Publikationen 2009
Al-Anati L, Essid E, Reinehr R, Petzinger E (2009)
Silibinin protects OTA-mediated TNF-alpha release from perfused rat livers and isolated rat Kupffer cells.
Mol. Nutr. Food Res. 53: 460-466
Al-Khleif A, Damriyasa IM, Bauer C, Menge C, Herbst W (2009)
Serosurvey for infections with Leptospira serovars in pigs from Bali, Indonesia.
Dtsch. Tierärztl. Wochschr. 116: 389-391
Avenarius A, Groeger S, Wehrend A (2009)
Das Zwischenschenkelekzem bei der Milchkuh – eine Übersicht der Literatur.
Tierärztl. Prax. 37 (G): 67-71
Barth S, Duncker S, Hempe J, Breves G, Baljer G, Bauerfeind R (2009)
Escherichia coli Nissle 1917 for probiotic use in piglets: Evidence for intestinal colonization.
J. Appl. Microbiol. 107:1697-
Bauer N, Eralp O, Moritz A (2009)
Establishment of reference intervals for kaolin-activated TEG® in dogs including an assessment of the effects of sex and anticoagulant use.
J. Vet. Diagnost. Invest. 21: 641-648
Bauer N, Eralp O, Moritz A (2009)
Reference intervals and method optimization for variables reflecting hypo- and hypercoagulatory states in dogs using the STA Compact® automated analyser.
J. Vet. Diagnost. Invest. 21: 803-814
Bauer N, Moritz A (2009)
Evaluation of the Cardiac reader® as a point-of-care instrument for measurement of fibrin D-dimers in dogs.
Tierärztl. Prax. 5: 319-325
Bauer NB, Brinke N, Heiss C, et al. (2009)
Biodegradable beta-Tri-Calciumphosphate/ hydroxyethyl methacrylate enhanced three component bone adhesive demonstrates biocompatibility without evidence of systemic toxicity in a rabbit model.
J. Biomed. Mater. Res. B Appl. Biomater. 90: 767-777
Baumgartner L, Arnhold S, Brixius K, Addicks K, Bloch W (2009)
Human mesenchymal stem cells: Influence of oxygen pressure on proliferation and chondrogenic differentiation in fibrin glue in vitro.
J. Biomed. Mater. Res. A. 93: 930-940
Bender P, Bostedt H (2009)
Determination of IgG and IgM lebels in sera of newborn calves until the 10th day of life by ELISA and description of their correlation to total plasma protein concentration and GGT activity.
Dtsch. Tierärztl. Wochenschr. 116: 44-52
Bhunia A, Vivekanandan S, Eckert T, Burg-Roderfeld M, Wechselberger R, Romanuka J, Bächle D, Kornilov AV, von der Lieth CW, Barbero JJ, Nifantiev NE, Schachner M, Sewald N, Lütteke T, Siebert HC (2009)
Why structurally different cyclic peptides can be glycomimetics of HNK-1.
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 132: 96-105
Bostedt H, Groeger S, Wehrend A (2009)
Mozliwosci wczesnego wykrywania ciazy u bydla ze szczegolnym uwzglednieniem ultrasonografii. Magazyn Weterynaryjny 18 : 680-686
Brückner M, Wigger A, Peppler Ch, Kramer M, Thiel C, Henrich M (2009)
Das infiltrative Lipom beim Hund: eine retrospektive Studie von 5 Fällen. Tierärztl. Prax. 37(K): 305-313
Cannas da Silva J, Gelfert C-C, Noordhuizen JPTM, Doll K, Baumgartner W (2009)
Aufgabengebiete und zukünftige Tätigkeit des Tierarztes in der Milchviehpraxis.
Prakt. Tierarzt 90: 236-242
Cavalcanti MCO, Bergmann M (2009)
Expression of histone 1 (H1) and testis-specific histone 1 (H1t) genes during stallion spermatogenesis.
