Youth and Trainee Representatives (JAV)
The JAV represents staff up to the age of 18 and all trainees at JLU.
You can now also arrange online consultations with us.
Youth and Trainee Representatives and contact addresses
You will find the Youth and Trainee Representatives at Goethestrasse 58, 35390 Giessen
or you can contact us by email
Chair of JAV
- Lisa Schellhase
Members of JAV
- Sebastian Müsse
- Florian Scholand
- Annina Plücker
- Lizzy Peschau
JAV Contact Hours
The main duties of the Youth and Trainee Representatives:
- Filing cases with the Staff Council for measures to be taken on behalf of young staff and trainees, in particular with regard to vocational training
- Clarifying issues concerning employing trainees after completion of their training
- Ensuring gender equality in training programmes, also with regard to promoting the combination of training and family life
- Checking adherence to laws, regulations, accident prevention stipulations, collective wage agreements and workplace agreements on behalf of young staff and trainees. The JAV requires the permission of the Staff Council to visit workplaces to this purpose; however, suspected infringement is not required as a reason.
- Receiving suggestions from young staff and trainees, particularly with regard to vocational training, and, if they seem justified and reasonable, passing them on to the Staff Council to be dealt with.
- Participating in interviews for trainees and attending meetings of the Staff Council.
We would like to encourage young staff and trainees to turn to us if they encounter problems. The JAV is, of course, also always glad to receive suggestions.
For more information on training at JLU, please see the pages of the HR Department.