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Standing Committee on Security-Relevant Research

The Senate has set up a Standing Committee on Security-relevant Research at Justus Liebig University Giessen, which began its work in September 2015. The commission's work is based on the corresponding statutes of 31 March 2015. The commission sees itself as an advisory body at the university and is primarily intended to raise the awareness of individual academics with regard to possible dual-use problems in research and its results in all areas of the university. The aim of the commission's work is to ensure that JLU deals appropriately and responsibly with possible cases of discussion arising from research at its own university and decides on these itself within the framework of the legal regulations. The Commission is thus also an instrument of self-regulation for science, which, based on its particular expertise and competence, can take on a certain early warning function with regard to new problems in research, difficult risk analyses and research impact assessments and react quickly.

Within the framework of its legal obligations, in particular section 3 (1) HHG and section 28 HHG, the University has the institutional responsibility to take all measures suitable for minimizing research risks in research, teaching and the promotion of young researchers. However, in compliance with the applicable legal provisions and the ethical principles set out in the joint DFG/Leopoldina paper, each individual scientist is also responsible for subjecting all research activities to a risk analysis and a forward-looking research impact assessment.

In this context, the statutes for the Standing Committee on Security-relevant Research provide for a self-disclosure by the university's academics as to whether a research project contains, possibly contains or does not contain security-related aspects. According to the statutes, the commission can also make relevant information from third parties on possible security-relevant research the subject of its own work.



If you have any questions on this topic, please contact the staff of the Research Department (Tel.: 0641/99-12101).


Further Informations:


Circular 30/2015 Standing Committee on Security-related Research of the Justus Liebig University Giessen/Self-disclosure in the case of security-relevant aspects of individual projects


Circular 29/2018 Standing Committee on Security-related Research of the Justus Liebig University Giessen/Self-disclosure in the case of security-relevant aspects of individual projects

Scientific Freedom and Scientific Responsibility. Recommendations for Handling Security-Relevant Research

Joint Committee on the Handling of Security-Relevant Research

Progress Reports of the Joint Committee