Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

Be My Baby [Armageddon]


13.02.2024 von 19:00 bis 20:15 (Europe/Berlin / UTC100)


Theaterlabor, Bismarckstraße 24A, Gießen


Alexandra Isabel Reis, Dina Reis, Marie Engert, Judith Bethke, Daniel Kailer, Anik Todtenhaupt, Lillian Joachim, Lucas Guigonis, Johannes Demmler, Levi Schafhauser, Anne-Kathrin Hartmann, Wanda Thaler, Emma Kommert, Johanna Lehnert, Friederike Brendler, Jana Kaiser

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Ever wondered why horror stories are so often told as love stories? Then come to our scenic reading of a tale as old as time… / the work in progress showing of a tale as old as time. CHOOSE YOUR FIGHTER in our scary, sexy heterofatalistic Schauermärchen soap opera blockbuster in space about everything that ever was and ever will be! 

(Work in Progress Showing/Arbeitsstand/Offene Probe)

  • Performance
  • Szenische Lesung