Developmental Psychology
ATTENTION: Here you will find all information about
Master theses in the Department of Developmental Psychology!
Justus Liebig University Giessen
FB 06 Psychology und Sport Science
Developmental Psychology
Prof. Dr. Gudrun Schwarzer
Otto-Behaghel-Strasse 10 F
35394 Giessen
Here you'll find information about our team members and their contact addresses.
Information for parents:
Here you can find out how you can take part in our studies with your child.
Study results:
Here you can see what we have found out thanks to our studies.
Research topics:
Here you can read more about our research focus.
Here you'll get an overview about our publications.
Guest talks:
Here you find all our current guest talks.
Information for students:
Students can find our research topics for their theses here.
Job offers:
Here you will find our job vacancies.