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Student Assistant Council

The Student Assistant Council represents the interests of student employees at Justus Liebig University Giessen. On this page you will find information on the work, events, campaigns and contact details of the Student Assistant Council.



  • Maria-Victoria Schäfer FB04; Historical Institute; Eastern European History
  • Simon Klügel FB06; Institute of Sports Science; Performance Physiology and Sports Therapy
  • Tobias Hoffmann (chairperson) FB07; Institute for Didactics of Mathematics; Secondary School



The Student Assistant Council can be contacted via the following e-mail address: hilfskraefterat


Tasks of the Student Assistant Council

The Student Assistant Council (Hilfskräfterat, HKR) at Justus Liebig University Giessen represents your interests as student assistants at the university. The purpose of the HKR is to bundle the special concerns of student employees and to create a strong voice for their rights and interests vis-à-vis the university.
The HKR works closely with the General Student Committee (Allgemeiner Studierendenausschuss, AStA), the staff council (Personalrat), the student senate members and other university departements and also seeks contact with unions, student assistant councils and initiatives at other universities as well as political actors. Major topics are the expansion of co-determination and the inclusion of student assistants in collective agreements (TVStud).
In addition, the HKR provides advice on questions and problems and supports student assistants in discussions, whether in the context of selection procedures, conflicts or hearings. This includes, for example, addressing the problems of everyday working life, fixed-term contracts, pay, working hours as well as labour rights. It goes without saying that all concerns are treated confidentially.

Legal basis

The legal basis for the Student Assistant Council can be found in the Hessian Staff Representation Act (Hessiches Personalvertretungsgesetz, HPVG):

At its session on May 31, 2023, the JLU Giessen Senate approved the electoral regulations for the Student Assistant Council:

On 30.04.2024, the Executive Board regulated the reimbursement of expenses and costs by statute:


Election of the First Student Assistant Council

The last election of the Student Assistant Council was held on 13 November 2024. Information on the elections can be found on the website of the Electoral Office: Election of the Student Assistant Council (German only)