Anim. Reprod. Sci. 111: 220-234
Cavalcanti MCO, Rizgalla M, Geyer J, Failing K, Litzke LF, Bergmann M (2009)
Expression of histone 1 (H1) and testis-specific histone 1 (H1t) genes during stallion spermatogenesis.
Anim. Reprod. Sci. 111: 220-234
Chapman PS, Petrus D, Neiger R (2009)
Hypodipsic hypernatremia in eight dogs.
Tierärztl. Praxis 37 (K):15-20
Coutellier L, Friedrich AC, Failing K, Marashi V, Würbel H (2009)
Effects of foraging demand on maternal behaviour and adult offspring anxiety and stress responses in C57BL/6 mice.
Behav. Brain Res. 196: 192-199
Coutellier L, Würbel H (2009)
Early environmental cues affect object recognition memory in adult female but not male C57BL/6 mice.
Behav. Brain Res. 203: 312-315
Desai S, van Treeck U, Lierz M, Espelage W, Zota L, Sarbu A, Czerwinski M, Sadkowska-Todys M, Avdicova M, Reetz J, Luge E, Guerra B, Nöckler K, Jansen A (2009)
Resurgence of field fever in a temperate country: an epidemic of leptospirosis among seasonal strawberry harvesters in Germany in 2007.
Clin. Infect. Dis. 48: 691-697
Doll K, Sickinger M, Seeger T (2009)
New aspects in the pathogenesis of abomasal displacement.
Vet. J. 181: 90-96
El-Sayed A, Hassan A A, Natour S, Abdulmawjood A, Bülte M, Wolter W, Zschöck M (2009)
Evaluation of three molecular methods of repetitive elements loci for differentiating of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP).
J. Microbiol. 47: 253-259
Engl J, Preiß M, Puille M, Bauer R, Litzke LF (2009)
Unilaterale Osteoarthrose des Talokanealgelenks bei einer 17-jährigen Warmblutstute.
Pferdeheilkunde 25: 111 – 114
Ennen S, Hamann H, Distl O, Hickford J, Zhou H, Ganter M (2009)
A field trial to control ovine footrot via vaccination and genetic markers.
Small Rum. Res. 86: 22-25
Ennen S, Wehrend A (2009)
Das Schaf als geburtshilflicher Patient.
Tierärztl. Umschau 64: 50-66
Ezer J, Stumpf G, Schmiedeknecht G, Litzke LF. (2009)
Zäkumleukose als Kolikursache beim Pferd.
Tierärztl. Praxis (G) 37: 185-188
Failing K, Kaleta E F, Blanco Peña K, Theis HP (2009)
In-vitro-Untersuchungen zur Wirksamkeit von Antiinfektiva gegen Chlamydophila psittaci.
Tierarztl. Praxis 37 (K): 334-341
Fink C, Weigel R, Fink L, Wilhem J, Kliesch S, Zeiler M, Bergmann M, Brehm R (2009)
Claudin-11 is overexpressed and dislocated from the blood-testis barrier in Sertoli cells associated with testicular intraepithelial neoplasia in men.
Histochem. Cell. Biol. 131:755-764
Fröhlich J, Baljer G, Menge C (2009)
Maternally and naturally acquired antibodies to Shiga toxins in a cohort of calves shedding shiga-toxigenic E.coli (STEC).
Appl. Environ. Micro. 75: 3695-3704.
Geldmacher F, Addicks K, Raabe O, Wenisch S, Arnhold S (2009)
Long term genetic modification of neurons, astrocytes and ependymocytes in vivo using a high capacity adenovirus vector.
Open Gene Ther. J 2: 12-20
Georgiev P, Bostedt H, Goericke-Pesch S, Dimitrov M, Petkov P, Stojanthev K, Tsoneva V, Wehrend A (2009)
Induction of abortion with aglepristone in cats on day 45 and 46 after mating. Reprod Dom Anim doj: 10.1111/j.1439-0531.2009.01540.x, ISSN 0936-6768
Geyer J, Gavrilova O, Petzinger E (2009)
The role of P-glycoprotein in limiting brain penetration f the peripherally acting anticholinergic overactive bladder drug trospium chloride.
