PhD Theses
Since 2012, the following PhD theses of successful IPPAE candidates have been published:
- Ume, Chukwuma (2024): Agroecology as a political concept: A case study of the Southeast geopolitical region of Nigeria
- Adela, Fitsum Assefa (2023): Optimum Use of Irrigation Water: Bio-economic household modeling of small-scale irrigation scheme in South Central Ethiopia
- Haldar, Surajit (2023): Institutional innovation in groundwater governance in Odisha (India): A numerical simulation in water use association
- Gicheha, Simon Kariuki (2022): Camel milk marketing in Kenya: Institutional arrangement and performance
- Haruna, Bashiru (2022): Towards improved nutrition: Strategies to change labour effort among smallholder farmers in northern Ghana
- Mateus, Adriana Marcela Gomez (2021): Analyzing the inclusion of nature in an oil palm plantation: a landscape ecological case study in Mapiripán, Meta, Colombia.
Mutota, Emily Nyanyukweni (2021): Integrated Valuation of Environmental Goods and Services in North-Eastern Namibia.
Arwata, Christine Alum (2021): Farm Resource Allocation Decisions in smallholder Farming Systems in the Mount Elgon Region of Uganda.
Specht, Gabriel (2021): Different tools for different tasks: the economy-wide impacts of agricultural development and social protection programmes implemented concomitantly in a Brazilian rural village.
- Geda, Shimelis Araya (2020): Seed Innovations adoption processes in Ethiopia: A Case study from the Farmers' Preferences and Supply Chain Performance.
- Luswaga, Hussein Mohamed (2019): Non-Timber Forest Products Utilisation, Income Benefits and Villager's Forest Management Participation in West Usambara-Tanzania
- Raghavan Sathyan, Archana (2019): Climate change vulnerability assessment among rainfed smallholder farmers: a case analysis from Indian watersheds.
- Kyomugisha, Harriet (2018): Competitiveness of Organic Pineapple Marketing in Uganda: Successes and Failures in Compliance with Quality Standards
- Wangchuk, Sonam (2017): Resource Allocation Decisions among Agricultural Households in Bhutan: Policy Analysis Using a Household Modelling Approach
- Leah, Musyimi Scholastica (2017): Agricultural Market Integration in Kenya: Impact of Transaction Costs on Regional Maize Markets
- Noma, Freddy (2017): Assessment of Food Reserve Policies in West-Africa: Case Study of Benin Grain Reserve Policy Design and Impacts
- Nasrin, Mahmuda (2017): Fertilizer Subsidy Policy in Bangladesh: Impact on Rice Production and Policy Consequences
- Salam, Shakila (2017): Economic Consequences of Structural Change and Farm Development Strategies in Bangladesh
- San, Aye Moe (2016): Rice Contract Farming System and its Impact on Smallholder Livelihood in Myanmar
- Gebeyehu, Kelemework Geleta (2016): Impacts of Productive Safety Net Program on Village Economy in Ethiopia: Village Computable General Equilibrium Modelling Approach
- Nguyen, Thanh Vu (2016): Structural Change in Agriculture and its Impact on Rural Household Income: Case Study in Ha Tay, Vietnam
- Nguyen, Thi Hong Mai (2016): Forest and Forestland Use Rights: An Institutional and Economic Analysis of Forest Devolution in Upland Central Vietnam
- Do, Xuan Luan (2016): Access to Credit and Household Income in the Northern Mountains of Vietnam
- Feleke, Solomon Tsehay (2015): Effect of Trade Liberalization on Poverty, Income Inequality and the Ethiopian Economy: A CGE Modelling Approach
- Palash, Md. Salauddin (2015): Land Use Change from Crop to Fish Farming in Bangladesh: Determinants and Impacts on Farm Profitability
- Akhter, Shamima (2015): Internal Migration and its Impact on Farm Production and Food Security: The Case of Bangladesh
- Tung, Diep Thanh (2015): Structural Change in Agricultural Land Use in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam
- Haile, Anteneh Girma (2015): Integrated Rainwater Harvesting Practices: Smallholder Farmers' Decisions, Impact on Livelihood and Environmental Services in Azgo Watershed, Ethiopia
- Kaweesi, Collins Richard (2015): The Role of Vegetable Exports in Rural Livelihood Improvement: A Value Chain and Economic Ananlysis of the Hot Pepper Sub-Sector in Uganda
