Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

Dimitris Voudouris, Ph.D.



Postdoctoral researcher

Room 342, Building F2
Telephone:+49 (0)641 99 26132
Fax: +49 (0)641 99 26119


I am interested in how humans use their senses to perform movements. My research focuses on the eye and head movements during visually guided tasks, and the interplay between sensory processing and human movement. I conduct experiments in young and older adults, primarily combining eye and body motion tracking with psychophysics.


Scientific Training & Education


since 05/2014


Postdoctoral researcher
Sensorimotor control of human action
Psychology & Sports Science, Justus Liebig University Giessen

2013 - 2014

Postdoctoral researcher
Gaze for human grasping control
Human Movement Sciences, Vrije University Amsterdam


PhD - Human Movement Sciences, Vrije University Amsterdam


MSc - Physical Education & Sports Sciences, Aristotle University Thessaloniki


BSc - Physical Education & Sports Sciences, Aristotle University Thessaloniki





Gerharz L, Voudouris D (2024) Predictive gaze allocation compensates for sensorimotor decline in aging. 
Voudouris D, Brenner E (2024) Gaze when walking to grasp an object in the presence of obstacles.
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Voudouris D, Georgiadis P, Fiehler K, Arikan BE (2024) Reliability of tactile perception and suppression measurements.
Wachsmann FD, Fiehler K, Voudouris (2024) Postural demands modulate tactile perception in the lower limb in young and older adults. 
Arikan BE, Voudouris D, Straube B, Fiehler K (2024) Distinct role of central predictive mechanisms in tactile suppression. iScience, 27(8): 110582.
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Gerharz L, Brenner E, Billino J, Voudouris D (2024) Age effects on predictive eye movements for action. Journal of Vision, 24(6): 8.
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Wachsmann FD, Fiehler K, Voudouris D (2023) Visual perturbations temporally tune balance retention and associated tactile processing.
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McManus M, Schuetz I, Voudouris D, Fiehler K (2023) How visuomotor predictability and task demands affect tactile sensitivity on a moving limb during object interaction. Royal Society Open Science, 10(12): 231259.
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Beyvers MC, Voudouris D, Fiehler K (2023) Sensorimotor memories influence movement kinematics but not associated tactile processing. Scientific Reports, 13(1): 17920.
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Voudouris D, Schuetz I, Schinke T, Fiehler K (2023) Pupil dilation scales with movement distance of real but not of imagined reaching movements. Journal of Neurophysiology, 130(1): 104-116.
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Georgiadis P, Chatzinikolaou K, Voudouris D, van Dieen J, Hatzitaki V (2022) Keeping balance during head-free smooth pursuit: The role of aging. Human Movement Science, 87: 103041.
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Fuehrer E, Voudouris D, Lezkan A, Drewing K, Fiehler K (2022) Tactile suppression stems from specific sensorimotor predictions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(20): e2118445119.
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Voudouris D, Fiehler K (2022) The role of grasping demands on tactile suppression. Human Movement Science, 83: 102957.

Schuetz I, McManus M, Fiehler K, Voudouris D (2022) Investigating movement-related tactile suppression using commercial VR controllers. Lecture Notes on Computer Science, 13235: 225-233.



Arikan BE*, Voudouris D*, Voudouri-Gertz H, Sommer J, Fiehler K (2021) Reach-relevant somatosensory signals modulate activity in the tactile suppression network. Neuroimage, 236: 118000. *equal contributions

Klein LK, Maiello G, Fleming R, Voudouris D (2021) Friction is preferred over grasp configuration in precision grasping. Journal of Neurophysiology, 125(4): 1330-1338.

Voudouris D, Fiehler K (2021) Dynamic temporal modulation of somatosensory processing during reaching. Scientific Reports, 11: 1928.



Broda MD, Fiehler K, Voudouris D (2020) The influence of afferent input on somatosensory suppression during grasping. Scientific Reports, 10: 18692.

Goettker A, Fiehler K, Voudouris D (2020) Somatosensory target information is used for reaching but not for saccadic eye movements. Journal of Neurophysiology, 124(4): 1092-1102.

Abedi Khoozani P, Voudouris D, Blohm G, Fiehler K (2020) Reaching around obstacles accounts for uncertainty in coordinate transformations. Journal of Neurophysiology, 123(5): 1920-1932. --Link to preprint--



Klever L, Voudouris D, Fiehler K, Billino J (2019) Age effects on sensorimotor predictions: What drives increased tactile suppression during reaching? Journal of Vision, 19(9): 9.

Voudouris D, Broda MD, Fiehler K (2019) Anticipatory grasping control modulates somatosensory perception. Journal of Vision, 19(5): 4.



Voudouris D, Smeets JBJ, Fiehler K, Brenner E (2018) Gaze when grasping a glass. Journal of Vision, 18(8): 16.

Gertz H, Fiehler K, Voudouris D (2018) The role of visual processing on tactile suppression. PLoS One, 13(4): e0195396.



Voudouris D, Fiehler K (2017) Spatial specificity of tactile enhancement during reaching. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 79(8): 2424-2434.

Gertz H, Voudouris D, Fiehler K (2017) Reach-relevant somatosensory signals modulate tactile suppression. Journal of Neurophysiology, 117(6): 2262-2268.

Voudouris D, Fiehler K (2017) Enhancement and suppression of tactile signals during reaching. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 43(6): 1238-1248. Link to pdf


2016 and older

Voudouris D, Goettker A, Mueller S, Fiehler K (2016) Kinesthetic information facilitates saccades towards proprioceptive-tactile targets. Vision Research, 122: 73-80.

Voudouris D, Smeets JBJ, Brenner E (2016) Fixation biases towards the index finger in almost-natural grasping. PLoS One, 11(1): e0146864.

Roche K, Verheij R, Voudouris D, Chainay H, Smeets JBJ (2015) Grasping an object comfortably: orientation information held in memory. Experimental Brain Research, 233(9): 2663-2672.

Voudouris D, Smeets JBJ, Brenner E (2013) Ultra-fast selection of grasping points. Journal of Neurophysiology, 110(7): 1484-1489.

Voudouris D, Radhakrishnan S, Hatzitaki V, Brenner E (2013) Does postural stability affect grasping? Gait & Posture, 38(3): 477-482.

Voudouris D, Smeets JBJ, Brenner E (2012) Do obstacles affect the selection of grasping points? Human Movement Science, 31(5): 1090-1102.

Voudouris D, Smeets JBJ, Brenner E (2012) Do humans prefer to see their grasping points? Journal of Motor Behavior, 44(4): 295-304.

Voudouris D, Brenner E, Schot WD, Smeets JBJ (2010) Does planning a different trajectory influence the choice of grasping points? Experimental Brain Research, 206(1): 15-24.

Hatzitaki V, Voudouris D, Nikodelis T, Amiridis IG (2009) Visual feedback training improves postural adjustments associated with moving obstacle avoidance in elderly women. Gait & Posture, 29(2): 296-299. 




  • Programming S1 (Master seminar)
  • Programming S2 (Master seminar)
  • Body movement analysis (Master seminar)
  • Perception & action (Bachelor seminar)
  • Supervision of bachelor and master theses