The Parliament for the Future
*** event series held in German***
In cooperation with City Theater Giessen
Ticket sale via City Theater Giessen webshop
Time | Venue | Participation |
8:00 pm |
City Theater Giessen |
For all interested parties, registration through City Theater Giessen |
When we don't know what to do anymore, we ask the echidnas for help.
Tyson Yunkaporta
The ongoing mass extinction of species and the accelerated climate change are threatening all life on our planet. It is time for something to change, quickly and radically, as the promised successes are still awaited. How can we act locally while thinking globally? What means do we have now, here, to counter the approaching catastrophe? What does joyful climate protection look like that ensures biodiversity and guarantees the future viability of our cities? And can humans and animals peacefully coexist at all? In the Parliament for the Future, we want to address these questions and explore various scenarios for sustainable coexistence. In October, we will inaugurate the Parliament together with Claus Leggewie and Liza Bauer from the Panel on Planetary Thinking at Justus Liebig University Giessen, discuss with experts, go on city walks, invite you to make the city greener, attempt sustainable cooking, and together view our environment from new perspectives.
"A Parliament of Things" is what political ecologist Bruno Latour called a gathering of non-human actors who have so far been excluded from the political process, even though they are affected by it and subordinated to it. The lecture invites reflection on the idea of expanded representation.
Media report: Eine Stimme für die anderen. Diskussions- und Vortragsreihe »Das Parlament der Zukunft« im Stadttheater eröffnet mit Liza Bauer, Claus Leggewie und Tim Kahn. Gießener Anzeiger.
14.12.23 | 20:00 | Of Wild Boars and City Pigeons: Experiences of Coexistence Between Humans and Animals in the City and Innovative Ideas for the Future" (Dr. Annette Voigt)

12.02.2024 | 20:00 | Animal-Aided Design: For an Architecture of Biodiversity (Prof. Dr. Thomas E. Hauck)

06.05.24 | 20:00 | Urban Ecosystems: Which Animals Live Where and How Can the City Be Transformed Through Them? | A City Walk (Dr. Markus Dietz)

13.05.24 | 19:00 | Recipes for the Future: How Does Sustainable Cooking Actually Work? | Cooking Show (Veganatural Giessen)

08.07.24 | 20:00 | Planet B | Staged Reading (Yael Ronen and Itai Reicher)

As the effects of the climate catastrophe become more and more evident worldwide, humanity, in its dominance, continues to destroy the habitats of other organisms. As the "Project Earth" faces the risk of failure, the next mass extinction is already on the horizon. Or is a good existence for all living beings on this planet still possible? And according to which principles should this life be shaped – Survival of the fittest, Darwin 2.0, or equality and democracy for all? In the Giessen Parliament of Animals, various species raise their voices and defend their right to be heard. Whether bat, chicken, crocodile, ant, or human – in the end, does survival still depend solely on evolution?