Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

Procedures on animals used for scientific purposes

International Giessen Graduate Centre for the Life Sciences (GGL): Seminar about procedures on animals used for scientific purposes

Organisators: Janne Bredehöft, Martin Diener, Guido Haschke, Stephanie Krämer, Christoph Rummel

This seminar series presents a variety of different in vivo and in vitro methods using animals of common laboratory animal species as well as exotic animals and farm animals. Additionally, the participants’ knowledge is extended in pain management and monitoring as well as specific aspects of animal husbandry focussing on a scientific point of view. Further topics are planning and statistical analysis as well as ethical aspects of animal experiments.

Topics and dates in the winter semester 2024/25 (next seminar in bold):

  • 31.10.2024 Dr. Steffen Pfeuffer (JLU)
    Different aspects of neuroinflammation and their animal models
  • 21.11.2024 Dr. Anton G. Windfelder (Fraunhofer/JLU)
    Caterpillars as novel models in preclinical research: Exploring their potential and applications
  • 16.01.2025 Prof. Dr. Andreas Krueger (JLU)
    Animal models in immunology - Genetic tools and their relevance in understanding the human immune system

The seminar is held as webinar (16:00 - 17:30).
The link for participating is distributed one week before each seminar to all persons who have inscribed in our mailing list. 

Please login via the Zoom app with your COMPLETE NAME. During the seminar, we will publish a link in the chat where you can enter your complete name and your email adress. In this case, we can automatically send a personalized pdf certificate via email.

Unfortunately, the data protection rules of our university do not allow to collect both name and email directly via Zoom. Thus we have to use this way to be able to send the certificates.

Information about the seminar series/links to participate

Usually, we send an invitation email to all interested scientists one week before each seminar. If you are interested to be included in this email list, click on the link below to be included.


Inclusion in the email list
Include me in email list
Please give an institutional email (e.g. from university, institute or company) and include your full name. By sending this mail to us, you agree that your email address and name are stored electronically in this list by the institute for veterinary physiology and biochemistry of the Justus Liebig University Giessen with the aim to organize this series of seminars.

Data will be deleted when the purpose of this email list, i.e. organisation of this seminar series, has exspired or when you indicate that you want to be removed from the email list. Data handling will be according to General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)/Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DSGVO) of the European Union (see

How to be removed from the email list
Remove me from email list
Please send simply this email with the corresponding subject. You will then be removed from the email list and your stored personal data will be deleted.

This seminar series of the GGL is regularly held since winter semester 2015/16,topics of previous seminars since October 2015 are listed under this link.