Drug Metab. Dispos. 37: 1371-1373
Gimplinger W, Ennen S, Remiezowicz A, Aupperle H, Litzke LF, Wehrend A (2009)
Uterustumor bei einer 14-jährigen Quarter Horse-Stute.
Pferdeheilkunde 25: 563-567
Godmann M, Gashaw I, Eildermann K, Schweyer S, Bergmann M, Skotheim RI, Behr R (2009)
The pluripotency transcription factor Krüppel-like factor 4 is strongly induced in testicular intraepithelial neoplasia and seminoma.
Mol. Hum. Reprod.,15:479-488
Goericke-Pesch S, Spang A, Schulz M, Özalp G, Bergmann M, Ludwig C, Hoffmann B (2009)
Recrudescence of spermatogenesis in the dog following downregulation using a slow release GnRH agonist implant.
Reprod. Dom. Anim. 44 Suppl. 2: 302-308
Goericke-Pesch S, Wehrend A (2009)
GnRH-Agonisten in der Reproduktionsmedizin beim Kleintier – eine Übersicht.
Tierärztl. Prax. 37 (K): 410-418
Greis A, Murgott J, Gerstberger R, Hübschle T, Roth J (2009)
Effects of repeated injections of fibroblast-stimulating lipopeptide-1 on fever, formation of cytokines, and on the responsiveness to endotoxin in guinea pigs.
Acta Physiol. 197: 35-45
Grgic I, Brajesh K, Paschen S, Kaistha A, Busch C, Si H, Köhler K, Elsässer H-P, Hoyer J, Köhler R (2009)
Disruption of the Gardo channel (KCa3.1) in mice causes subtle erythrocyte macrocytosis and progressive splenomegaly.
Pflügers Arch. Eur. J. Physiol. 458: 291-302
Hassan AA, Ülbegi-Mohyla H, Kanbar T, Alber J, Lämmler C, Abdulmawjood A, Zschöck M, Weiss R (2009)
Phenotypic and genotypic characterization of Arcanobacterium haemolyticum isolates from infections of horses.
J. Clin. Microbiol. 47: 124-128
He L, André S, Garamus VM, Siebert HC, Chi C, Niemeyer B, Gabius HJ (2009)
Small angle neutron scattering as sensitive tool to detect ligand-dependent shape changes in a plant lectin with β-trefoil folding and their dependence on the nature of the solvent.
Glycoconj. J. 26: 111-116
Hecht N, Behr R, Hild A, Bergmann M, Weidner W, Steger K (2009)
The common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) as a model for histone and protamine expression during human spermatogenesis.
Hum. Reprod. 24:536-545
Hennig B, Diener M (2009)
Actions of hydrogen sulfide on ion transport across rat distal colon.
Brit. J. Pharmacol. 158: 1263-1275
Henrich M, Hecht W, Weiss AT, Reinacher M (2009)
A new subgroup of immunoglobulin heavy chain variable region genes for the assessment of clonality in feline b-cell lymphomas.
Vet. Immunol. Immunopathol: 130: 59-69
Herr M, Kaya G, Bostedt H (2009)
Auswirkungen unterschiedlicher Umwelttemperaturen beim neugeborenen Lamm in den ersten 72 Lebensstunden (Kurzfassung).
Züchtungskunde 81: 207-211
Hiepler T, Schönfelder A, Wehrend A (2009)
Sonographische Untersuchung des ovinen Euters.
Tierärztl. Prax. 37 (G): 157-163
Hildebrandt N, Schneider M (2009)
Die dilatative Kardiomyopathie beim Frettchen (Mustela putorius furo) – Symptomatik, Diagnostik und therapeutische Möglichkeiten.
