Conference presentations
(Authors depicted in bold were affiliated with the Department of Organization and Human Resources at the time of presentation.)
- Günther, M., & Walter, F. (2024). Why and when does supervisors' negative affect harm employees' charisma attributions:
The roles of liking and display rule perceptions. Herbstworkshop der wissenschaftlichen Kommission Personal [Fall workshop of the academic commission HRM], Hannover, D. - Scheibe, S., Fousiani, K., & Walter, F. (2024). Der Zusammenhang zwischen dem Alter von Führungskräften und ihrem aktiven
Konfliktmanagement: Die moderierende Rolle der Generativität. Joint Congress of the DGPs & ÖGP [German & Austrian Societies for Psychology], Vienna, AUT.
- Huang, S., Walter, F., & Nijstad, B. A. (2023). Flatter is better? The complex role of members’ hierarchy perceptions for team creativity. Herbstworkshop der wissenschaftlichen Kommission Personal [Fall workshop of the academic commission HRM], Berlin, D.
- Huang, S., Walter, F. (2023). How and when perceived team hierarchy shapes individual creativity. Herbstworkshop der wissenschaftlichen Kommission Personal [Fall workshop of the academic commission HRM], Berlin, D.
- Tsantila, A. E., & Walter, F. (2023). Antecedents and leadership consequences of supervisors’ employee-directed objectification. Academy of Management Conference, Boston, USA.
- Fousiani, K., Scheibe, S., & Walter, F. (2023). With age comes wisdom? Leader age and conflict management with followers. Age in the Workplace Meeting 2023, Vilnius, Lithuania.
- Leicht-Deobald, U., Backmann, J., De Vries, T. A., Weiss, M., Hohmann, S., Walter, F., & Van der Vegt, G. S. (2020). A meta-analysis on the relationship between team boundary management and team performance. European Academy of Management Conference, Winterthur/Zürich, Switzerland.
- Schlachter, S., Walter, F., & Dietl., J. (2021). Shadows of the past: How prior experiences shape employees’ reactions to current leadership. Academy of Management Conference, virtual online meeting.
- Faber, A., & Walter, F. (2020). Ruling with an iron fist: The dissatisfied powerful and their leadership behavior. European Academy of Management Conference, virtual online meeting.
- Leicht-Deobald, U., Backmann, J., De Vries, T. A., Weiss, M., Hohmann, S., Walter, F., & Van der Vegt, G. S. (2020). How team boundary spanning is most effective. Academy of Management Conference, virtual online meeting.
- Deng, H., Walter, F., & Guan, Y. (2019). Supervisor-directed emotional labor as upward influence. Tagung der Fachgruppe Arbeits-, Organisations- und Wirtschaftspsychologie (AOW) der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Braunschweig, D.
- Briker, R., Hohman, S., & Walter, F. (2019). Are we in Time? An Actor-Partner Interdependence Approach toward Time Pressure. Academy of Management Conference, Boston, USA.
- Van de Brake, H. J., Walter, F., Essens, P., & Van der Vegt, G. S. (2019). Multiple Team Membership and Individual Job Performance: A Social Network Perspective. Academy of Management Conference, Boston, USA.
- Faber, A., & Walter, F. (2019). Ruling with an iron fist: The dissatisfied powerful and their leadership behavior. 4th Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Leadership Symposium (IPLS), Corfu, Greece.
- Schlachter, S., Inceoglu, I., McDowall, A., & Cropley, M. (2018). Improving work-nonwork balance by conveying ICT-related boundary management techniques: An intervention. European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology Conference, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Schlachter, S., Inceoglu, I., McDowall, A., & Cropley, M. (2018). Work-related ICT use during evenings, psychological detachment and recovery state: A daily diary study. European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology Conference, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Briker, R., & Walter, F. 2018. Stuck in the past? The relationship of supervisor past temporal focus with leadership behavior. Academy of Management Conference, Chicago, USA.
- Hohmann, S., Walter, F., Lam, C. K., & Zhang, Y. 2018. Formal leadership and informal leader emergence: A social learning perspective. Academy of Management Conference, Chicago, USA.
- Van de Brake, H. J., Van der Vegt, G. S., Walter, F., & Essens, P. 2018. The dynamic relationship between multiple team membership and individual job performance in knowledge-intensive work. Academy of Management Conference, Chicago, USA.
