Homogenize Prior Knowledge
Background knowledge is a decisive factor in the context of students' learning success. How well new content is captured by learners depends, among other things, on the extent to which they can link the information to their existing knowledge assets. Various authoring tools and applications are available to homogenise and query prior knowledge.
This page is constantly growing with the project and is regularly filled with new content. Unless otherwise stated, the following sources are valid: e-teaching.org • ilias.uni-giessen.de/ilias |
Web Based Training | Digital Learning Modules Web Based Trainings (in german) (WBT) or digital learning modules are a suitable tool to homogenize and query previous knowledge of the learners. They are also used as a personal learning status check. A Web-based course is a digital and interactive learning module that integrates digital media. In a blended learning scenario, web-based courses can be used to close gaps in previous knowledge and refresh existing knowledge before the first classroom session. In addition, it enables learners to assess their own level of knowledge. The classroom session that follows the WBT can then be based on the basic knowledge of all learners and make profitable use of the time spent in class. |