Past seminars
Previous topics of this seminar series
Topics in the winter semester 2015/16:
22.10.2015 Prof. Dr. Sabine Tacke (University Giessen)
Pain management in laboratory animals.
26.11.2015 Prof. Dr. Thomas Kolbe (University Vienna)
Embryonic transfer and cryoconservation in mice.
14.01.2016 PD Dr. Christoph Rummel and Prof. Dr. Joachim Roth (University Giessen)
Telemetric recordings in basic and applied biomedical research.
Topics in the summer semester 2016:
14.04.2016 Prof. Dr. Petra Reinhold (Friedrich Löffler Institute Jena)
Large animals in biomedical research.
19.05.2016 Prof. Dr. Christiane Herden (University Giessen) and Guido Schemken (Philipps University/Marburg)
Shrews as new insectivore models.
23.06.2016 PD Dr. Eva Peters (Charité Berlin & University Giessen) and Prof. Dr. Adriana DelRey (Philipps University Marburg)
Stress or not stress in laboratory animals.
Topics in the winter semester 2016/17:
03.11.2016 Prof. Dr. Ralph Schermuly (University Giessen)
Animal models to study pulmonary hypertension.
01.12.2016 Prof. Dr. Petra Quillfeldt (University Giessen)
Field studies on wild birds.
& Prof. Dr. Christa Ewers (University Giessen)
The chicken as a versatile model to study virulence and colonization ability of Escherichia coli.
19.01.2017 Dr. Julia Hempe (University Giessen)
Health monitoring in laboratory rodents.
Topics in the summer semester 2017:
11.05.2017 Dr. Roland Plesker (Paul-Ehrlich-Institute/Langen)
Animals used for vaccine testing und for vaccine related research at the Paul-Ehrlich-Institute.
22.06.2017 Prof. Dr. Ivan Manzini (University Giessen)
Olfactory network formation and function in the amphibian Xenopus laevis.
06.07.2017 Dr. Daniel Zahner (University Giessen)
Transgenic models in academic research – principles and methods.
Topics in the winter semester 2017/18:
26.10.2017 Dr. Michaela Riz (Sanofi/Hoechst)
Quantitative systems pharmacology modeling to support drug discovery and early development.
30.11.2017 Prof. Dr. Eckhard Voland (University Giessen)
Tierethik - Philosophische und anthropologische Grundlagen.
& Dr. Katja Siegeler (Tierschutzbeauftragte Universität Giessen)
Praktische Anwendung- Ethische Aspekte bei Tierversuchsanträgen.
11.01.2018 Dr. Holger Sann (Abbott/Hannover)
Pathophysiology of pain.
Topics in the summer semester 2018:
19.04.2018 Prof. Dr. Stephanie Krämer (University Giessen)
3R Centre Gießen - New prospects in 3R research.
17.05.2018 Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Kummer & Dr. Daniel Zahner (University Giessen)
Bordetella pseudohinzii as a new challenge in murine husbandry.
21.06.2018 Dr. Andreas Mölich (Sable Systems/Berlin)
Metabolic and behavioral analysis systems for rodents.
& Dr. Guido Haschke (JLU)
Differences in energy expenditure and substrate oxidation of metabolic disorders.
Topics in the winter semester 2018/19:
01.11.2018 Dr. Florian Dehmelt (Pro-Test Tübingen)
"Wir müssen reden!" - Wie Freiwillige bei Pro-Test Deutschland e.V. über ihre Arbeit mit Versuchstieren sprechen.
06.12.2018 Prof. Dr. Peter Jedlicka (University Giessen)
Computer models, animal-based experiments and 3Rs in neuroscience.
17.01.2019 Dr. Anne Zintzsch (University Giessen)
How to assess animal welfare in genetically altered rodents?
Topics in the summer semester 2019:
23.05.2019 Prof. Dr. Maike Windbergs (University Frankfurt)
Replacement of animal experiments by in vitro models.
06.06.2019 Prof. Dr. Dr. Frederik A. Verburg (University Marburg)
Molecular imaging in novel animal models.
25.07.2019 Prof. Dr. Andreas Herling (Sanofi)
Diabetes research and animal models in pharmaceutical industry.
Topics in the winter semester 2019/20:
24.10.2019 Prof. Dr. Klaus-Dieter Schlüter (University Giessen)
Ex vivo models in cardiac research.
14.11.2019 Prof. Dr. Christoph Reinhardt and Dr. Julia Steidle (University Mainz)
Gnotobiotic animals in biomedical research.
23.01.2020 Dr. Christoph Schummer (Boehringer Ingelheim)
Development of therapeutics in (veterinary) medicine.
Topics in the summer semester 2020 (only one topic due to corona pandemy):
02.07.2020 Prof. Dr. Karsten Krüger (University Giessen)
Animal models for exercise and training.