- Faber, A., & Walter, F. 2018. Blind at the top? Work stress moderates the role of power for emotion recognition. EMONET Eleventh International Conference on Emotions and Organizational Life, Chicago, USA.
- Lam, C. K., & Walter, F. 2018. Emotion suppression and perceived interpersonal citizenship behavior: The moderating roles of relationship conflict and team goal interdependence. European Academy of Management Conference, Reykjavik, IS.
- Briker, R., Hohmann, S., & Walter, F. 2018. Are we on time? The effect of time pressure on interpersonal behavior in dyads. Conference of the German Society for Psychology (Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie), Frankfurt, D.
- Briker, R., & Walter, F. 2018. Der Blick zurück ist ein zweischneidiges Schwert - Die Beziehung zwischen Vergangenheitsfokus der Führungskraft und aufgabenorientiertem, mitarbeiterorientiertem und Laissez-Faire Führungsstil. Conference of the German Society for Psychology (Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie), Frankfurt, D.
- Liborius, P., & Walter, F. 2018. Leaders’ humility and followers’ turnover intentions: The mediating role of affective trust and the moderating role of competitiveness. Conference of the German Society for Psychology (Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie), Frankfurt, D.
- Faber, A., & Walter, F. 2018. Ruling with an iron fist: The dissatisfied powerful and their leadership behavior. Conference of the German Society for Psychology (Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie), Frankfurt, D.
- Briker, R., & Walter, F. 2017. The Role of supervisors’ time urgency and status for autocratic leadership and employee attitudes. Academy of Management Conference, Atlanta, USA.
- Faber, A., & Walter, F. 2017. Age and Emotional Aperture: The Moderating Role of Agreeableness. Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP), Orlando, USA.
- Hohmann, S., & Walter, F. 2017. Looking up with a frown: Status, negative affect, and self-enhancement behavior in groups. Academy of Management Conference, Atlanta, USA.
- Van de Brake, H. J., Walter, F., Rink, F., Essens, P., & Van der Vegt, G. S. 2017. Is multiple team membership a challenge or a hindrance for individual employees? Academy of Management Conference, Atlanta, USA.
- Cantimur, Y., Rink, F. A., Van der Vegt, G. S., & Walter, F. 2017. A contingency model of the dominance route to social influence in work teams: The moderating role of intra-team competition. Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference, San Antonio, USA.
- Faber, A., & Walter F. 2016. Blind at the Top? Work Stress Moderates the Role of Power for Emotion Recognition. 50th Conference of the German Society for Psychology (Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, DGPs), Leipzig, D.
- Neeb, M., & Walter F. 2016. Loosing Grip? Job Tenure als Moderator der Beziehung zwischen transformationaler Führung und Job Engagement. 50th Conference of the German Society for Psychology (Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, DGPs), Leipzig, D.
- Hohmann, S., & Walter F. 2016. When does status foster assertive or defensive behavior? The moderating role of motivation. 50th Conference of the German Society for Psychology (Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, DGPs), Leipzig, D.
- Deng, H., Walter, F., & Guan, Y. 2016. A dual-pathway model of supervisor-directed surface and deep acting. Academy of Management Conference, Anaheim, USA.
- Van de Brake, H. J., Walter, F., Rink F., Essens, P., & Van der Vegt, G. S. 2016. Multiple team membership and individual performance in knowledge-intensive work. Academy of Management Conference, Anaheim, USA.
- Briker, R., & Berti, S. 2016. When does time really fly? The influence of task importance on the perception of duration. 58th Conference of Experimental Psychologists (Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, TeaP), Heidelberg, Germany.
- Van de Brake, H. J., Walter, F., Rink, F. A., Essens, P., & Van der Vegt, G. S. 2016. So, what am I doing in all these teams? A moderated mediation model of multiple team membership, organizational tenure, and sick leave. INGRoup Conference, Helsinki, FI.
- Feenstra, S., Jordan, J., Stoker, J. I., & Walter, F. 2016. Power and unethical behavior: The moderating role of self-justifications. Association for Psychological Science Convention, Chicago, USA.
- Oedzes, J., Van der Vegt, G. S., Rink, F. A., & Walter, F. 2016. Informal hierarchy and group creativity. The moderating role of empowering leadership. INGRoup Conference, Helsinki, FI.
