Document Actions


An overview of the projects at the professorship for animal and pathogenetics:


Current Projects

Polled intersex syndrome in the goat - Studies on reproduction in genetically hornless goats
Funding by: Käserei Stift Schlierbach GMBH&CO KG and Bio-Genossenschaft Schlierbach reg.Gen.mbH; Duration: 11/18-10/25

Practical strategies for population and health management using the Thuringian Forest goat as a model
Funding by: Federal Office for Agriculture and Food  (BLE), commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture; Duration: 04/21-04/24

Molecular genetic characterisation of the diversity of alpaca populations in German-speaking countries
Funding by: Association for the Promotion of Research in the Health Sector of Llamas and Alpacas e.V.; Duration: 08/21-12/23

Investigations on prion variants in Icelandic sheep
Funding by: University of Iceland, Keldur; Duration: 01/22-12/25

Study on genetic, epigenetic, transcriptomic and proteomic mechanisms modulating sheep resistance to small ruminant lentivirus
Funding by: German Research Foundation (DFG); Duration: 05/22-04/25

Evaluation of the possibility to breed for resistance to the maedi visna virus in the breed Rauwolliges Pommersches Landschaf
Funding by:
Federal Office for Agriculture and Food  (BLE), commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture;
Duration: 06/23-07/24 

Completed Projects

Investigations on scrapie resistance in Icelandic sheep
Funding by: Working group "New solutions for the scrapie problem", Iceland
Duration: 08/21-07/22

Study on genetic factors controlling liver copper concentration in sheep
Funding by: German Research Foundation (DFG); Duration: 09/19-08/22

Horn status in sheep - Development of a genetic test to detect genetic horn status in sheep
Funding by: Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank (LR); Duration: 05/17-12/19

Introduction to molecular analysis of health and breeding relevant traits in the alpaca
Funding by: Association for the Promotion of Research in the Health Sector of Llamas and Alpacas e.V.; Duration: 10/18-10/20