Topics in the winter semester 2020/21:
05.11.2020 Prof. Dr. Karl-Herbert Schäfer (University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern)
Let´s move it! Analyzing gastrointestinal motility using an ex-vivo approach.
03.12.2020 Rabea Christmann & Prof. Dr. Klaus Peter Ebke (Forschungszentrum Neu-Ulrichstein)
Alternative handling and training techniques for livestock animals in scientific research.
14.01.2021 Dr. Kathrin Büttner (University Giessen)
Sensors in livestock husbandry - Monitoring of animal based indicators.
Topics in the summer semester 2021:
20.05.2021 Prof. Dr. Amrita Ahluwalia (Queen Mary University London)
Reporting in vivo experiments - The ARRIVE 2.0 guidelines: a BJP perspective.
17.06.2021 Professor Dr. André Bleich (Medizinische Hochschule Hannover)
New concepts for severity assessment in laboratory rodents.
08.07.2021 Dr. Bettina Kirchmaier (Universität Frankfurt)
Seeing is believing - Neurovascular dynamics in the zebrafish embryo.
Topics in the winter semester 2021/22:
11.11.2021 Dr. Roland Plesker (Paul-Ehrlich-Institute/Langen)
Animals used for vaccine testing und for vaccine-related research at the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut.
20.01.2022 Prof. Dr. Mike Althaus (Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg)
The Xenopus oocyte expression system.
10.02.2022 Prof. Dr. Melanie Hamann (University Giessen)
In vivo methods in neuropharmacology and neurotoxicology.
Topics in the summer semester 2022:
28.04.2022 Prof. Dr. Peter Jedlicka (University Giessen)
Morphological and biophysical models of nerve cells reveal general principles of their operation.
22.06.2022 Dr. Ross Douglas (University Giessen)
Malaria research using a rodent model of infection.
07.07.2022 Emily Northrup, PhD (MPI for brain research, Frankfurt) & Dominic Evans (MPI for brain research, Frankfurt)
Care and husbandry of Cephalopods in research.
The brains and behaviour of camouflaging Cephalopods.
Topics in the winter semester 2022/23:
17.11.2022 Prof. Dr. Susanne Herold, Dr. Kuznetsova, Dr. Vazquez-Armendariz, M. Barroso & Christina Malainou (University Giessen)
In vivo models for the study of pulmonary infections (Flu, COVID, bacterial pneumonia, post-viral bacterial pneumonia)
& Organoids as replacement for animal experiments - what can be modelled (and where do we still need animal experiments)
01.12.2022 Dr. Laura Berg (Wissenschaftliche Referentin, Informationsinitiative "Tierversuche verstehen“ der Allianz der Wissenschaftsorganisationen) & Dr. Valeska Stephan (Referentin der DFG Senatskommission für tierexperimentelle Forschung)
Initiative Transparente Tierversuche - The german transparency agreement to improve communication about animal experiments.
12.01.2023 Prof. Dr. Nadine Paßlack (University Giessen)
Use of rabbits, rodents, dogs and cats in studies on nutrition.
Topics in the summer semester 2023:
04.05.2023 Prof. Dr. Veronika Grau (University Giessen)
Kidney and lung transplantation in the rat
01.06.2023 Prof. Dr. Steffen Augsberg (University Giessen)
Homo sacer, sacrificium animalis? Tierversuche als vielschichtige normative Herausforderung
22.06.2023 Prof. Dr. Marlon Schneider & Dr. Fatina Siwczak (Univ. Leipzig)
Organ-on-chip as microphysiological systems
Topics in the winter semester 2023/24:
14.12.2023 Prof. Dr. Manfred Kössl and Dr. Julio Hechavarria (Goethe University Frankfurt)
Bats as animal models in neuroscience research
11.01.2024 Prof. Dr. Thorsten Döppner (University Giessen)
Models, concepts and scientific questions of the translational stroke research
25.01.2024 Dr. Jochen Wilhelm (University Giessen)
Sample size estimation
Topics in the summer semester 2024:
16.05.2024 Dr. Stephan Leisengang (JLU)
The pain of pain research - How can we implement the 3Rs?
06.06.2024 Prof. Dr. Peter Jedlicka (JLU) & Albert Gidon Ph.D. (Humboldt University Berlin)
Consciousness in AI, animals and plants? A challenge for neuroscience, neurophilosophy and animal welfare
04.07.2024 PD Dr. Anna Herminghaus (University Düsseldorf)
Sepsis models
Topics in the winter semester 2024/25:
31.10.2024 Dr. Steffen Pfeuffer (JLU)
Different aspects of neuroinflammation and their animal models
21.11.2024 Dr. Anton G. Windfelder (Fraunhofer/JLU)
Caterpillars as novel models in preclinical research: Exploring their potential and applications
16.01.2025 Prof. Dr. Andreas Krueger (JLU)
Animal models in immunology - Genetic tools and their relevance in understanding the human immune system