- Bucur, R. E., Rink, F. A., Walter, F., & Van der Vegt, G. S. 2016. Unlocking barriers to team performance: surviving coordination problems through hierarchical reorganization. INGRoup Conference, Helsinki, FI.
- Feenstra, S., Jordan, J., Walter, F., Yan, J., & Stoker, J. I. 2015. The hazard of teetering at the top an being tied to the bottom: The interactive relationship of power, stability, and social dominance orientation. Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Oslo, Norway.
- Oedzes, J., Van der Vegt, G. S., Rink, F. A., & Walter, F. 2015. Formal hierarchy as antecedent of informal hierarchy: A laboratory experiment and field study. Academy of Management Conference, Vancouver, Canada.
- Voorn, B. C. M., Walter, F., & Stoker, J. I. 2015. Pulling the right organizational levers: How goal characteristics and ethical climate can prevent abusive supervision. Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Oslo, Norwegen. (nominated for the “Best Scientist-Practitioner Presentation Award")
- Walter, F., Lam, C. K., Van der Vegt, G. S., Huang, X., & Miao, Q. 2014. The Dark Side of Leadership: Destruktive Führung als strategisches Instrument? [The dark side of leadership: Destructive leadership as a strategic instrument?] Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie [German Psychological Society Conference], Bochum, D.
- Lacroix, M., & Pircher Verdorfer, A. 2014. Servant Leadership - Gütekriterien einer deutschen Adaption des multidimensionalen Instruments von Liden und Kollegen (2008) zur Messung dienender Führung. [Servant leadership - validity criteria for a German adaptation of Liden and colleagues' (2008) multidimensional instrument]. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie [German Psychological Society Conference], Bochum, D.
- De Vries, T. A., Walter, F., Van der Vegt, G. S., & Essens, P. 2014. Governance and effectiveness of multi-organizational collaborations. Academy of Management Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
- Deng, H., Walter, F., Lam, C. K., & Zhao, H. H. 2014. Emotional labor interactions and coworker harming: A self-regulatory depletion perspective. Academy of Management Conference, Philadelphia, PA. (Best paper proceedings)
- Van de Brake, H. J., Rink, F. A., Walter, F., & Van der Vegt, G. S. 2014. Multiple team membership in knowledge-based organizations: A double-edged sword? 9th Annual INGroup Conference, Raleigh, NC.
- Bucur, R. E., Walter, F., Rink, F. A., & Van der Vegt, G. S. 2014. Informal hierarchy emergence in human groups. Association for Psychological Science Convention. San Francisco, CA.
- Oedzes, J. J., Rink, F. A., Walter, F., & Van der Vegt, G. S. 2014. The development of informal influence differentials in egalitarian groups: Is hierarchy inescapable? European Association of Social Psychology General Meeting, Amsterdam, NL.
- Voorn, B. C. M., Walter, F., & Stoker, J. I. 2013. Affective mechanisms for a trickle-down effect of transformational leadership: The role of justice. Academy of Management Conference, Orlando, FL.
- De Vries, T. A., Hollenbeck, J., Davison, R., Walter, F., & Van der Vegt, G. S. 2013. Intrapersonal functional diversity and multiteam system performance: A moderated dual-pathway model. Academy of Management Conference, Orlando, FL. (Best paper proceedings)
- Lam, C. K., Walter, F., & Huang, X. 2013. Exhausted leaders: Abusive supervision, subordinate deviance, and self-monitoring. Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP), Houston, TX.
- Walter, F., Lam, C. K., Van der Vegt, G. S., Huang, X., & Miao, Q. 2012. Abusive supervision mediates self-fulfilling prophecies: The moderating role of outcome dependence. Academy of Management Conference. Boston, MA.
- Lam, C. K., & Walter, F. 2012. Emotional exhaustion, abusive supervision, and subordinate deviance: The role of self-monitoring. Academy of Management Conference. Boston, MA.
- De Vries, T. A., Walter, F., Van der Vegt, G. S., Essens, P., & Vogelaar, A. 2012. Boundary spanning of broad functional generalists: Roles of cognitive complexity and identification. Academy of Management Conference. Boston, MA.
