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Planetary Spaces: Shrinking Spaces & Toxic Zones

The Planetary Workshop Series is an integral part of the Planetary Scholars and Artists in Residence Program. Each semester, the visiting scholars and artists prepare a workshop of one or more days with reference to the Fellowship theme and their own focal points. The thematic orientation as well as the organizational design of the workshop are left entirely to the Fellows, and thus the Planetary Workshop Series features exciting content, creative formats, and unusual perspectives. Here you can find information on all past events of this series. 


Click here to download a PDF version of the event description.

Please note that the event will be held entirely in English. A digital participation via BigBlueButton will be possible for parts of the workshop. The link will be provided after registration at panel.

...The workshop “Shrinking Spaces & Toxic Zones” is an urgent call to ‘think planetary’ as it delves into the long term environmental catastrophes of Fukushima nuclear disaster and the shrinking of Lake Chad. Can these spaces be restored to their former state? Do these catastrophes lead to inevitable territorial and mental conflicts? Are there strategies of adaptation available to these realities? What can we learn from more-than-humans about such adaptations?


Thursday, 01.06.2023 | Shrinking Spaces: From Mega-Chad to Lake Chad

From once Mega-Chad to present day Lake Chad, Oladosu explores the development of a shrinking space embodied in its name - an ecological catastrophe exacerbated by climate change that has created conflict in the region over the dwindling sustenance of livelihood.


Transport from Giessen


Presentation & Discussion: “Using Earth Observation to Restore Shrinking Planetary Spaces: A Case Study of Lake Chad”
Adenike Oladosu - Hybrid event


Lecture: “Why is Lake Chad Prone to Conflict and Climate Change?”
Patrick Flamm (Peace Research Institute)

16:00 “Climate Change, Long-term Catastrophe, and Mental Illness”
Adenike Oladosu | Jason Waite | Claudia J. Ford (SUNY, Potsdam)


Exhibition Opening & Reception

Friday, 02.06.2023 | More-Than-Humans’ Adaptation to Toxicity: From Fukushima to Hessen

As we accelerate toward planetary toxicity, how can we learn from more-than-human adaptations to damaged environments? Waite takes you on an exploration observing the behaviour of the same more-than-human species in Hessen and in the Fukushima Exclusion Zone.

09:00 Film Screening & Discussion: “Understanding More-Than-Humans: Rauischholzhausen to Fukushima”
Jason Waite | Kieran O’Mahony (Czech Academy of Sciences)
11:00 Collective Drawing Workshop: “Imagining More-Than-Human Infrastructure”
14:00 Outdoor Walk
15:00 Exhibition open for viewing (to be continued at Kunsthalle Giessen on 06.07.2023)
17:00 Closing & Transport back to Giessen


two-day event with accommodation & transport provided for all 20 participants

Register via by 19.05.2023, as number of participants is limited.