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Eingeladene Hauptvorträge bei internationalen Tagungen

Keynote: "How to Cope with the Limits of Narrative: The Unnatural, the Authorial Audience, and Flesh-and Blood Readers." The Limits of Narrative. University of Gronigen (Holland), 30. Januar – 3. Februar 2023.

Keynote: "Becoming Somebody Else: The Concept of the Storywold Possible Self." Storyworld Possible Selves II: Empirical Research in Reader Engagement and Possible Selves. University of Twente, 31. Oktober – 1. November 2022.

Keynote: "The Wor(l)ds in Climate Change Fiction: Immersive and Political Effects." International Association of Literary Semantics Conference. Reykjavík (Island), 14.-18. April 2019.

Keynote: "Narrative and Cognition." LACE Winter School, Tartu (Estland), 22.-26. Januar 2018.

Keynotes: "Postcolonial Narratology" and "The Ideological Implications of Aboriginal Narratives." Summer Course in Narrative Studies (SINS), Aarhus Universitet (Dänemark), 7.-12. August 2016.

Keynote: "Narratology Today." Uses of Narrative: New Developments in Narrative Theory. University of Gronigen (Holland), 2.-5. Februar 2016.

Keynote: "The Unnatural Across the Fiction/Non-Fiction Divide." European Narratology Network (ENN) Conference. Syddansk Universitet, Kolding (Dänemark), 10.-11. März 2011.

Keynote: "The Search for Other Worlds – And Further Reasons to Study Literature." Why Study Literature? Aarhus Universitet (Dänemark), Oktober 2008.

Eingeladene Hauptvorträge bei deutschen Tagungen

Keynote:  "What is Narrativity?" The Study of Ocean Narratives in Digital Humanities. Kiel, 5.6. Juli 2018.

Keynote: "Towards an Analysis of Ideological Underpinnings: How Narratives Evoke World Views." Literature and Literary Studies in the 21st Century. Schloss Rauischholzhausen, 25.-27. Juni 2018.

Keynote: "Transmedial Narratology and Theatrical Performance." Winter School on Transmedial Narratology. Tübingen, 23.-26. Februar 2016.

Keynote: "Was sind unnatürliche Erzählungen? Zur Analyse und Interpretation von physikalischen, logischen und menschlichen Unmöglichkeiten." Welten Erzählen: Narrative Evokation des Unmöglichen. 3. Wuppertaler Graduiertenforum Narratologie. Bergische Universität Wuppertal, 14.-16. Juni 2012.  

Weitere Vorträge auf Einladung

"Outward Metalepsis in English Literature." DFG-Netzwerk Diachronic Metalepsis. Heidelberg, 21. Januar 2023. [via Zoom]

"The Aachen Center for Cognitive and Empirical Literary Studies." Meeting of the Paris Centre for Narrative Matters, Université de Paris, 6.-7. Oktober 2022. 

"Cognitive Narratology, Embodied Cognition, and Empirical Literary Studies." Universität Leipzig, 3. Dezember 2021. [via Zoom]

"Literature as Identity Laboratory: Storyworld Possible Selves and Boundary Expansions." Workshop: "The Multidisciplinary Foundations of Storyworld Possible Selves", Madrid, 11.-12. November 2021. [via Zoom]

"Possible-Worlds Theory, Fictionality, and the Unnatural." Licencorship for Fiction: Modalities of Epistemic, Ethical, and Aesthetic Authorisation Processes (SFB 1385 – Recht und Literatur), Münster, 30. Juni-2. Juli 2021. [via Zoom]

"Unnatural Narratives and What to Do with Them." Kyiv National Linguistic University (Research and Educational Center for Multimodal and Translation Studies) & Kherson State University (Foreign Language Education Office), 22. April 2021. [via Zoom]

"Real Readers and Unnatural Narrators." Sheffield Hallam Stylistics Research Group, 18. März 2021. [via Zoom]

"Historical Narratology: Metaleptic Jumps between the Middle Ages and Postmodernism." Novelizations of Scandinavian Prose Literature in the Late Premodern Period, UZH (Universität Zürich), 5.-6. Dezember 2019.

"Literature as Identity Laboratory: Storyworld Possible Selves and Boundary Expansions." The Value of Literature, Schloss Rauischholzhausen, 20.-22. Juni 2019.

"The Negotiation of Aboriginality in Non-Indigenous Prose." Centre for Australian Studies, Köln, 22. Januar 2019.

