[14.-15. Januar 2021] Online Workshop: Pregnant Bodies – Embodied Pregnancy (Uni Köln)
Virtual Workshop / 14.–15.01.2021 / Internationales Kolleg Morphomata
Neben anderen spannenden Beiträgen spricht PRiNa-Mitglied Lisa Malich über "The Nest of the Uterus and the Nest of the Family: A History of Nesting during Human Pregnancy"
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Aus der Programmbeschreibung:
"This two-day workshop focuses on the topic of pregnant bodies and the relation between biographies, gendered life-writing and embodied pregnancy. Bodies are in a constant process of transformation and change. They are neither fixed entities nor simply objects, and may be regarded as projects that are constantly in the process of becoming and unbecoming. They are experienced by social actors with various intersectional identities, are represented and narrated in public and private contexts. Among the periods and stages in which bodies are particularly discussed in terms of their transformative capacity and reproductive qualities is pregnancy."
Due to COVID-19, this event takes place online via Zoom. All guests are welcome.
For the registration please contact Antonia Villinger (antonia.villinger[at]uni-koeln.de)