- Xiu, Fengli (2014): China's Agricultural Trade and Impact of China's Agricultural Policy: Scenario Analysis and Forecasting
- Yegbemey, Rosaine Nérice (2014): Adaption to Climate Change and Sustainable Agriculture in West Africa: A Case Study of Maize Farming in Benin
- Mashimba, Semistatus Hussein (2014): Economic Performance of Micro and Small-Scale Enterprises (MSEs) in Tanzania: Growth Hazards, Returns and Architecture among Fruit and Vegetable Processing Vendors
- Bwala, Madu Ali (2014): Resource Allocation and Consumption Pattern of Farm Households in Nigeria: A Price Policy Analysis
- Kabir, Humayun (2013): Analysis of Biogas Technology in Bangladesh: Toward Sustainable Renewable Energy
- Ibrahim, Abdelateif Hassan (2013): Impact of Microcredit on Poverty Alleviation in Rural Sudan: An Applied Modelling Approach in North Kordofan, Central-west Sudan
- Tsehay, Abrham Seyoum (2013): Rural Household Poverty and Vulnerability in Ethiopia: Dynamics, Determinants and Policy Implications
- Musyoka, Philliph Michael (2013): Food Consumption Patterns, Welfare and Food Security: An Analysis of the Impacts of Urbanization, Economic Reforms and Rising Food Prices in Kenya
- Yan, Xiaohuan (2013): Land Tenure Arrangements, Factor Market Development and Agricultural Production in China: Evidence from Henan Province
- Gouzhary, Izhar (2013): Analysis of Regional Cluster Development in Indonesia: An Empirical Study on Leather Industry
- Omondi, A. Immaculate (2013): Dairy Marketing Hubs in East Africa: Economic Analysis of Farmer Preferences for Services
Peer-Reviewed Publications
- Abulude, I., & Wahlen, S. (2024). Food loss analysis in Nigeria: A systematic literature review. Environmental Challenges 17 (2024) 101027.
Cano, A., Cortés, D., Mantilla, C., Prada, L., & Restrepo, M. (2024). Are non-fungible payments attractive when they reduce risk exposure? Evidence from Colombia. PLoS ONE 19(1): e0296299.
Manyong, V., Nguezet, P. M. D., Nyamuhirwa, D. M. A., Osabohien, R., Bokanga, M., Mignouna, J., ... & Adeoti, R. (2024). Drivers and magnitude of food insecurity among rural households in southern Democratic Republic of Congo. Heliyon, 10(21).
- Nguezet, P. M. D., Nyamuhirwa, D. M. A., Shiferaw, F., Manyong, V., Sissoko, D., Moussa, B., ... & Abdoulaye, T. (2024). Cross-country Evidence of Consumers’ Perception of Food from Animals Fed on Insects in DR Congo, Mali, and Niger. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research, 101243.
Suarez, A. (2024). Critical overview of the expansion of Hass avocado plantations in Salamina, northern Caldas, Colombia. Journal of Land Use Science, 19(1), 230–238.
Suarez, A., & Ume, C. (2024). Transforming food systems in the Global South: a radical approach. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 8, 1397100.
Nasiri, M., Gassler, B., & Teuber, R. (2023). Consumers’ perceptions of meat safety and quality – a qualitative content analysis from Afghanistan. British Food Journal, 125(9), 3404–3421.
- Suarez, A., & Gwozdz, W. (2023). On the relation between monocultures and ecosystem services in the Global South: A review. Biological Conservation, 278, 109870.
- Baibagyssov, A., Thevs, N., Nurtazin, S., Waldhardt, R., Beckmann, V., & Salmurzauly, R. (2020). Biomass Resources of Phragmites australis in Kazakhstan: Historical Developments, Utilization, and Prospects. Resources (2020), 9 (6), 74.
- Raghavan Sathyan, A., Funk, C., Aenis, T., Winker, P., & Breuer, L. (2018). Sensitivity Analysis of a Climate Vulnerability Index: A Case Study from Indian Watershed Development Programmes. Clim Chang Responses (2018) 5: 1.
- Raghavan Sathyan, A., Funk, C., Aenis, T., & Breuer, L. (2018). Climate Vulnerability in Rainfed Farming: Analysis from Indian Watersheds. Sustainability, 10(9):3357.
- Raghavan Sathyan, A., Aenis, T., & Breuer, L. (2016). Participatory vulnerability analysis of watershed development programmes as a basis for climate change adaptation strategies in Kerala, India. J. Environ. Res. Develop., 11 (1), 196-209.