Mit Judith Eckenhoff. "Absorption and the Belief in Behavioral Consequences: How Climate Fiction Impacts on Actual Readers." Emprirical Ecocriticism, Rachel Carson Center, München, 14.-15. Dezember 2018.

"Narrative and Ideology." Gent University, 18. Oktober 2018.

"Ways of Making Sense of the Unnatural." Interdisciplinary Centre for Narrative Studies, University of York, 19. September 2018.

"The Process of Narrativization and the Concept of the Storyworld." University of Antwerp (Belgien), 14. Dezember 2017.

"From Classical Structuralist Narratology to Postclassical Narratologies." Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapur, 21. August 2017.

"Drama Narratology and the Narrativization of Live Performances." National University of Singapore (NUS), 15. August 2017.

"Networks of Immorality in Eighteenth-Century Circulation Novels." Literarische Netzwerke im achtzehnten Jahrhundert, Literaturwissenschaftliches Kolloquium, Universität Bielefeld, 7. Februar 2017.

"Postmoderne Stimmen aus dem Jenseits." Komisch – fantastisch – ambivalent: Das Jenseits in Prosatexten der Gegenwart. Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, 14.-15. Oktober 2016.

"Narrative Techniques and Ideology: Resilience and Humor in Contemporary Aboriginal Cultures." The Ideological Force of Narrative, Narrare, University of Tampere (Finnland), 29.-30. September 2016. 

"Indigenous Australian Identities in Aboriginal Narratives." Lunch Talk Series, Aarhus Universitet, 13. April 2016.

"Resilience and Experimentation in Contemporary Aboriginal Narratives." Universitetet i Oslo (Norwegen), Oktober 2015. 

"The Gothic Novel and Other Types of Experimentalism in the Eighteenth Century." The Many Faces of the Gothic, Aarhus Universitet (Dänemark), 26. Mai 2015.

"Transparent Minds in the Movies." Universität Trier, 5. Februar 2015. 

"Ideology and Form: The Experimentalism of Recent Australian and Indian-English Prose Narratives." Narrative Research Lab, Aarhus Universitet (Dänemark), 10. Dezember 2014.

"How to Analyse a Cinematic Narrative: Concepts of Film Narratology." Aarhus Universitet (Dänemark), 22. Oktober 2014.

"Postmoderne Literatur und kognitive Literaturwissenschaft – Strange Bedfellows?" Ringvorlesung Kognitive Ansätze in der Literaturwissenschaft, RWTH Aachen, 11. Juli 2014.

"Inner Lives in Film: Cinematic Versions of Psychonarration, Free Indirect Discourse, and Direct Thought." Literaturwissenschaftliches Kolloquium des Instituts für Englische Philologie (LMU München), 9. Januar 2014.

"Character Interiority in the Movies." Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, 2. Dezember 2013.

"Die Postmoderne und das Unnatürliche." Institut für Medien und Kommunikation, Universität Hamburg, 14. November 2013. 

"Unnatural Spaces and What to Do with Them." EARS-Treffen (Basel), 7. Juni 2013.

"Unnatürliches Erzählen." Bonner Zentrum für transkulturelle Narratologie, 13. Juli 2012.

"Unnatural Spaces and Narrative Worlds." Time, Space, and the Unnatural. Project Narrative, Ohio State University, 16. November 2011.

"What is an Unnatural Narrative and Why Should We Deal with It?" Speaker Series, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, 10. November 2011.

"What are Unnatural Narratives?" University of Maryland (College Park), 7. November 2011.

"Unnatural Narratives and What To Do with Them." University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 26. Oktober 2011.

"The History of the Unnatural." Narrative at the Extremes. Helsinki Yliopisto (Finnland), 4. Oktober 2010.

"Toward the Limits of Human Cognition: Unnatural Elements in Postmodernist Storyworlds." Workshop, Project Narrative, Ohio State University, April 2008.


"Disruptive Narratives: The Case of QAnon." Narrative, Dallas (TX), 1.-4. März 2023.

"Narrative Strategies, Ideologies, and the Climate Change Film The Day after Tomorrow." Narrative, Chichester (UK), 28.-30. Juni 2022.