Tierärztl. Praxis 37 (K): 115-123
Hildebrandt N, Stertmann WA, Wehner M, Schneider I, Neu H, Schneider M (2009)
Dual chamber pacemaker implantation in dogs with atrioventricular block.
J. Vet. Intern. Med. 23: 31–38
Hoffmann B, Bauer B, Bauer C, Bätza H-J, Beer M, Clausen P-H, Geier M, Gethmann JM, Kiel E, Liebisch G, Liebisch A, Mehlhorn H, Schaub GA, Werner D, Conraths FJ (2009)
Monitoring of putative vectors of Bluetongue Virus serotype 8, Germany.
Emerg. Infect. Dis. 15: 1481-1484
Hohloch C, Köhler K, Heck R, Reinacher m (2009)
Uterustumoren beim Schwein – Fallbericht und Literaturübersicht.
Tierärzt. Praxis 37 (G): 37-40
Hose K, Häffner K, Fietz D, Gromoll J, Eckert T, Kliesch K, Siebert HC, Bergmann M (2009)
A novel sequence variation in the transactivation regulating domain of the human androgen receptor.
Fertil. Steril. 92:390.e9-390.e11
Huisinga M, Henrich M, Frese K, Burkhardt E, Kuchelmeister K, Schmidt M, Reinacher M (2009)
Extraventricular Neurocytoma of the spinal cord in a dog.
Vet. Pathol. 45: 63-66
Kappe EC, Köhler K, Felbert IV, Teifke JP, Toth J, Reinacher M (2009)
Pleomorphic corneal sarcoma resembling malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor in a horse.
Vet. Pathol. 46: 444-448
Kauffold J, Gommel R, Failing K, Beynon N, Wehrend A (2009)
Postinsemination treatment of primiparous and multiparous cows with cloprostenol failed to affect ovulation and pregnancy rate in dairy cattle.
Theriogenology 72: 741-746
Kauffold J, Groeger S, Bergmann K, Wehrend A (2009)
Use of contrast sonography to test for tubal patency in dairy cattle.
J. Reprod. Dev. 55: 335-338
Kistler C, Hegglin D, Würbel H, König B (2009)
Feeding enrichment in an opportunistic carnivore: the red fox.
Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 116: 260-265
Klein C, Ennen S, Huchzermeyer S, Weiss R, Wehrend A (2009)
Untersuchungen zur mikrobiellen Barrierefunktion des Hymenalrings und der Zervix bei der Stute.
Tierärztl. Prax. 37 (G): 113-117
Klintzsch S, Meerkamp K, Döring B, Geyer J (2009)
Detection of the nt230(del4) MDR1 mutation in dogs by a fluorogenic 5’ nuclease TaqMan allelic discrimination method.
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Knauf S, Blad-Stahl J, Lawrenz A, Schuerer U, Wehrend A (2009)
Plasma preparation and storage for african elephants (loxodonta africana)
J. Zoo Wildlife Med. 40: 71-75
Knauf S, Exner S, Hospes R, Heldmeier G, Wehrend A (2009)
Transabdominal ultrasonography as a monitoring tool for pregnancy in alpine marmots (marmota marmot)
J. Zoo Wildlife Med. 40: 796-798
Kohr D, Tschernatsch M, Schmitz K, Singh P, Kaps M, Schäfer KH, Diener M, Mathies J, Matz O, Kummer W, Maihöfner C, Fritz T, Birklein F, Blaes F (2009)
Autoantibodies in complex regional pain syndrome bind to a differentiation-dependent neuronal surface-autoantigen.
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Kölle S, Dubielzig S, Reese S, Wehrend A, König P, Kummer W (2009)
Ciliary transport, gamete interaction, and effects of the early embryo on the oviduct: Ex vivo analyses using a new digital videomicroscopic system in the cow.
Biol. Reprod. 81: 267-274
Kowalewski MP, Beceriklisoy HB, Aslan S, Agaoglu R, Hoffmann B (2009)
Time related changes in luteal protaglandis synthesis and steroidgenic capacity during pregnancy, normal and antiprogestin induced luteolysis in the bitch.
