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iFZ Groups

The iFZ is constituted by professorships out of the Justus Liebig University faculties Biology and Chemistry (FB08) and Agriculture, Ecotrophology and Environmental Management (FB09).

Agronomy and Plant Breeding I/II (FB09)

Agrobiometry (Golicz)
Agronomy and Crop Physiology (Frei)
Biometry and Population Genetics (Frisch)
Crop Biomass and Bioresources (Clifton Brown)
Genetics of Crop Diversity (Schiessl-Weidenweber)
Plant Breeding (Snowdon)

Animal Ecology and Systematics (FB08)

Animal Behavioural Ecology and Ecophysiology (Quillfeldt)
Animal Ecology (Poppenborg Martin)

Systematics and Biodiversity (Wilke)

Animal Nutrition and Nutrition Physiology (FB09)

Animal Nutrition (Eder)
Sustainable and Functional Animal Nutrition (Ringseis)

Applied Microbiology (FB09)

General and Soil Microbiology (Schnell)
Recycling Microbiology (Kämpfer)

Insect Biotechnology (FB09)

Applied Entomology (Vilcinskas)
General Entomology (Pauls)

Landscape Ecology and Resource Management (FB09)

Landscape Ecology and Landscape Planning (Kleinebecker)
Landscape, Water and Biogeochemical Cycles (Breuer)

Land Use Systems (Jacobs)
Waste Management and Environmental Research (Gäth)

Microbiology and Molecular Biology (FB08)

Microbiology (Thormann)
Microbiology and Molecular Biology (NN)

Nutrition Sciences (FB09)

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Przyborski)
Food Science (Morlock)
Molecular Nutrition Research (Wenzel)

Phytopathology (FB09)

Phytopathology (Schäfer)

Plant Nutrition (FB09)

Plant Nutrition (Santner)

Plant Ecology (FB08)

Experimental Plant Ecology (Müller)

Soil Science and Soil Conservation (FB09)

Soil Ressources and Soil Conservation (Siemens)


Additionally, five professorships not located in the center building are closely associated with the iFZ (iFZ Associates).