Hayden, R., Engelhardt, K.E., McIlroy, S., Sweet, M., Baker, D.M., Ziegler, M. (2022):The reef-building coral Galaxea fascicularis: a new model system for coral symbiosis research. Coral Reefs, 42, 239–252.
  • Puntin, G.; Sweet, M.; Fraune, S.; Medina, M.; Sharp, K.; Weis, V.M.; Ziegler, M. (2022): Harnessing the Power of Model Organisms To Unravel Microbial Functions in the Coral Holobiont. Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews, 86, e00053-00022. 
  • Sweet, M.; Villela, H.; Keller-Costa, T.; Costa, R.; Romano, S.; Bourne, D.G.; Cardenas, A.; Huggett, M.J.; Kerwin, A.H.; Kuek, F.; Medina, M.; Meyer, J.L.; Muller, M.; Pollock, F.J.; Rappe, M.S.; Sere, M.; Sharp, K.H.; Voolstra, C.R.; Zaccardi, N.; Ziegler, M.; Peixoto, R. (2021): Insights into the Cultured Bacterial Fraction of Corals. mSystems, 6, e0124920.
  • Röthig, T., Puntin, G., Wong, J.C.Y., Burian, A., McLeod, W., Baker, D.M. (2021). Holobiont nitrogen control and its potential for eutrophication resistance in an obligate photosymbiotic jellyfish. Microbiome. DOI: 10.1186/s40168-021-01075-0
  • Herrera, M.; Ziegler, M.; Voolstra, C.R.; Aranda, M. (2017): Laboratory-Cultured Strains of the Sea Anemone Exaiptasia Reveal Distinct Bacterial Communities. Frontiers in Marine Science, 4,