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Preparation and conduction of the annual performance review

The preparation for the annual performance review already begins several weeks before the actual conduction. For easy organization, we provide a checklist  as well as a sample invitation.

Both parties, leading personnel as well as employees, shall prepare themselves in-depth for the annual performance review. A detailed preparation improves the quality of the conversation and leads to better short- and long-term results. Preparation time is purposeful invested time. Our conversation guidelines (for leading personnel and employees) provide an overview of the conversation structure and topics. Our preparation sheet (for leading personnel and employees) provides sample questions as well as thought-provoking impulses for an in-depth preparation. You do not need to integrate all questions and topics into the conversation. Rather, focus on the essentials. What do you want to address in the conversation und what topics are highly prioritized? Record these priorities in written form.

The annual performance review is a joint dialog. The responsibility for the contentual preparation behooves both parties. Die responsibility for the procedure of the conversation itself mostly behooves the leading personnel, however, both parties are equally responsible for the conversation outcome and agreements made. The conversation guidelines (see above), preparation sheet (see above) and the directions for conversation techniques and goal agreement will support you in conducting the conversation.