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Yannick Nicolai Amend

Conference Papers and Presentations

  • Amend, Y.N., Ademi, P., & Schuhmacher, M.C. (2024). New Venture Team Initiation of Lead Founders: An Exchange Theory Perspective. Accepted for presentation at the 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AoM) , Chicago, USA.
  • Amend, Y.N., Ademi, P., & Schuhmacher, M.C. (2024). Disentangling the co-founder selection process: A conjoint analysis. Accepted for presentation at the 44th Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC) , Munich, Germany.
  • Amend, Y.N., Ademi, P., & Schuhmacher, M.C. (2024). Co-founder selection in new venture teams: A multi-level perspective. Accepted for presentation at the Australian Center for Entrepreneurship Research Exchange (ACERE) Conference , Sydney, Australia.
  • Amend, Y.N., Ademi, P., & Schuhmacher, M.C. (2023). New venture team formation strategies of lead founders: A decision-making perspective. Presented at the 26th G-Forum Interdisciplinary Conference on Entrepreneurship, Innovation and SMEs , Darmstadt, Germany
  • Amend, Y.N., Ademi, P., & Schuhmacher, M.C. (2023). Disentangling the Co-Founder Selection Process: A Conjoint Analysis. Presented at the Förderkreis Gründungs-Forschung Doctoral Colloquium 2023 , Bonn, Germany
  • Amend, Y.N., Ademi, P., & Schuhmacher, M.C. (2023). Disentangling the Co-Founder Selection Process: A Conjoint Analysis. Presented at the TIME COLLOQUIUM 2023 , Saarbrücken, Germany

Book Chapters:

  • Amend, Y. N., Berdi, N., Kern, J., Rundau, R., Schmelz, M., Kochhan, C., & Schunk, H. (2019). Marke und Kommunikation in Start-ups: Ergebnisse einer Interviewstudie. Marken und Start-ups: Markenmanagement und Kommunikation bei Unternehmensgründungen , 7-31.