"Metalepsis from the Middle Ages to Postmodernism." Narrative, Online-Konferenz, 19.-22. Mai 2021. [via Zoom]

"Identity Modifications, Boundary Expansions, and Storyworld Possible Selves." Narrative, New Orleans, LA, 5.-8. März 2020. [via Zoom]

"Towards an Empirical Narratology." Narrative, Pamplona (Spanien), 30. Mai-1. Juni 2019.  

"How Actual Readers Process Unnatural Narratives." MLA, Chicago, 3.-6. Januar 2019.

"Erzählstrategien und Ideologie: Wie literarische Texte Weltbilder evozieren." Workshop: Politische Theorie und Literaturwissenschaft. RWTH Aachen, 29. Juni 2018.

"They-Narratives." Narrative, Montréal (Canada), 19.-22. April 2018.

"Transcending Poverty and Precarity: The Chooky Dancers." GAPS Conference (Bonn): Representing Poverty and Precarity in a Postcolonial World, 25-27. Mai 2017.

"What is Post-Postmodernism? The Purposeful Self-Reflexivity of Zorba the Greek Yolngu Style by the Chooky Dancers." Narrative, Lexington, KY, 23.-26. März 2017.

Mit Marco Caracciolo. "Mimesis." Poetics Today-Workshop, Stockholm, 4. November 2016.

"Comparison, Inclusiveness, and Non-Hierarchical Incommensurability: Narrative Strategies in New Aboriginal Life Stories." Anglistentag, Hamburg, 21.-24. September 2016.

"Towards a New Reading Paradigm: Presence Effects, Composure, and the Capacity of 'Letting Things Be.'" IAUPE Conference, London, Juli 2016.

"Beyond Invasion and Colonization: Contemporary Aboriginal Narratives." Narrative, Amsterdam, 16.-18. Juni 2016.

"The Material Conditions of Waanyi Existence in Alexis Wright's Carpentaria." The Postcolonial and the Material (Gesellschaft für Anglophone Postkoloniale Studien), Augsburg, 5.-7. Mai 2016.

"Narrating the Impossible." Worlds in Process, TU Darmstadt, 29.-30. Januar 2016.

"Narrating the Orient: The Brief Eastern Episodes in Romantic Poetry." Narratives of Romanticism (Gesellschaft für englische Romantik), Wuppertal, 8.-11. Oktober 2015.

"Ideologies and Narrative Strategies: The Narrators of Benang and Midnight's Children." Ideology in Postcolonial Texts and Context (Gesellschaft für Anglophone Postkoloniale Studien), Münster, 14.-16. Mai 2015.

"Transmedial Meets Postcolonial Narratology: An Analysis of Zorba the Greek Yolngu Style by the Aboriginal Chooky Dancers." European Narratology Network Conference, Ghent (Belgien), 15.-18. April 2015.

"A Reading of Salman Rushdie's Midnight's Children." Ideology and Form, Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies. Aarhus (Dänemark), 25.-26. März 2015.

"Indigeneity in Contemporary Australian Literature and Culture." Fellows' Seminar, Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies. Aarhus (Dänemark), 23. März 2015.

"Ideology and Form: The Negotiation of Aboriginality in Contemporary Australian Prose." Narrative, Chicago, 5.-8. März 2015.

"The Disembodiment of the Narrative Instance in Postmodernist Fiction." Disembodied Voices – Unembodied Narration, Freie Universität Berlin, 21.-22. November 2014.

"Innovative Eighteenth-Century Fiction: The Case of the Speaking Objects in Circulation Novels." Sektion "Enlightenment Fictions – Fictions of Enlightenment," Anglistentag in Hannover, 21.-23. September 2014. 

"The Social Minds in Factual and Fictional We-Narratives of the Twentieth Century: A New Typology." Social Minds, Freiburg, 21.-23. Mai 2014.

"Literary History and Postmodernism from the Perspective of the Unnatural." Narrative. Boston, MA, 27-29. März 2014.

"The Reception of Eighteenth-Century Experimentalism." Panel "Eighteenth Century Literary and Cultural Criticism," ASECS, Williamsburg, VA, 20.-22. März 2014.  

"Pre-Postmodernist Manifestations of the Unnatural: Instances of Expanded Consciousness in Omniscient Narration and Reflector-Mode Narratives." Narrative: An International Conference. Manchester, UK, 27.-29. Juni 2013.

"Experientiality and the Unnatural." Cognition and Poetics. Osnabrück, 25.-27 April 2013.

"The Representation of Character Interiority in Film." European Narratology Network Conference, Paris, 29.-30. März 2013.

