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Short Forms, Big Impact: Brevity as a Tool in Research, Teaching, and Communication | Workshop: Short Forms for Distracted Minds: Social Media, the Attention Economy, and Science Communication

This event is part of the workshop series "Short Forms, Big Impact: Brevity as a Tool in Research, Teaching, and Communication".


Jun 01, 2023 from 03:30 to 05:00 (Europe/Berlin / UTC200)


GCSC (SR 109)

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Being online means being bombarded by a constant stream of information vying for our attention. In the face of this sheer volume, it can seem impossible to successfully communicate our research to stakeholders in academia and beyond. How then can we make scientific output find its designated audience and meet our communicative goal, both as individual researchers and as representatives of institutions?
Some of the key questions for this purpose concern the choice of short form, the fostering of lasting interactivity, and the productive combination of multimodality and brevity. In this workshop, we will outline the genre ecology of social media for science communication, before participants think through specific affordances and shortcomings. To gain hands-on experience, we will then develop a heuristic for choosing the right short form for one’s needs and explore some tools for creating and managing impactful content.

This summer semester, five short hands-on workshops will be dedicated to the topic of short forms in the study of culture. Several aspects of academic training and practice, - especially with regard to academic communication, writing, and teaching, - will be examined to explore the ubiquity and affordances of short forms. Participants of the workshops will engage in conversation about concepts, didactic tools, and concrete ideas for using short forms in interdisciplinary academic contexts. The workshops can be attended independently of each other. Everyone interested is welcome!
This workshop series is part of the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership "Short Forms Beyond Borders" (2020-2023), co-funded by the European Commission. 

// Robin Schmieder & Sandra Engels (GCSC)

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