Anim. Reprod. Sc. 116: 129-138
Krüger A, Redmann T, Sommer D, Antakli A, Kaleta EF (2009)
Todesfälle bei frei lebenden Zeisigen (Spinus spinus Linnaeus, 1758) durch Salmonella Typhimurium DT104 und DT013.
Dtsch. Tierärztl. Wochenbl. 116: 326-329
Kugel D, Kochs G, Obojes K, Roth J, Kobasa D, Gray M, Haller O, Staeheli P, von Messling V (2009)
Intranasal administration of interferon-alpha reduces seasonal influenza A virus morbidity in ferrets.
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Lang M, Kann M, Zahner H, Taubert A, Hermosilla C (2009)
Inhibition of host cell apoptosis by Eimeria bovis sporozoites.
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Latif H, Curtui V, Ackermann Y, Groß M, Usleber E (2009)
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Leidig MS, Hertrampf B, Failing K, Schumann A, Reiner G (2009)
Pain and discomfort in male piglets during surgical castration with and without local anaesthesia as determined by vocalisation and defence behaviour.
Appl. Anim. Behav. 116: 174-178.
Lierz M, Hafez H M, Honkavuori K S, Gruber A D, Olias P, Abdelwhab E M, Kohls A, Lipkin W I, Briese T, Hauck R (2009)
Anatomical distribution of avian bornavirus in parrots, it´s occurence in clinically health birds and ABV-antibody detection.
Avian Pathol. 38: 491-496
Lierz M, Hafez HM (2009)
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Vet. Rec. 164: 629-630
Linder M, Hüther S, Reinacher M (2009)
In vivo reactions in mice and in vitro reactions in feline cells to implantable microchip transponders with different surface materials.
Vet. Rec. 165: 45-50
Ludwig C, Desmoulins PO, Driancourt MS, Goericke-Pesch S, Hoffmann B (2009)
Reversible downregulation of endorine and germinative testicular function (hormonal castration) in the dog with the GnRH-Angonist Azagly-Nafarelin as a removable implant “Gonazon”; a preclinical trial.
Theriogenology 71: 1037-1045
Lütteke T (2009)
Analysis and validation of carbohydrate three-dimensional structures.
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Lütteke T, von der Lieth CW (2009)
Data mining the PDB for glyco-related data.
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Magnino S, Haag-Wackernagel D, Geigenfeind I, Helmecke S, Dovč A, Prukner-Radovčić E, Residbegović E, Ilieski V, Laroucau K, Martinov S, Kaleta EF (2009)
Chlamydial infections in feral pigeons in Europe: Review of data and focus on public health implications.
Vet. Microbiol. 135: 54-67
Märtlbauer E, Usleber E, Dietrich R, Schneider E (2009)
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Mayer K, Kiessling A, Ott J, Schaefer MB, Hecker M, Henneke I, Schulz R, Günther A, Wang J, Roth J, Seeger W, Kang JX (2009)
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Mehlhorn H, Walldorf V, Klimpel S, Schaub G, Kiel E, Focke R, Liebisch G, Liebisch A, Werner D, Bauer C, Clausen H, Bauer B, Geier M, Hörbrand T, Bätza HJ, Conraths FJ, Hoffmann B, Beer M (2009)
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Parasitol. Res. 105: 313-319
Morgenstern K, Baljer G, Norris DE, Kraiczy P, Hanssen-Hübner C, Hunfeld KP (2009)
In vitro susceptibility of Borrelia spielmanii against antimicrobial agents commonly used for the treatment of Lyme disease.
Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 53: 1281-1284
Moritz A, Krämer F (2009)
Für Studium und Praxis: Die asymptomatische Leishmaniose des Hundes. Tierärztl. Prax. 37(K): 290-294
Mundhenk L, Müller K, Lierz M, Lüschow D, Stahl T, Müller H, Johne R (2009)
Psittacid Herpesvirus DNA in a pancreatic duct carcinoma in a macaw.
