Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

Dr. Liudmyla Pidkuimukha

Postdoctoral Researcher      

DFG-Project “Comparison of language ideologies in the Soviet Union and the current Russian Federation – Continuity, ruptures, and new orientations”        


Room 10 D/304
Phone: +49/641/99-31077



Contact hour

  • By arrangement


Research Focus

  • Sociolinguistics
  • Language policy
  • Discourse analysis
  • Media studies



Ukrainian, Polish, English, Russian


Education and professional appointments

  • 2006 – 2012 — MA in Philology (Theory, History of Ukrainian Language, Comparative Linguistics) at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy
  • 2012 – 2016 – PhD, National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy
  • 2015 – 2021 – Associate Professor, Ukrainian Language Department, National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy
  • 2021 – 2022 – Visiting Lecturer at the Jagiellonian University, Lane Kirkland Scholarship Grantee
  • Since May 2022 – Postdoctoral Researcher at the Justus Liebig University Giessen


Key Publications

Pidkuimukha, L. (2023). Are We Brothers? Pseudo-peaceful discourse in Russian media manipulation. In: A. Salamurović (Ed.). Konzepte der NATION im europäischen Kontext im 21. Jahrhundert. Geschichts-, politik- und sprachwissenschaftliche Zugänge (Reihe Sprache, Geschichte, Politik und Kommunikation). Heidelberg: Springer Nature—J.B. Metzle, pp. 159-178.

Pidkuimukha, L. (2022). The Visual Language of Military Conflict: Posters in the Ongoing Russian-Ukrainian War. In: A. Gawrich, P. Haslinger, M. Wingender (eds.). Analysing conflict settings. Case studies from Eastern Europe with a focus on Ukraine. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 137-154.

Pidkuimukha, L. (2022). Myths and Myth-Making in Current Kremlin Propaganda. In: A. Giannakopoulos (Ed.). Politics of Memory and War From Russia to the Middle East, Research Paper No. 11. Tel Aviv University: The S. Daniel Abraham Center for International and Regional Studies, pp. 38-53.

Pidkuimukha, L. (2022). The influence of language behaviour on the identity formation of the Ukrainian military. Cognitive Studies | Études cognitives, 2022(22), Article 2643.

Pidkuĭmukha, L. (2021). History as a weapon: Second World War imagery in the ongoing Russian–Ukrainian cyberwar. Cognitive Studies | Études cognitives, 2021(21), Article 2479.

Підкуймуха, Л. (2021). Ми ж один народ, або до питання «мирної» пропаганди в російському медіапросторі. ХІ. Internationale virtuelle Konferenz der Ukrainistik “Dialog der Sprachen Dialog der Kulturen. Die Ukraine aus globaler Sicht”. Bd. 2020. Herausgegeben von Olena Novikova und Ulrich Schweier. Verlag readbox unipress Open Access LMU. München, 139–148.

Pidkuimukha, L. (2020). Ukrainian-Russian Bilingualism of ATO Participants in a Sociocultural Linguistic Perspective. In: Müller, D. / Wingender, M. (eds.) (2020), Discourse and Practice of Bilingualism. Contemporary Ukraine and Russia/Tatarstan. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 119–134.

Підкуймуха Л. (2020). Мова Львова, або коли й батяри говорили. Київ: Кліо.

Pidkuimukha, L., & Kiss, N. (2020). Battle of narratives: Political memes during the 2019 Ukrainian presidential election. Cognitive Studies | Études cognitives, 2020 (20), Article 2246.

Pidkuimukha, L., Trach N. (2019). „Us” versus „Them”: the Image of Self and Other in the Ukrainian Fiction and Non-fiction Literature about the Ongoing Russian-Ukrainian War. Language in Society: Semantics, Syntax, Pragmatics. Warsaw University, 131–147.


Recent Essays

Kiss, N., Orobchuk, D., Pidkuimukha, L., Skintey, L. (2023). Veränderungen in der Ukraine nach einem Jahr Krieg. In: Fragen und Antworten zum russischen Angriffskrieg in der Ukraine. Hessische Landeszentrale für politische Bildung (

Kiss, N., Orobchuk, D., Pidkuimukha, L., Skintey, L. (2022): Die vier häufigsten Mythen über die ukrainische Sprache. In: Ukraine verstehen (, 19.12.2022).

Шумицька Г., Підкуймуха Л., Кісс Н. (2022). Мова як «байрактар», мова як код: до ювілею соціолінгвістки Лариси Масенко. In: Радіо Свобода ( , 14.11. 2022).