Publikationen 2016
Abdulmawjood A, Wickhorst J, Hashim O, Sammra O, Hassan AA, Alssahen M, Lämmler C, Prenger-Berninghoff E, Klein G (2016)
Application of a loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay for molecular identification of Trueperella pyogenes isolated from various origins.
Mol. Cell. Probes 4: 205-210
Adams K, Schulz-Kornas E, Arzi B, Failing K, Vogelsberg J, Staszyk C (2016)
Functional anatomy of the equine temporomandibular joint: Collagen fiber texture of the articular surfaces.
Vet. J. 217: 58-64
Alef M, Driessen B, Hauschild G, Kästner S, Klöppel H, Pieper K, Tacke S (2016) Leitlinie Anästhesiologische Versorgung bei Hund und Katze.
Tierärztl. Prax. Kleintiere 44: 261-271
Antonov A, Georgiev P, Dineva J, Conze T, Dimitrova R, Wehrend A (2016)
Dynamics of some vaginal parameters in non-pregnant bitches after mid-luteal aglepristone treatment.
Slov. Vet. Res. 53: 161 - 166
Bauer JI, Gross M, Gottschalk C, Usleber E (2016)
Investigations on the occurrence of mycotoxins in beer.
Food Control 63: 135 - 139
Bisle S, Klingenbeck L, Borges V, Sobotta K, Schulze-Luehrmann J, Menge C, Heydel C, Gomes JP, Lührmann A (2016)
The inhibition of the apoptosis pathway by the Coxiella burnetii effector protein CaeA requires the EK repetition motif, but is independent of survivin.
Virulence 7: 400-412
Bleyer M, Curths C, Dahlmann F, Wichmann J, Bauer N, Moritz A et al. (2016)
Morphology and staining behavior of neutrophilic and eosinophilic granulocytes of the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus).
Exp. Toxicol. Pathol. 68: 335 – 343
Blohm AS, Mäder P, Quack T, Lu Z, Hahnel S, Schlitzer M, Grevelding CG (2016)
Derivatives of biarylalkyl carboxylic acid induce pleiotropic phenotypes in adul Schistosoma mansoni in vitro.
Parasitol. Res. 115: 3831 - 3842
Bourg M, Nobach D, Herzog S, Lange-Herbst H, Nesseler A, Hamann Hp, Becker S, Höper D, Hoffmann B, Eickmann M, Herden C (2016)
Screening of red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) for possivel viral causes of encephalitis.
Virol. J. 13: 151-160
Bulldan A, Dietze R, Shihan M, Scheiner-Bobis G (2016)
Non-classical testosterone signaling mediated through ZIP9 stimulates claudin expression and tight junction formation in Sertoli cells.
Cell Sign. 28: 1075-108
Bulldan A, Shihan M, Goericke-Pesch S, Scheiner-Bobis G (2016)
Signaling events associated with gonadotropin releasing hormone-agonist-induced hormonal castration and its reversal in canines.
Mol. Reprod. Dev.: doi 10.1002/mrd.22751. [Epub ahead of print]
Bülte M, Nguyen K, Miller T (2016)
Wo ist er geblieben? Die mysteriöse Geschichte des enteroaggregativen-hämorrhagischen E. coli-Stammes Serovar O104:H4 – Teil 1.
RFL 68: 388-389
Caretta M D, Hidalgo A I, Burgos J, Opazo L, Hidalgo M A, Figueroa C D, Taubert A (2016)
Butyric acid stimulates bovine neutrophil function and potentiates the effect of Platelet Activating Factor in bovine neutrophils
Vet. Immunol. Immunopathol. 176: 18 - 27
Carrau T, Pérez D, de Ybañez Carnero R R, Taubert A, Hermosilla, C (2016)
First description of an in vitro culture system for Eimeria ovinoidalis macromeront formation in primary host endothelial cells.
Parasitol. Int. 65: 516 - 519
Carrau T, Pérez D, Silva L M, Macías J, Martínez-Carrasco C, Taubert A, Hermosilla C, Ruiz de Ybáñez R (2016)
Postparturient rise in the excretion of Eimeria spp. in Manchega dairy sheep.
