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GCSC Research Colloquium - 20th anniversary

Celebrating the “place-to-be” of foreign language teaching

JLU has been considered a stronghold of foreign language pedagogy (Fremdsprachendidaktik) since the 1990s. The renowned GCSC Research Colloquium, which is a core part of this tradition, now celebrated its 20th anniversary. A disciplinary Who-Is-Who consisting of alumni and current affiliates met for an informal anniversary event on 05 May 2023 in the Alexander-Humboldt-Saal of the JLU and discussed achievements of the colloquium.

After an outline of the colloquium’s historical development by Eva Burwitz-Melzer and Daniela Caspari, a welcoming speech was given by Michael Basseler (GCSC). In the second part of the event, David Gerlach, Friederike Klippel, Michael Legutke, Dietmar Rösler and Nevena Stamenković discussed the success factors of foreign language research conducted by young academics.

Germany has achieved some international renown in the discipline by incorporating literature in foreign language teaching. This leadership role is not least owed to the research conducted at JLU. As a representative of this field, Wolfgang Hallet addressed the fruitful relationship between the triad of foreign language teaching, literature and cultural studies in his short lecture. Finally, all participants exchanged views on future perspectives for doctoral and postdoctoral colloquia.

On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the colloquium, it was possible to bring the representatives of foreign language pedagogy, who are now spread all over Germany, back to the place where their academic work once began.

Lea Korell and Leo Will