Document Actions

Lecture on Climate Migration

26 January 2023 - "Storm Nomads." Climate change demands a new migration policy.



Cooperation with the DFG-Forschungsgruppe MeDiMi (Menschenrechtsdiskurse in der Migrationsgesellschaft) and the Umweltrechtliches Praktikerseminar of the JLU



*Please note that the lecture will be held in German*

Time Location Participation
6 p.m. c.t.

University main building, 3rd floor, seminar room 315.

Online registration to

or spontaneous attendance


Guest Lecture

Dr. Kira Vinke

Center for Climate and Foreign Policy at the German Council on Foreign Relations & the German government's Advisory Council on Civilian Crisis Prevention and Peacebuilding

„Sturmnomaden“. Der Klimawandel verlangt eine neue Migrationspolitik

Durch den Klimawandel dehnen sich Wüsten aus, werden Küsten überspült und reißen Bergrutsche Dörfer und Stadtviertel weg. Dadurch schränken sich die Lebensräume für Menschen weiter ein, eine massive Klimawanderung ist die Folge. Kira Vinke hat mit ihrer Pionierarbeit zu den Sturmnomaden auf die Notwendigkeit einer Politik hingewiesen, die Klimawandel und Biodiversitätsverlust als Fluchtgründe anerkennt und sich dem Thema der globalen Migration neu stellt.



Prof. Dr. Jürgen Bast (Chair of Public Law and European Law at JLU and spokesperson for the MeDiMi research group)

Dr. Kira Vinke

Dr. Kira Vinke is the director of the Center for Climate and Foreign Policy at the German Council on Foreign Relations and co-chair of the German government's Advisory Council on Civilian Crisis Prevention and Peacebuilding. Her research topics include climate impacts, violent conflict, and civil crisis prevention, particularly in South Asia, the Sahel, and the Pacific. Previously, she worked as a consultant for the German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU) and as a consultant for the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) and the Asian Development Bank. She is also involved in the board of trustees of World Vision Deutschland e.V., as a member of the association of the German section of Action against Hunger, and in the Development Service and Humanitarian Aid Committee of Bread for the World.


Prof. Dr. Jürgen Bast

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Bast, Chair of Public Law and European Law at JLU and spokesperson for the MeDiMi research group, will open the discussion on Dr. Kira Vinke's lecture with a commentary on "Climate Migration and the Humanization of Refugee Law".