Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

Publikationen 2009


1. Balkenhol, M., Haunschild, S., Lochnit, G., Wöstmann, B.
Surfactant release from hydrophilized vinylpolysiloxanes. J Dent Res 88:668-72 (2009)

2. Balkenhol, M., Köhler, H., Orbach, K., Wöstmann, B.
Fracture toughness of cross-linked and non-cross-linked temporary crown and fixed partial denture materials. Dent Mater 25: 917-28 (2009)

3. Balkenhol, M., Eichhorn, M., Wöstmann, B.
Contact angles of contemporary type 3 impression materials. Int J Prosthodont 22:396-8 (2009)

4. Balkenhol, M., Michel, K., Stelzig, J., Wöstmann, B.
Repairability of cross-linked biopolymers. J Dent Res 88:152-7 (2009)

5. Wöstmann, B., Rehmann, P., Balkenhol, M.
Accuracy of impressions obtained with dual-arch trays. Int J Prosthodont 22: 158-60 (2009)