- Hamdani, H., Kurniawan, A. Y., & Yuliono, A. (2016). Turning Back Rice Farming on Dayak Meratus Tribe in South Kalimantan - Indonesia: An Environmental and Economic Assessment IJRAF 3(7): 38-45.
- Wilda, K., Ferrianta, Y., Rifiana, R., & Kurniawan, A. Y. (2016). Resource use and Profit Function Estimation of Swampland Rice Farming in South Kalimantan, Indonesia. IJRAF 3 (3): 19-25.
- Hamdani, H., Yanti, N. D., Budiwati, N., & Kurniawan, A. Y. (2016). Analysis of Household Economic Behavior on the Palm Oil Smallholder in South Kalimantan - Indonesia IJRAF 3(8): 15-25.
- Salam, S. (2016). Structure and future development of the service sector in Bangladesh. European Journal of Service Management, Vol. 20, 4/2016, P. 49-55, ISSN: 2450-8535.
Conference Talks and Papers
Nasiri, M., Gassler, B., & Teuber, R., (2024): Consumers’ preferences for meat attributes and their meat attachment attitude in Afghanistan – A Best-Worst Scaling (BWS) approach. 10th EAAE PhD Workshop, 5-7 June, Budapest, Hungary.
Abulude, I. (2023): An Assessment of Food Loss and Waste in Nigeria, International Workshop of the Right Livelihood College (RLC): Sustainable agriculture and local livelihoods: Understanding complex systems and (re-)thinking change, 25-28 September 2023, Bonn, Germany.
Abulude, I. (2023): Assessment of Food Loss and Waste Among Arable Crop Farmers in Nigeria: Bridg’it! Studying Food, Flavours, and Eating Across the Channel and the North Sea Workshop, 10-12 May 2023, Giessen, Germany.
Cano, A. (2023): Farmers’ Adaptation Behavior to Climate Change: the Case of Central Colombia. International Workshop of the Right Livelihood College (RLC): Sustainable agriculture and local livelihoods: Understanding complex systems and (re-)thinking change, 25-28 September 2023, Bonn, Germany.
Nasiri, M., Gassler, B., & Teuber, R., (2023): What meat attributes do consumers in Afghanistan value the most? A best-worst scaling approach, Tropentag 2023, 20-22 September 2023, ZALF & Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany.
Nasiri, M., Gassler, B., & Teuber, R., (2022): Understanding consumers’ perception of meat safety and quality at pre-harvest and harvest stages in Afghanistan: A qualitative content analysis, Tropentag 2022, 14-16 September 2022, Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic.
Nasiri, M., Gassler, B., & Teuber, R., (2022): The role of framing effect and priming in shaping demand for safer food choices: Evidence from an experimental auction with four different mutton meat in Afghanistan, 183rd EAAE Seminar, 8-9 September 2022, Zagreb, Croatia.
Luswaga, H. (2018): The Utilization Pattern and Salient Non-Timber Forest Products in State and Community Managed Forests in West Usambara Mountains, Tanzania, 7th PhD Conference on International Develpment, 8-9 November 2018, Bochum, Germany.
Mutota, E./Domptail, S. (2017): Using of Photovoice to elicit socio-cultural elements and socio-cultural values that rural communities attached to nature in North-eastern Namibia, Tropentag September 20-22, Bonn.
Raghavan Sathyan, A., Funk, C., Aenis, T., Winker, P., & Breuer, L., (2017). Climate Vulnerability Assessment and Sensitivity Analysis in Rainfed Farming Communities of Kerala, India, Tropentag September 20-22, Bonn.
Raghavan Sathyan A., Aenis T., and Breuer L., (2016). Participatory vulnerability analysis of watershed development programmes as a basis for climate change adaptation strategies in Kerala, India. 8th International Congress of Environmental Research, July 27/28, 2016, Luebeck, Germany (Young Scientist and Best Paper Presentation Award).
Salam, S./Bauer, S., (2016). Rural Non-Farm Economy and Livelihood Diversification Strategies: Evidence from Bangladesh. MIRDEC Social Science Conference, Volume: 2016-2, P. 24, Prague, Czech Republic, 19-21 July 2016. ISBN: 978-605-83117-1-8.
Raghavan Sathyan A., Aenis T., and Breuer L., (2016). Climate vulnerability analysis facilitating transformation of watersheds in Kerala, India. 12th IFSA Europe Symposium on Social and Technological Transformation of Farming Systems: Diverging and Converging Pathways, July 12-15, 2016, Harper Adams University, Shropshire, UK.
