Currently available theses
Theses type |
Animal species |
Topic |
Supervisor |
BSc/MSc |
Poultry |
Investigation into the feeding place requirements of laying hens |
BSc/MSc |
Influence of group size on emotional state of turkeys |
BSc/MSc |
Rabbits |
Topics upon request |
BSc/MSc |
Horses |
Biomechanical effects of whole and half parade in modern sport horses |
BSc/MSc |
Quality of rider-horse interaction in cross-country riders with motion and heart rate measurement |
BSc/MSc |
Comparison of single and double broken water snaffles |
BSc/MSc |
Learning in horses |
MSc |
Influence of illness of mare and/or foal on their interactions and behaviours |
BSc |
Investigation on intuitively understandable feeding systems for dairy calves |
BSc/MSc | Video analysis roughage intake in mother-bound calf rearing | Anina Vogt | |
MSc |
Investigation into the understanding of time in cattle |
BSc/MSc |
Influence of husbandry and management on udder health |
BSc/MSc |
Influence of housing and management on calf health |
BSc/MSc |
Influence of wolf deterrent stimuli on the stress state and behaviour of cattle |
BSc/MSc |
Investigation of the relationship between animal welfare and health parameters of dairy cows and their offspring |
BSc/MSc |
Evaluation of barn climate data in connection with the thermoregulatory behaviour of dairy cows |
BSc/MSc |
Influence of different management methods on the emotional state of female calves |
BSc/MSc |
Survey of factors influencing the colostrum quality of dairy cows |
BSc/MSc |
Survey of behavioural parameters (with regard to social behaviour/behavioural disorders) in dairy cows |
BSc/MSc |
Survey of clinical animal welfare parameters in dairy cows: comparison of different dairy farms, e.g. with regard to organic/conventional or e.g. with regard to feeding/milk yield or own proposal |
BSc/MSc |
Sheep |
Topics upon request |
MSc |
Pigs |
Influence of group size on the emotional state of fattening pigs |
BSc/MSc | Video analysis of lying and/or drinking behaviour of undocked piglets in alternative piglet rearing | Uta König von Borstel |