"Dickens and the Prison." Dickenstag, University of Freiburg. 17. Dezember 2012.

"Impossible Narrators and Storytelling Scenarios." Narrative: An International Conference. Las Vegas, NV, 15.-17. März 2012.

"The Unnatural Spaces in House of Leaves and The Infernal Desire Machines of Doctor Hoffman." ASAP 3: The Arts of the Planet. Pittburgh, PN, 27.-30. Oktober 2011.

Mit Alice Bell. "Ontological Metalepsis and Unnatural Narratology." Chair des Panels "Emotions, Cognition, and Ethics in the Short (Short) Short Fiction of the Americas." Narrative: An International Conference, St. Louis, MO, 7.-10. April 2011. 

"Unnatural Temporalities: Interfaces between Postmodernism, Science Fiction, and Fantasy." Narrative: An International Conference. Cleveland, OH, 8.-11. April 2010.

"Impossible Storyworlds: An Extreme Case of Counterfactuality." Counterfactual Thinking – Counterfactual Writing. Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS). Freiburg, 28.-30. September 2009.

"Deictic Markers in Unnatural Narrative." Linguistics & Literary Studies. Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS). Freiburg, 8.-10. Juli 2009.

"The Significance of Logical Impossibilities." Narrative: An International Conference. Birmingham, UK, Juni 2009.

"The Diachronic Development of Unnaturalness." Unnatural Narratives, Unnatürliches Erzählen. Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies. Freiburg, November 2008.   

Organisation des Panels "Unnatural Narrative, Unnatural Narratology: Beyond Mimetic Models?" (mit Brian Richardson). Vortrag: "Approximating Impossibility: Unnatural Elements in Postmodernist Narrative." Narrative: An International Conference. Austin, TX, Mai 2008.

"Narratology as a First Step Towards Interpretation: The Significance of the Metaleptic Jumps and Diverse Styles in At Swim-Two-Birds." Narrative: An International Conference. Washington D.C., 15.-18. März 2007.

"Legitimating the Prison, Reproducing Cultural Hegemonies: The Case of the American Prison Movie" and Chair des Panels "Imagology." Legitimating Cultures, Cultures of Legitimacy. Bukarest (Rumänien), November 2006.

Chair des Seminars "Narrative at the Crossroads: New Developments in Narrative Study" (mit Alan Palmer). Vortrag: "The Cinematic Narrator and the Narrativity of Film Reconsidered." ESSE 8. London, UK, August/September 2006.

"Film Narratives and Metaphor." Narrative: An International Conference. Ottawa (Kanada), April 2006.

Panel Chair und Vortrag: "Prison, Racism, and Society: The Prison Autobiography I Am a Fugitive from a Georgia Chain Gang! and its Film Adaptation." National PCA/ACA Conference. San Diego, CA, März 2005.

"Interpreting the Prison: The State Penitentiary in the Film The Shawshank Redemption." National PCA/ACA Conference. San Antonio, TX, April 2004.

"Bodies Behind Bars: The Disciplining of the Prisoners' Bodies in British and American Prison Films." ESSE 6. Strasbourg (Frankreich), August/September 2002.

Weitere Präsentationen

"Cognitive and Empirical Literary Studies." Forschungskolloquium des Psychologischen Instituts der RWTH Aachen, 4. Dezember 2017.

Verleihung der Festschrift auf dem 60. Geburtstag von Monika Fludernik. Historisches Kaufhaus Freiburg, 16. Juni 2017.

Ansprache auf der Graduiertenfeier des Englischen Seminars der Universität Freiburg. 29. November 2013. 

"Unnatural Narrative: Impossible Worlds in Fiction and Drama." EARS-Treffen, Freiburg, 22. Oktober 2010.

"Risiken und Nebenwirkungen der Promotion." Milestones, Freiburg, 31. Juli 2010.

"Unnatural Narrative: Impossible Worlds in Fiction and Drama." Auto-Tutorial organisiert von Master Students der Uni Freiburg. Freiburg, 3. Juni 2010.

Diskutant von Henrik Skov Nielsens Vortrag "New Ethics, New Formalism." Mind – Narrative – Ethics (organisiert vom European Narratology Network). Hamburg 23.-24. Januar 2009. 

Workshop über Experimental Writing and Brian Evenson's Short Story "Mudder Tongue" (Project Narrative). Ohio State University, April 2008.