- Voorn, B. C. M., Walter, F., & Stoker, J. I. 2012. Affective mechanisms for the trickle-down effect of transformational leadership: The moderating role of organizational justice. Annual WAOP Conference. Groningen, Netherlands.
- Walter, F., & Cole, M. S. 2011. Change cynicism, transformational leadership, and the buffering role of dispositional optimism. Academy of Management Conference. St. Antonio, TX. (Best paper proceedings)
- Walter F., & Lam, C. K. 2011. Display rule perceptions and job performance: The moderating role of employees’ affect. Academy of Management Conference. St. Antonio, TX.
- De Vries, T. A., Walter, F., Van der Vegt, G. S., Essens, P., & Vogelaar, A. 2011. Boundary spanning within multiteam systems: The roles of functional experience and identification. Academy of Management Conference. St. Antonio, TX.
- Van der Kleij, R., De Vries, T. A., Walter, F., Van der Vegt, G. S., Essens, P., & Vogelaar, A. 2011. Coordinating across boundaries within multiteam systems: The importance of members’ personalities. 7th International Conference of the Dutch HRM Network. Groningen, NL.
- Carl, D., Nijstad, B., & Walter, F. 2011. Time-pressure and creativity: Opening the black box. 7th International Conference of the Dutch HRM Network, Groningen, NL.
- Walter, F., Van der Vegt, G. S., & Cole, M. S. 2010. Emotion recognition and leader emergence: Examining mechanisms and boundary conditions. Academy of Management Conference. Montréal, Canada.
- Walter, F., Cole, M. S., & Humphrey, R. H. 2010. Leadership and emotional intelligence: Where do we stand and where do we go from here? Academy of Management Conference. Montréal, Canada.
- Cole, M. S., Walter, F., & O’Boyle, E. 2010. Work engagement: A case of putting the cart before the horse? Academy of Management Conference. Montréal, Canada.
- Lam, C. K., Van der Vegt, G. S., Walter, F., & Huang, X. 2009. Social comparison and interpersonal harming in teams: A social relations analysis. Academy of Management Conference. Chicago, IL.
- Walter, F., & Van der Vegt, G. S. 2009. Harnessing positive mood for team learning facilitation: The role of perceived team feedback. Academy of Management Conference, Chicago, IL. (Best paper proceedings)
- Menges, J., Walter, F., Vogel, B., & Bruch, H. 2008. Mechanisms and boundary conditions for performance effects of transformational leadership climate. Academy of Management Conference, Anaheim, CA.
- Walter, F. 2008. The antecedents of charismatic leadership behaviors: A review and theoretical integration. Academy of Management Conference, Anaheim, CA.
- Walter, F., & Vogel, B. 2008. A theoretical exploration of mixed group mood: The construct and its performance consequences. EMONET Sixth International Conference on Emotions and Worklife, Fontainebleau, France. (Highly commended paper)
- Cole, M. S., & Walter, F. 2007. Antisocial behavior, affect, expressivity and performance: A team-level moderated mediation study. Academy of Management Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
- Poralla, S., Bruch, H., & Walter, F. 2007. Goal commitment and transformational leadership: The role of productive organizational energy. Academy of Management Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
- Walter, F., & Bruch, H. 2007. Organizational structure and transformational leadership climate. Academy of Management Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
- Bruch, H., & Walter, F. 2006. Leadership among top and middle mangers: Hierarchical impacts on transformational leadership. Academy of Management Conference, Atlanta, GA.
- Bruch, H., Walter, F., & Voelpel, S. C. 2006. The emergence of work groups’ mental energy: Investigating the role of charismatic leadership. European Academy of Management Conference, Oslo, Norway.
- Walter, F., & Bruch, H. 2006. Investigating the emotional basis of charismatic leadership: The role of leaders’ positive mood and emotional intelligence. EMONET Fifth International Conference on Emotions and Organizational Life, Atlanta, GA. (Best paper award)
- Walter, F., & Bruch, H. 2006. Leaders' mood and emotional intelligence as leadership antecedents: A theoretical model of charismatic and prevention-oriented leadership emergence. EMONET Fifth International Conference on Emotions and Organizational Life, Atlanta, GA.
- Walter, F. 2005. Towards a dynamic model of collective emotion emergence in work groups. Academy of Management Conference, Honolulu, HI.