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Claus Leggewie

Climate Change is a REAL Crisis. A gentle reminder for social constructivists (13.05.2014)

Scientists feel uneasy when cultural studies scholars perceive climate change as a "construction", humanities people are unhappy with straightforward positivists. The presentation refers to a years-long collaboration with scientists in the context of policy advice and advocacy. And it will lay out some general orientation for a new research approach in the "Environmental Humanities".

Claus Leggewie

Professor and director of the Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities Essen (KWI) , Chairman of their Board of Directors and Co-Director of the Käte Hamburger Collegium “Political Cultures of World Society” at University of Duisburg-Essen.Leggewie

Main Research:

  • Climate and Culture: Cultural factors of the adaptation of modern societies to the consequences of climate change
  • Inter-Culture: Preconditions and Consequences of cultural and religious globalization
  • Culture of Memory: European conflicts of memory and politics of history
  • Furthermore: Political and scientific communication through digital media, democratisation of non-western societies

Publications (selection):

  • Zukunft im Süden. Wie die Mittelmeerunion Europa wiederbeleben kann. Edition Körber-Stiftung 2012
  • Mut statt Wut. Aufbruch in eine neue Demokratie. Edition Körber-Stiftung 2011
  • (Harald Welzer, Hans-Georg Soeffner, Dana Giesecke, Hg.)KlimaKulturen: Soziale Wirklichkeiten im Klimawandel. Campus Verlag. Frankfurt/New York 2010
  • (mit Harald Welzer) Das Ende der Welt, wie wir sie kannten. Klima, Zukunft und die Chancen der Demokratie. S. Fischer Verlag. Frankfurt/Main 2009