"Shakespeare im Kontext der Renaissance." Gymnasien I und II im Ellental, Bietigheim 29. März 2007.

Rede des Promovierten. Promotionsfeier der Universität Freiburg, Juli 2005.

Organisation von Konferenzen, Sektionen und Panels

Organisation des ACCELS-Workshops "Interfaces of First- and Second-Generation Approaches in Cognitive Literary Studies" (mit Ralf Schneider und Sven Strasen). RWTH Aachen, 7.-8. Oktober 2021. [via Zoom]

Organisation des ACCELS-Workshops "The Study of Literature, Reading, and Cognition: Interdisciplinary Approaches, Concepts, and Terms" (mit Ralf Schneider und Sven Strasen). RWTH Aachen, 5.-6. Oktober 2020. [via Zoom]

Organisation der Ringvorlesung "Aachen Lectures on Empirical and Cognitive Literary Studies" (mit Sven Strasen). Vortragende: Catherine Emmott, Joanna Gavins, Mark Turner, Irene Mittelberg, Ansgar und Vera Nünning, Ralph Radach, Elena Semino, Jan-Noël Thon, Julia Vaeßen und Willie van Peer. RWTH Aachen, Sommersemester 2018.

Organisation der Ringvorlesung "Aachen Colloquium on Literature, Emotion, and Cognition" (mit Sven Strasen). Vortragende: Jan Alber, Peter Stockwell, Gunther Martens, Marco Caracciolo, Marcus Hartner, Moniek Kuijpers, Karin Kukkonen, Merja Polvinen, Ralf Schneider, Alan Palmer, Christian Kohlschein und Sven Strasen. RWTH Aachen, Sommersemester 2017.

Organisation einer Diskussion mit Generalkonsul Michael R. Keller zum Wahlsieg von Donald Trump (mit Paula Niemitz und Sven Strasen). RWTH Aachen, 1. Februar 2017.  

Organisation eines Gastvortrages ("From Event to Node: How 'Future Narratives' Impact the Way We Conceive of the Future") von Christoph Bode mit anschließendem Workshop. Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies (Dänemark), November 2015.

Organisation der Sektion "Reading Multiraciality in Anglophone Narratives" (mit Miriam Nandi). Vortragende: Christoph Ehland, Nicole Falkenhayner, Julia Hoydis, Corinna Lenhardt, Felicitas Meifert-Menhard und Christine Vogt-William. Anglistentag Paderborn, September 2015.

Organisation des Workshops "Ideology and Form in Anglophone Narrative" am Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies. Vortragende: Jana Gohrisch, Stefan Iversen, Tabish Khair, Henrik Skov Nielsen, David Punter, Roy Sommer und Merle Tönnies. Aarhus (Dänemark), März 2015. 

Organisation des Dickenstages (mit Monika Fludernik). Votragende: Jan Alber, Katharina Boehm, Monika Fludernik, Barbara Korte, Norbert Lennartz und Andrea Stiebritz. Freiburg, Dezember 2012.

Organisation des MLA-Panels "Postmodern and Unnatural Narratives" für die International Society for the Study of Narrative. Vortragende: Bruce Clark, Chris Kilgore, Karin Kukkonen und Henrik Skov Nielsen. Modern Language Association (MLA), Philadelphia, PA, Dezember 2009.   

Organisation der Konferenz "Unnatürliches Erzählen – Unnatural Narrative" (mit Rüdiger Heinze). Vortragende: Jan Alber, Ridvan Askin, Johannes Fehrle, Monika Fludernik, Marina Grishakova, Per Krogh Hansen, Rüdiger Heinze, Martin Hermann, Stefan Iversen, Maria Mäkelä, Andrea Moll, Henrik Skov Nielsen, Brian Richardson und Jeff Thoss. Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS), November 2008.

Organisation des Symposiums "Law and Literature" (mit Monika Fludernik). Vortragende: Simon Stern and Hal Gladfelder. Freiburg, Oktober 2006.

Organisation des Symposiums "Free Indirect Discourse" (mit Monika Fludernik). Vortragende: Samuli Hägg, Markku Lehtimäki, Alan Palmer und Elena Semino. Freiburg, Januar 2005.

Organisation des Symposiums "History and Narration" ("Hayden White-Kolloquium") (mit Monika Fludernik). Vortragende: Hayden White, Uri Margolin und Richard Walsh. Freiburg, Februar 2003.