Prof. Dr. Christina E. Bannier
Function: Head of the Chair
E-Mail: Christina.Bannier Phone: 0641/ 99 - 22551
Current research projects:
Are sustainability-linked loans designed to effectively incentivize corporate sustainability? A framework for review (with Alix Auzepy and Fabio Martin)
Walk the Talk: Shareholders' Soft Engagement at Annual General Meetings (with Alix Auzepy and Fabio Martin)
Scenario Analysis as a Tool for InvestorS, Firms, and regulators on the path to climate neutralitY (SATISFY) (with colleagues of the Frankfurt School and the DIW)
Corporate ethics programs in the transformation process: Reducing risks or wasting money? Insights from the perspective of investors (with Yannik Bofinger and Corinna Ewelt-Knauer)
Anti-money laundering in the German banking sector (with Corinna Ewelt-Knauer)
Press / Media:
Börsenzeitung, „Nachhaltigkeitsleitfaden für den Mittelstand“, 10.09.2022, „Was der Zinsschritt bedeutet“, 08.09.2022
Managermagazin, „Grüne Heuchelei“, 16.12.2021
Börsenzeitung, „Fondsmanager im ESG-Dilemma“, 05.06.2021
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, „Nachhaltigkeit – ein Pflichtprogramm auch für Aufsichtsräte!“, 10.04.2021
Süddeutsche Zeitung, „Große blinde Flecken“, 22.03.2021
HV-Magazin, „Wie sieht die HV der Zukunft aus – Experteninterview“, 10.10.2020
Börsenzeitung, „Eine gute Governance senkt die Risiken“, 11.09.2020
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, „Der blinde Fleck der BaFin“, 01.07.2020
Handelsblatt, „Der Kampf um den guten Ruf“, 17.06.2020
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung „Wireless in der Krise“, 29.05.2020
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung „Die virtuelle Hauptversammlung hat Chancen und Risiken“, 15.04.2020
Short profile
Before becoming Professor of Banking and Finance at the Justus-Liebig-University in Gießen, Christina Bannier held the Chair of Corporate Finance at the Gutenberg-University in Mainz. Prior to that, she was Head of the Finance Department at the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, where she also held the Commerzbank Endowed Chair of SME Finance.
Christina Bannier habilitated at the Goethe University Frankfurt (2006). Stays abroad led her to the London School of Economics and San Diego State University, among others. Her current research interests lie in the areas of sustainability, compliance, corporate governance and financial education. Her research has been published in the Review of Finance, Journal of Monetary Economics and Journal of Banking & Finance.
Christina Bannier is co-editor of the Journal of Business Economics and serves as a reviewer for various academic journals and associations, including the American Economic Review, Review of Financial Studies and Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization.
Christina Bannier has been a member of the Supervisory Board of Clearstream Banking AG since January 2018. Prior to this, she was a member of the Innovation Advisory Board at the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (2011-2013) and of the Economic and Future Advisory Board at the Hessian Ministry of Economics, Transport and Regional Development (2012-2015).
Currently Christina Bannier is Pro-Dean of the department, managing director of the Giessen Graduate Centre for Social Sciences, Business, Economics and Law (GGS) and spokesperson of the research network "Behavioral and Social Finance & Accounting" at the department 02. In addition, she is a member of the commission "Governance & Stewardship" of the DVFA.
Selected publications:
The risk-return tradeoff: Are sustainable investors compensated adequately? (with Yannik Bofinger und Björn Rock), 2023, Journal of Asset Management, DOI 10.1057/s41260-023-00303-6.
What could possibly go wrong? Predictable misallocation in simple debt repayment experiments (with Florian Gärtner und Darwin Semmler), 2022, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, forthcoming.
Doing Safe by Doing Good: Non-Financial Reporting and the Risk Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility (with Yannik Bofinger und Björn Rock), 2022, European Accounting Review, forthcoming.
Corporate Social Responsibility and Credit Risk (with Yannik Bofinger und Björn Rock), 2022, Finance Research Letters, Vol. 44.
The symmetry and asymmetry of bidder and target termination fees in acquisitions (with Corinna Ewelt-Knauer, Mohamed Khaled und Jan-Philipp Kölling), 2022, Accounting, Economics, and Law: A Convivium, forthcoming.
The sustainability trap: Active fund managers between ESG investing and fund overpricing (with Yannik Bofinger, Kim Heyden und Björn Rock), 2022, Finance Research Letters, forthcoming.
Differentiation and Risk Aversion in Imperfectly Competitive Labor Markets (with Eberhard Feess, Natalie Packham und Markus Walzl), 2020, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, Vol. 0, S. 1-27.
Rating Changes and Portfolio Flows: Evidence from Active and Passive Funds (with Thomas Heyden und Peter Tillmann), 2019, Economics Letters, Vol. 178, S. 37-45.
The Glass Cliff Myth – Evidence from Germany and the UK (with Myriam Bechtoldt und Björn Rock), 2019, Leadership Quarterly, Vol. 30(3), S. 273-297.
Content analysis of business-specific text documents: Introducing a German dictionary (with Thomas Pauls und Andreas Walter), 2019, Journal of Business Economics, Vol. 89(1), 79-123.
Gender- and education-related effects of financial literacy and confidence on financial wealth (with Milena Schwarz), 2018, Journal of Economic Psychology, Vol. 67, S. 66-86.
Competition, bonuses, and risk-taking in the banking industry (with Eberhard Feess und Natalie Packham), 2013, Review of Finance, 17, 653-690.
The economic function of credit rating agencies - What does the watchlist tell us? (with Christian Hirsch), 2010, Journal of Banking and Finance, 34(12), 3037-3049.
Big Elephants in Small Ponds: Do Large Traders Make Financial Markets More Aggressive?, 2005, Journal of Monetary Economics, 52(8), 1517-1532.