Raghavan Sathyan A., Aenis T., and Breuer L., (2015). Participatory vulnerability and stakeholder analysis of watershed development programmes as a basis for capacity development in climate change adaptation strategies in Kerala, India. National Seminar on Human Resource Planning in India, December 15/16, 2015, Kozhikode, Kerala, India.
Conference Posters
Akinwehinmi, T. 2023. Consumers’ willingness to pay for genetically biofortified foods: Evidence from Nigeria. TROPENTAG 2023 on “Competing pathways for equitable food systems transformation: trade-offs and synergies,” 20-22 September 2023, Berlin, Germany.
Akinwehinmi, T. 2023. Is absolute opposition to bioengineered food overstated? Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa. EAAE Congress on “Agri-food systems in a changing world: Connecting science and society,” August 29 – September 1, 2023, Rennes, France.
Cano, A. 2023. Farmers’ Adaptation Behavior to Climate Change: the Case of Central Colombia. Tropentag 2023 on “Competing pathways for equitable food systems transformation: trade-offs and synergies”, 20-22 September, Humboldt-Universität, Berlin, Germany (Poster).
Kasebele, M, Jacobs S and Breuer, L. 2023. Inputs of reactive nitrogen from wet deposition and fertilization in a tropical montane catchment characterised by smallholder farming. European Geoscience Union 23-28 April 2023, Vienna Austria (Poster).
Akinwehinmi, T. 2021. The impact of moral opposition to tampering with nature on consumers’ preference for genetically biofortified food in Sub-Saharan Africa. TROPENTAG 2021 on “Towards shifting paradigms in agriculture for a healthy and sustainable future,” 15-17, hybrid conference, Germany.
Kasebele, M, Jacobs S, Rufino, M and Breuer, L. 2021 Nitrogen inputs for agriculture in a tropical montane catchment, a water quality ambiguity? Water Security ad Climate Change Conference, Hanoi March 2021 (Poster).
Kasebele, M, Jacobs S, Rufino, M and Breuer, L. 2021 Nitrogen inputs from smallholder farming in a tropical montane catchment -current state and outlook. European Geoscience Union 19-30 April 2021, Vienna Austria (Poster).
Alum, C. 2020. Smallholder farms characterization and their use of productive resources in the Mt. Elgon region, Uganda. Tropentag 2020 on 'Food and nutrition security and its resilience to global crises', 9-11 September, 2020, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Czech Republic (Poster).
Alum, C. 2019. Farm household decision making on crop diversity in the Mt. Elgon region, Uganda: a collage approach. Tropentag 2019 on 'Filling gaps and removing traps for sustainable resources management', September 18-20, 2019, University of Kassel (Poster).
Raghavan Sathyan, A., Funk, C., Aenis, T., Winker, P., and Breuer, L. 2018. Changing Climate - Changing Livelihood: Farmer's Perceptions and Adaptation Strategies, Indian Watershed Context. Tropentag 2018 on Global food security and food safety: The role of universities, September 17 - 19, 2018,Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium (Oral).
Thanh, N. P. T., Raghavan Sathyan, A., Rhyner, J. and Garschagen, M. 2018. Adaptation to Flash Floods and Landslides of Rural Households in the Northern Vietnam: An Insight into the Key Drivers. Tropentag 2018 on Global food security and food safety: The role of universities, September 17 - 19, 2018, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium (Poster).
Raghavan Sathyan, A., Funk, C., Aenis, T., Winker, P., and Breuer, L. 2017. Climate vulnerability assessment and sensitivity analysis in rainfed farming communities of Kerala, India. Tropentag 2017 on ‘Future Agriculture: Social-ecological transitions and bio-cultural shifts’, 20-22 September, 2017, Bonn (Poster).
Thanh, N. P. T., Raghavan Sathyan, A., Rhyner, J. and Garschagen, M. 2017. Assessing Household Vulnerability to Flash Floods and Landslides: Key Insights from Vietnam. Tropentag 2017 on Future Agriculture: Socio-ecological transitions and bio-cultural shifts, September 20-22, 2017, Bonn, Germany (Oral).
Raghavan Sathyan, A., Aenis, T. and Breuer, L. 2016. Participatory climate vulnerability analysis of watershed communities: an indicator approach. Tropentag 2016 on ‘Solidarity in a Competing World - Fair Use of resources’, 19 – 21 September, 2016, Vienna, Austria (Poster).