J. Vet. Med. Res. 3: 1047
Chaskiel L, Paul F, Gerstberger R, Hübschle T, Konsman JP (2016)
Brainstem metabotropic glutamate receptors reduce food intake and activate dorsal pontine and medullar structures after peripheral lipopolysaccharide administration.
Neuropharmacology 107: 146-159
Conze T, Wehrend A, Exner C, Kaminiarz A (2016)
Therapy of calcium oxalate urolithiasis in a rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta).
J. Med. Primatol. 45: 195 -197
Cook AM, Bauer N, Neiger R, Peppler C, Moritz A (2016)
Neutropenie beim Hund: Ätiologie und prognostische Faktoren.
Tierärztl. Prax. (K) 44: 307-315
Cook AM, Moritz A, Freeman KP, Bauer N (2016)
Quality requirements for veterinary hematology analyzers in small animals-a survey about veterinary experts' requirements and objective evaluation of analyzer performance based on a meta-analysis of method validation studies: bench top hematology analyzer.
Vet. Clin. Pathol. 45: 466–476
Diener M (2016)
Roadblock for antigens - take a detour via M cells.
Acta Physiol. 216: 13-14
Dillenseger A, Schulze S, Martens H, Schmidt MJ (2016)
Zentrale Lokomotionsgeneratoren im Rückenmark der Katze und ihre Bedeutung bei der Rehabilitation nach spinalen Läsionen.
Tierärztl. Prax. 44(K): 39-46
Eisenberg T, Ewers C, Rau J, Akimkin V, Nicklas W (2016)
Approved and novel strategies in diagnostics of rat bite fever and other Streptobacillus infections in humans and animals.
Virulence 7: 630-648
Eisenberg T, Fawzy A, Nicklas W, Semmler T, Ewers C (2016)
Phylogenetic and comparative genomics of the family Leptotrichiaceae and introduction of a novel fingerprinting MLVA for Streptobacillus moniliformis.
BMC Genomics 17: 864
Eisenberg T, Glaeser SP, Ewers C, Semmler T, Drescher B, Kämpfer P (2016)
Caviibacter abscessus gen. nov. sp. nov., a novel member from the Leptotrichiaceae isolated from guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus).
Int. J .Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 66: 1652-1659
Eisenberg T, Imaoka K, Kimura M, Glaeser SP, Ewers C, Semmler T, Rau J, Nicklas W, Tanikawa T, Kämpfer P (2016)
Streptobacillus ratti sp. nov. isolated from a black rat (Rattus rattus).
Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 66:1620-1626
Eisenberg T, Kämpfer P, Ewers C, Semmler T, Glaeser SP, Collins E, Ruttledge M, Palmer R (2016)
Oceanivirga salmonicida gen. nov. sp. nov., a novel member of the Leptotrichiaceae isolated from Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar).
Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 66: 2429-2437
Eriksen T, Ganter M, Distl O, Staszyk C (2016)
Cranial morphology in the brachygnathic sheep.
BMC Vet. Res. 12: DOI: 10.1186/s12917-016-0634-7.
Ernst T, Kessler M, Lautscham E, Willimzig L, Neiger R (2016)
Das multizentrische Lymphom bei 411 Hunden – eine epidemiologische Studie.
Tierärztl. Prax. (K) 44: 245-251
Ertelt A, Sulikowska A, Huisinga M, Köhler K, Fey K (2016)
Granularzelltumor als Ursache chronischen Hustens bei einem Pferd.
Pferdeheilkunde 32: 323-328
Ewers C, Göttig S, Bülte M, Fiedler S, Tietgen M, Leidner U, Heydel C, Bauerfeind R, Semmler T (2016)
Genome sequence of avian Escherichia coli Strain IHIT25637, an extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli strain of ST131 encoding colistin resistance determinant MCR-1.
Genome Announc. 4: pii: e00863-16. doi: 10.1128/genomeA.00863-16.