Vet. Rec. 164: 306-308
Münstedt K, Hoffmann S, Hauenschild A, Bülte M, Von Georgi R, Hackethal A (2009)
Effect of honey on serum cholesterol and lipid values.
J. Med. Food 12: 624-628
Mutembei HM, Kowalewski MP, Ugele B, Schuler G, Hoffman B (2009)
Expression and Activity of Steroid Sulphatase in the Boar Testis.
Reprod. Dom. Anim. 44: 17-23
Niehoff M, Bergmann M, Weinbauer GF (2009)
Effects of social housing of sexually mature cynomolgus monkeys during general and reproductive toxicity evaluation.
Reprod. Toxicol. 9:57-67
Nohroudi K, Arnhold S, Berhorn T, Addicks K, Hoehn M, Himmelreich U (2009)
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Olias P, Gruber A D, Hafez H M, Heydorn A O, Mehlhorn H, Lierz M (2009)
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Olias P, Gruber A D, Heydorn A O, Kohls A, Mehlhorn H, Hafez HM, Lierz M (2009)
A novel Sarcocystis-associated encephalitis and myositis in racing pigeons.
Avian Pathol. 38: 121-128
Pankraz A, Bauer N, Moritz A (2009)
Comparison of flow cytometry with the Sysmex XT2000iV automated analyzer for the detection of reticulated platelets in dogs.
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Osteosarcoma of the penile bone (os penis) in a dog.
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Quantitative trait loci for clinical-chemical traits in swine.
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Heritabilities and quantitative trait loci for blood gases and pH in swine.
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Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus (PRRSV) infection in wild boars.
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Suffering in diseased pigs as expressed by behavioural, clinical and clinical-chemical traits.
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Die Kastration weiblicher Miniaturschweine.
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Richter SH, Garner JP, Würbel H (2009)
Environmental standardization: cure or cause of poor reproducibility in animal experiments?
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Richterich P, Wehrend A (2009)
Diagnostisches Vorgehen bei zwei infertilen Hengsten – Einsatz der Hodenbiopsie beim Hengst.
Tierärztl. Prax. 37 (G): 391-398
Richterich P, Wehrend A (2009)
Einsatz von Prostaglandinen bei Färsen und Kühen – eine Literaturübersicht. Tierärztl. Prax. 37 (G) 81-90
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Endocrine changes during pregnancy, partuition and post partum in guanancos (Lama guanicoe).
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Röcken M, Mosel G, Thum C, Rass J, Hospes R, Litzke LF (2009)
Die uni- und bilateral Ovariektomie bei der Stute: eine retrospective methodische Vergleichsstuie an 116 klinischen Patienten.
Tierärztl. Prax. 37 (G): 119-125
Roth J, Rummel C, Barth SW, Gerstberger R, Hübschle T (2009)
Molecular aspects of fever and hyperthermia.
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The anatomy of the glenoid labrum: a comparison between human and dog.
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Samson-Himmelstjerna G, Coles GC, Jackson F, Bauer C, Borgstede F, Cirak VY, Demeler J, Donnan A, Dorny P, Epe C, Harder A, Höglund J, Kaminsky R, Kerboeuf D, Küttler D, Küttler U, Papadopoulos E, Posedi J, Small J, Várady M, Vercruysse J, Wirtherle N (2009)
Standardization of the egg hatch test for the detection of benzimidazole restistance in parasitic nematodes.
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Systemic review of the management of canine osteoarthritis.
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Schares G, Wilking H, Bolln M, Conraths FJ, Bauer C (2009)
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Lack of detectable West Nile virus RNA in brains of dogs and cats with immunohistological precipitates using virus-specific antibodies.
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Schielke A, Sachs K, Lierz M, Appel B, Jansen A, Johne R (2009)
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