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Collection's Holdings

Focus of the collection
The Collection of Classical Antiquities, which comprises over 5,000 objects, primarily focuses on its coin collection. It also includes a significant number of ancient vases, Greek and Roman terracotta figurines, Roman glass vessels, and Etruscan anatomical votives.


Permanent exhibition

The Collection of Classical Antiquities is one of the oldest and most important collections at Justus Liebig University Giessen. With over 5,000 objects, the collection encompasses a broad spectrum, including a significant coin collection, ancient vases from various epochs and artistic styles, Greek and Roman terracotta figurines, Etruscan anatomical votives, and Roman glass vessels. A portion of this collection has been publicly displayed since 1987.

The collection plays a central role in research at JLU. Its holdings are scientifically edited as part of current research projects and investigated using new questions and modern methods. It also plays a crucial role in teaching and student training. The objects are used in courses and are scientifically evaluated as part of B.A. and M.A. theses. Additionally, museum didactic training is a key component and a distinctive feature of the Classical Archaeology program at Giessen.

The structure of the permanent exhibition provides an overview of the collection’s various holdings and object types while offering a journey through 3,000 years of ancient cultural history. Visitors can explore different themes, from ancient Egypt and Heinrich Schliemann’s discoveries at Troy to the evolution of writing in ancient cultures. The exhibition covers aspects such as the divine and mythical heroes, Attic daily life, burial customs, and coin minting across Mediterranean cultures.