Ewers C, Klotz P, Scheufen S, Leidner U, Göttig S, Semmler T (2016)
Genome sequence of OXA-23 producing Acinetobacter baumannii IHIT7853, a carbapenem-resistant strain from a cat belonging to international clone IC1.
Gut Pathog. 8: 37
Eydt C, Geburek F, Schröck C, Hambruch N, Rohn K, Pfarrer C, Staszyk C (2016)
Sternal bone marrow derived equine multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs): investigations considering the sampling site and the use of different culture media.
Vet. Med. Sci. 2: 200-210
Falgenhauer L, Imirzalioglu C, Ghosh H, Gwozdzinski K, Schmiedel J, Gentil K, Bauerfeind R, Kämpfer P, Seifert H, Michael GB, Schwarz S, Pfeifer Y, Werner G, Pietsch M, Roesler U, Guerra B, Fischer J, Sharp H, Käsbohrer A, Goesmann A, Hille K, Kreienbrock L, Chakraborty T (2016)
Circulation of clonal populations of fluoroquinolone-resistant CTX-M-15-producing Escherichia coli ST410 in humans and animals in Germany.
Int. J. Antimicrob. Agents 47: 457-465
Fawzy A, Zschöck M, Ewers C, Eisenberg T (2016)
New polymorphisms within the variable number tandem repeat (VNTR) 7 locus of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis.
Mol. Cell. Probes 30: 132-137
Fischer S, Bauerfeind R, Czerny CP, Neumann S (2016)
Serum interleukin-6 as a prognostic marker in neonatal calf diarrhea.
J. Dairy Sci. 99: 6563-6571
Fischer S, Diers S, Bauerfeind S, Czerny CP, Neumann S (2016)
Dynamics of salivary immunoglobulin A and serum interleukin 6 levels in newborn calves.
Livestock Sci.189: 1 - 7
Galamb E, Faigl V, Keresztes M, Csillik Z, Troscher A, Elek P, Kulcsar M, Huszenicza G, Febel H, Husveth F (2016)
Effect of pre- and post-partum supplementation with lipid-encapsulated conjugated linoleic acid on milk yield and metabolic status in multiparous high-producing dairy cows.
J. Anim. Physiol. Anim Nutr. doi:10.1111/jpn.12544
Gather T, Walter S, Todt D, Pfaender S, Brown RJP, Postel A, Becher P, Moritz A, Hansmann F, Baumgaertner W, Feige K, Steinmann E, Cavalleri JMV (2016)
Vertical transmission of hepatitis C virus-like non-primate hepacivirus in horses.
J. Gen. Virol. 97: 2540-2551
Geburek F, Gaus M, van Schie HTM, Rohn K, Stadler PM (2016)
Effect of intralesional platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatment on clinical and ultrasonographic parameters in equine naturally occurring superficial digital flexor tendinopathies - a randomized prospective controlled clinical trial.
BMC Vet. Res. 12: 191
Geburek F, Mundle K, Conrad S, Hellige M, Walliser U, van Schie HTM, van Weeren R, Skutella T, Stadler P (2016)
Tracking of autologous adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stromal cells with in vivo magnetic resonance imaging and histology after intralesional treatment of artificial equine tendon lesions - a pilot study.
Stem Cell Res. Ther. 7: 21
Gehrke M, Junge V, Jaśkowski JM, Polak MP, Urbaniak K, Żuraw A (2016)
Bovine Neonatal Pancytopenia - correlation between clinical symptoms, hematological parameters and lifespan.
Tierärztl. Prax. G 44: 355 - 359
Geyer J, Bakhaus K, Bernhardt R, Blaschka C, Dezhkam Y, Fietz D, Grosser G, Hartmann K, Hartmann MF, Neunzig J, Papadopoulos D, Sánchez-Guijo A, Scheiner-Bobis G, Schuler G, Shihan M, Wrenzycki C, Wudy SA, Bergmann M (2016)
The role of sulfated steroid hormones in reproductive processes.
