Center for International Development and Environmental Research (ZEU)
- What is ZEU about?
Since 1998, the Centre for International Development and Environmental Research (ZEU) has dedicated itself to transdisciplinary research on climate change, resource management and water scarcity through international cooperation, including transition and developing countries.
In this capacity, ZEU is an ideal platform for joint international projects. Since its foundation, ZEU has successfully implemented more than 80 interdisciplinary projects, including capacity-building-projects within DAAD. Currently ZEU leads the SDGnexus Network, a global community of universities, research centres, and stakeholders committed to promoting the Agenda 2030 for sustainable development, in the framework of the Higher Education Excellence in Development Programme (EXCEED) of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). ZEU recruits its academic members from the faculty of JLU’s departments of law, economics and business studies, social sciences, physics, geography, agricultural sciences, nutritional sciences, biology, as well as environmental management.
- Contact
Center for International Development and Environmental Research (ZEU)
Zentrum für internationale Entwicklungs- und Umweltforschung (ZEU)
Senckenbergstrasse 3
D-35390 Giessen
Phone: +49 641 99 12700
Fax: +49 641 99 127019
- ZEU_projects_landing_page
Fork-to-Farm agent-based Simulation Tool augmenting BIOdiversity in the Agri-Food VALUE ChainCLINT »
CLImate INTelligence: Extreme Events Detection, Attribution and Adaption Design using Machine LearningCROP4Europe »
Compound events and their impact on Crops in EuropeDAKI-FWS »
Data- and AI- supported early warning system to stabilise the German economyFURA »
Determinants of Food Insecurity in Urban and Rural AfghanistanHydroCrowd»
Citizen Science in HydrologyNUKLEUS 2 »
Actionable Local Climate Information for GermanyMedEWSa »
Mediterranean and Pan-European Forecast and Early Warning System against Natural HazardsSDGnexus Network »
Global Community of Universities, Research Centers and Stakeholders commited to promoting the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable DevelopmentTRANS-LIVESTOCK»
Economic integration of livestock husbandry in the trans-border region of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan
The SDGnexus Network is a global community of universities, research centers, and stakeholders committed to promoting the Agenda 2030 for sustainable development. The SDGnexus Network is a part of the DAAD “Higher Education Excellence in Development Cooperation – exceed” program and, as such, it aims to strengthen higher education for enabling effective and innovative contributions to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations.