Hier finden Sie einige der neuesten Publikationen sowie frei zugängliche Beiträge (Open Access) aus dem Arbeitsbereich Sozialwissenschaften des Sports. Eine vollständige Liste ist auf den Seiten der Mitarbeiter_innen zu finden.
Auswahl an neueren Publikationen
- Mutz, M. (2024). Society-related fears and personal mental health. Applied Reserach in Quality of Life. Link zum Beitrag
- Müller, J. (2024). Sport in der totalen Institution - eine Gefängnisethnographie. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
- Müller, J. (2024). ‘For those few minutes you are free’: The meaning of sport from imprisoned men’s perspective. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 59(4), 598-616. Link zum Beitrag
- Hilpisch, C., Krüger, K., Raab, M., Wiese, L., Zentgraf, K. & Mutz, M. (2024). Burnout symptoms in elite athletes: Assessing the role of effort-reward imbalance, support and emotions. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 59(7), 1054-1074. Link zum Beitrag
- Müller, S., Meier, H. E., Gerke, M., & Mutz, M. (2024). Public support for athlete activism in Germany: A survey experiment. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 59(3), 321-342. Link zum Beitrag
- Hilpisch, C., Müller, J. & Mutz, M. (2023). Physical, mental and social health of incarcerated men: the relevance of organized and informal sport. Journal of Correctional Health Care, 29, 439–449. Link zum Beitrag
- Meier, H.E., Gerke, M., Müller, S. & Mutz, M. (2023). The Legitimacy of Elite Athletes’ Political Activism: Results of a Representative German Survey. International Political Science Review, 45(4), 472-489. Link zum Beitrag
- Mutz, M., Gerke, M., Müller, S. & Meier, H.E. (2023). Who should be allowed to host sporting mega-events? On the public acceptance of criteria to justify hosting decisions. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 15, 401-416. Link zum Beitrag
- Mutz, M. & Müller, J. (2023). Health Decline in Prison and the Effects of Sporting Activity: Results of the Hessian Prison Sports Study. Health & Justice, 11, 50. Link zum Beitrag
- Müller, J., Meek, R., Blessing, J. & Mutz, M. (2023). Prisoners’ Educational Experiences in Five Different Prison Sports Programmes: A Research Note. European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education, 13(10), 2290-2298. Link zum Beitrag
- Müller, J. & Mutz, M. (2023). Sport und Gesundheit im hessischen Strafvollzug. Abschlussbericht. Gießen: Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen.
- Müller, J. & Böhlke, N. (2023). "Those Students who are really self-confident about their Homosexuality usually have considerably fewer Problems": How Physical Education Teachers perceive Sexual and Gender Diversity in PE. Sport, Education and Society. Link zum Beitrag
- Mutz, M., Jetzke, M. & Göring, A. (2023). Just a Stopgap for ‘Real’ Sports? Consumer Experiences with Digital Sport and Exercise Activities during the COVID-19 Pandemic. German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research. Link zum Beitrag
- Müller, J. & Mutz, M. (2022). Pumping Iron for Strength and Power: Prisoners’ Perceptions of a Stable Body. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 14, 1159-1173. Link zum Beitrag
- Müller, J. & Böhlke, N. (2022). “I somehow had the feeling that I did not belong there” – Experiences of Gay and Lesbian Recreational Athletes in German Sports Clubs. International Journal of the Sociology of Leisure. Link zum Beitrag
- Mutz, M. & Gerke, M. (2022). Media Presentations of Olympic Victories and Nation-related Identification among Viewers: The Influence of Emotions Induced by Sportscasts. International Journal of Sport Communication, 15, 117-126. Link zum Beitrag
- Mutz, M., Burrmann, U. & Braun, S. (2022). Speaking Acquaintances or Helpers in Need: Participation in Civic Associations and Individual Social Capital. VOLUNTAS International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 33, 162-172. Link zum Beitrag (Open Access)
- Müller, J., Delto, H., Böhlke, N. & Mutz, M. (2022). Sports Activity Levels of Sexual Minority Groups in Germany. Sexes, 3(1), 209-218. Link zum Beitrag
- Mutz, M., Gerke, M. & Meier, H.E. (2022). Imagining the nation through football: German national self-stereotypes before, during and after the 2016 UEFA championship. European Journal for Sport & Society, 19, 270-290. Link zum Beitrag
- Müller, J. & Böhlke, N. (2021). Physical Education from LGBTQ+ Students’ Perspective. A Systematic Review of Qualitative Studies. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy. Link zum Beitrag
- Mutz, M. & Reimers, A. (2021). Leisure time sports and exercise activities during the COVID-19 pandemic: a survey of working parents. German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research, 51, 384–389. Link zum Beitrag
- Wahnschaffe-Waldhof, K. & Mutz, M. (2021). Aneignung und Auslegung von Fairnessnormen im Fußball: eine qualitative Studie mit Profifußballspielern. Zeitschrift für Soziologie der Erziehung und Sozialisation, 41, 144-164.
- Mutz, M. & Müller, J. (2021). Social stratification of leisure time sport and exercise activities: comparison of ten popular sports activities. Leisure Studies, 40, 597-611. Link zum Beitrag
- Mutz, M., Müller, J. & Reimers, A. (2021). Use of Digital Media for Home-based Sports Activities during the Covid-19 Pandemic: Results from the German SPOVID Survey. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, 4409. Link zum Beitrag
- Mutz, M. (2021). Forced adaptations of sporting behaviours during the Covid-19 pandemic and their effects on subjective well-being. European Societies, 23, S184-S198
Link zum Beitrag - Mutz, M. & Gerke, M. (2021). Sport and exercise in times of self-quarantine: How Germans changed their behaviour at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 56, 305-316. Link zum Beitrag (Open Access)
- Meier, H.E., Mutz, M., Glathe, J., Jetzke, M. & Hölzen, M. (2021). Politicizationof a Contested Mega Event: The 2018 FIFA World Cup on Twitter. Communication & Sport, 9, 785-810. Link zum Beitrag (Open Access)
- Mutz, M., Reimers, A.K. & Demetriou, Y. (2021). Leisure time sports activities and life satisfaction: Deeper insights based on a representative survey from Germany. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 16, 2155-2171. Link zum Beitrag (Open Access)
- Wahnschaffe-Waldhoff, K. & Mutz, M. (2020). „Unter der Woche Konkurrenten, am Wochenende ein Team“ – Zur Ambivalenz von Konkurrenz und Kooperation im professionellen Fußball. Soziale Welt, 71, 342-373.
- Böhlke, N. & Müller, J. (2020). „Man muss sich nicht verstecken oder erklären. Es ist einfach unkompliziert“ – Sporterfahrungen und Motivlagen von Mitgliedern eines queeren (LGBTI*) Sportvereins. Sport und Gesellschaft, 17, 121-151.
- Mutz, M. & Müller, J. (2020). Vom Erlebnis zum Ergebnis: Zur Wirkungsweise abenteuer- und erlebnispädagogischer Jugendfreizeiten. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, 23, 847-868.
Link zum Beitrag (Open Access) - Work and sport: relationships between specific job stressors and sports participation. Ergonomics, 63, 1077-1087.
Link zum Beitrag - Mutz, M. & van Munster, M. (2020). Associations of Physical Activity Policies With Sports Participation in EU Countries: Higher Overall Levels, Smaller Social Inequalities, and More Positive Trends Since 2009. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 17, 464–470..
Link zum Beitrag - Burrmann, U., Braun, S. & Mutz, M. (2020). In whom do we trust? The level and radius of social trust among sport club members. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 55, 416-436. Link zum Beitrag (Open Access)