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Career Options

Options for further study at JLU

After successful completion of the Bachelor's degree, the following consecutive Master's degree programmes can be studied at JLU (consecutive means that a relevant Bachelor's degree is the basic requirement for admission to the Master's programme):

JLU's Faculty 09 offers further Master's degrees.

Career options

With the degree in ecotrophology (B. Sc.) you are broadly positioned and have many different opportunities to enter professional life - whether in a company, in the public sector or in a self-employed position. You can work in the following areas, for example:

  • Nutrition counselling and therapy
  • Quality assurance, management and product development
  • Marketing and sales
  • Press and public relations
  • Market and opinion research, consumer/customer service
  • Management in community catering or in the health sector
  • Consumer advice, information and protection
  • Research and teaching