J. Steroid Biochem. Mol. Biol. pii: S0960-0760(16)30201-1
Gondim LFP, Wolf A, Vrhovec MG, Pantchev N, Bauer C, Langenmayer MC, Bohne W, Teifke WP, Dubey JP, Conraths FJ, Schares G (2016)
Characterization of an IgG monoclonal antibody targeted to both tissue cyst and sporocyst walls of Toxoplasma gondii.
Exp. Parasitol. 163: 46-56
Gottschalk C, Biermaier B, Schwaiger K, Gross M, Gareis M (2016)
Ochratoxin A in brewer´s yeast used as food supplement.
Mycotoxin Res. 32: 1 - 5
Gralla S, Fischer D, Ohlert DV, Lierz M, Kramer M (2016)
Modified Evisceration in a blue-fronted mazon (Amazona aestiva) as an ocular treatment option in parrots.
J. Exot. Pet Med. 25: 07-12
Gramer I, Kessler M, Geyer J (2016)
Detection of novel polymorphisms in the ckit gene of canine patients with lymphoma, melanoma, haemangiosarcoma, and osteosarcoma.
Vet. Res. Comm. 40: 89 - 95
Grandt LM, Röthig A, Schroeder S, Köhler K, Langenstein J, Thom N, Neiger R (2016)
Feline paraneoplastic alopecia associated with metastasizing intestinal carcinoma.
J. Fel. Med. Surg. Open Rep.1-5. DOI: 10.1177/2055116915621582
Grosser G, Baringhaus KH, Döring B, Kramer W, Petzinger E, Geyer J (2016)
Identification of novel inhibitors of the steroid sulfate carrier ‘sodium-dependent organic anion transporter’ SOAT (SLC10A6) by pharmacophore modelling.
Mol. Cell. Endocrinol. 428: 133 - 141
Güssow A, Kempker K, Wurtinger G, Rydzewski L, Neiger R (2016)
Remarkably long overall survival of a 15-month old Australian Shepherd Dog with gastric T-cell lymphoma.
Vet. Rec. Case Rep. 4: e000351
Hartmann A, Driesen A, Lautenschläger IE, Scholz VB, Schmidt MJ (2016)
Quantitative analysis of brain perfusion in healthy dogs by means of magnetic resonance imaging (2016).
Am. J. Vet. Res. 77: 1227-1235
Hartmann K, Bennien J, Wapelhorst B, Bakhaus K, Schumacher V, Kliesch S, Weidner W, Bergmann M, Geyer J, Fietz D (2016)
Current insights into the sulfatase pathway in human testis and cultured Sertoli cells.
Histochem. Cell Biol. 146: 737 - 748
Hassdenteufel E, Lehmann H, Schneider M, Moritz A (2016)
Notfalltherapie bei Vergiftungen von Hund und Katze.
Tierärztl Prax. 44 (K) 6: 438 - 449
Hausmann L, Pack A, Hausmann S, Neiger R (2016)
Erworbener Von-Willebrand-Faktor- und Faktor-VIII Mangel durch eine Angiostrongylose bei einem Hund.
Tierärztl. Prax. (K) 44: 189-193
Häußler, TC, Peppler, C, Schmitz, S, Bauer, C, Hirzmann, J, Kramer, M (2016)
Kanine peritoneale Zestodose durch Mesocestoides spp..
Tierärztl. Prax. 44(K): 123-128
Hazuchova K, Held S, Neiger R (2016)
Usefulness of acute phase proteins in differentiating between feline infectious peritonitis and other diseases in cats with body cavity effusions.
J. Fel. Med. Surg. DOI: 10.1177/1098612X16658925
Hennies S, Bülte M (2016)
Ein Beitrag zur Mikroflora in Blattsalaten.
RFL 68: 219-221
Hermosilla C, Diakou A, Psychas V, Silva L R M, Taubert A (2016)
Fatal Eimeria gilruthi-induced Abomasal Coccidiosis: a Still Neglected Parasitosis?
