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The Master's programme in Physics at the Justus Liebig University Giessen is a consecutive programme based on relevant Bachelor's degrees in the field of physics. Further information on admission can be found in the category "Application".

The programme is research-oriented. The ability to develop solutions to problems by means of innovative ideas, already acquired in the Bachelor's programme, is further deepened by working independently on smaller research projects, in particular within the framework of the Master's thesis.

This course of study is divided into a one-year long foundation course and a one-year long in-depth and specialisation study. These subject areas can be selected at the beginning of the 1st semester:

  • A: Subatomic Physics

with topics from nuclear and hadron physics, particle physics and heavy ion physics. These areas, represented in theory and experiment, also radiate into applications in the field of nuclear astrophysics and are rooted in the experimental part in the development of novel radiation detectors and associated electronics.

  • B: Solid-State Physics

with a broad spectrum of individual alignment variants such as industry-oriented research in the fields of micro- and nanostructuring, thin semiconductor layers, sensor technology, semiconductor electronics or basic research in the extensive field of solid state physics, both in experiments and in theory.

  • C: Atom, Plasma, and Space Flight Physics

The study contents in this focus are basics and applications of accelerator-oriented atomic and ion physics, the physics of plasmas and their applications in astrophysics and energy generation by nuclear fusion as well as in the development of ion sources for space propulsion and surface coatings, material-physical aspects in space travel and of course also the physical basics of space travel technology itself.