J. Vet. Med. Res. 25: 208 - 212
Hermosilla C, Silva L M R, Kleinertz S, Prieto R, Silva M A, Taubert A (2016)
Endoparasite survey of free-swimming baleen whales (Balaenoptera musculus, B. physalus, B. borealis) and sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) using non/minimal-invasive methods.
Parasitol. Res. 115: 889 - 896
Hermosilla C, Silva L M R, Navarro M, Taubert A (2016)
Anthropozoonotic endoparasites in a free-ranging ‘urban’ South American sea lion (Otaria flavenscens) colony.
J. Vet. Med. Vol. 2016: 7507145
Hesse A, Hoffmann J, Orzekowsky H, Neiger R. (2016)
Canine cystine urolithiasis: A review of 1760 submissions over 35 years (1979–2013).
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Heusler T, Peppler C, Schmitz S, Bauer C, Hirzmann J, Kramer M (2016)
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Tierärztl. Prax. (K) 44: 123-128
Hildebrandt N, Leuser C, Miltz D, Henrich E, Schneider M (2016)
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Tierärztl. Prax. (K) 44: 59-64
Hirz M, Drögemüller M, Schänzer A, Jagannathan V, Dietschi E, Goebel HH, Hecht W,
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Hirz M, Herden C (2016)
Cutaneous amelanotic signet-ring cell malignant melanoma with interspersed myofibroblastic differentiation in a young cat.
J. Vet. Diagn. Invest. 28: 429-435
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Equine odontoclastic tooth resorption and hypercementosis.
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Hopster K, Wogatzki A, Geburek F, Conze P, Kästner SBR (2016)
Effects of positive end-expiratory pressure titration on intestinal oxygenation and perfusion in isoflurane anaesthetised horses.
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Hüske C, Sander SE, Hamann M, Kershaw O, Richter F, Richter A (2016)
Towards optimized anesthesia protocols for stereotactic surgery in rats: Analgesic, stress and general health effects of injectable anesthetics. A comparison of a recommended complete reversal anesthesia with traditional chloral hydrate monoanesthesia.
Brain Res. 1642: 364-375
Hussein HA, Mohamed RH, Hossam M, Wehrend A (2016)
Ovarian response and conception rate following oestrus synchronization using three protocols in Egyptian buffalo heifers.
Tierärztl. Prax. G 44: 287 - 294
Islam MdK, Baudin M, Eriksson J, Öberg C, Habjan M, Weber F, Överby AK, Ahlm C, Evander M (2016)
High-throughput screening using a whole-cell virus replication reporter gene assay to identify inhibitory compounds against Rift Valley fever virus infection.
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Junginger J, Geburek F, Khan MA, Müller G, Gruber A, Hewicker-Trautwein M (2016)
Cutaneous form of maculopapular mastocytosis in a foal.
Vet. Dermatol. 27: 202-e51.
Junker S, Frommer KW, Krumbholz G, Tsiklauri L, Gerstberger R, Rehart S, Steinmeyer J, Rickert M, Wenisch S, Schett G, Müller-Ladner U, Neumann E (2016)
Expression of adipokines in osteoarthritis osteophytes and their effect on osteoblasts.
Matrix Biol. 22: 945-953
Kabelitz L, Nonn A, Nolte KW, Nikoubashman O, Othman A, Heringer S, Kramer M, Wiesmann M, Brockmann MA (2016)
Long term outcome after application of the angio-seal vascular closure device in minipigs.
PLOS ONE doi: 10.1371/journal.pone0163878
Kainulainen M, Lau S, Samuel CE, Hornung V, Weber F (2016)
NSs virulence factor of Rift Valley fever virus engages the F-box proteins FBXW11 and b-TRCP1 to degrade the antiviral protein kinase PKR.
J. Virol. 90: 6140-6147
Kaiser S, Thiel C, Kramer M, Peppler C (2016)
Komplikationen und Prognose von cervikalen Sialozelen beim Hund bei Anwendung des lateralen Zugangs.
Tierärztl. Prax. 41(K): 323-331
Kaiser SM, Harms O, Konar M, Staudacher A, Langer A, Thiel C, Kramer M, Schaub S, von Pückler K (2016)
Clinical, radiographic, and magnetic resonance imaging findings of gastrocnemius musculo-tendinopathy in various dog breeds.
Vet. Comp. Orthop. Traumatol. 29: 515-521
Kempker K, Güssow A, Neiger R (2016)
Transienter, atypischer Hypoadrenokortizismus nach Behandlung mit Delmadinonacetat (Tardastrex®) bei einem zwei Jahre alten Rüden.
Schweiz. Arch. Tierheilk. 158: 193-197
Kirschner S, Mürle B, Felix M, Arns A, Groden C, Wenz F, Hug A, Glatting G, Kramer M, Giordano FA, Brockmann MA (2016)
Imaging of orthotopic glioblastoma xenografts in mice using a clinical CT scanner: Comparison with micro-CT and histology.
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Klaus ES, Gonzalez NH, Bergmann M, Bartkuhn M, Weidner W, Kliesch S, Rathke C (2016)
Murine and human spermatids are characterized by numerous, newly synthesized and differentially expressed transcription factors and bromodomain-containing proteins.
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Klein B, Haggeney T, Fietz D, Indumathy S, Loveland KL, Hedger M, Kliesch S, Weidner W, Bergmann M, Schuppe HC (2016)
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Kolecka M, von Pückler K, De Decker S, Cortellini S, Wurtinger G, Schmidt MJ (2016)
Magnetic resonance imaging and clinical findings in carbon monoxid intoxication in dogs. A case report.
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Lennartz F, Bayer K, Czerwonka N, Lu Y, Kehr K, Hirz M, Steinmetzer T, Garten W, Herden C (2016)
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Loaiza A, Carretta M, Taubert A, Hermosilla C, Hidalgo M A, Burgos R (2016)
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Prevalence of virulence factors in enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli isolated from pigs with post-weaning diarrhoea in Europe.
Porcine Health Management 2: 20
Mäder P, Blohm AS, Quack T, Lange-Grünweller K, Grünweller A. Hartmann RK, Grevelding CG, Schlitzer M (2016)
Biarylalkyl carboxylic acid derivates as novel antischistosomal agents.
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Maksimov P, Hermosilla C, Kleinertz S, Hirzmann J, Taubert A (2016)
Besnoitia besnoiti infections activate bovine endothelial cells and promote PMN adhesion under flow conditions.
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A missence variant in KCNJ10 in Belgian shepherd dogs affected by spongy degeneration with cerebellar ataxia (SDCA1) G3 (Bethesda), pii: g3.116.038455
Mihsler L, Wagner H, Wehrend A (2016)
Suppression of sexual activity and reproduction in male small ruminants.
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Möller Palau-Ribes F, Enderlein D, Hagen N, Herbst W, Hafez HM, Lierz M (2016)
Description and prevalence of Mycoplasma ciconiae sp. nov. isolated from white stork nestlings (Ciconia ciconia).
Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 66: 3477-3484
Moore NT, Schroeder W, Staszyk C (2016)
Equine odontoclastic tooth resorption and hypercementosis affecting all cheek teeth in two horses: Clinical and histopathological findings.
Eq.Vet. Educ. 28: 123–130
Morel M, Vanderstraete M, Cailliau K, Hahnel S, Grevelding CG, Dissous C (2016)
SmShb, the SH2-containing adaptor protein B of Schistosoma Mansoni regulates venus receptor signaling pathways.
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Epithelial propionyl- and butyrylcholine as novel regulators of colonic ion transport.
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Müller M, Dahlem DP, Henrich M, Neiger R, Schmitz S (2016)
Favorable long-term outcome of granulomatous colitis involving two E.coli strains with multiple antimicrobial resistances in a French bulldog in Germany.
Vet. Rec. Case Rep. 4: e000296
Müller MA, Devignot S, Lattwein E, Corman VM, Maganga GD, Gloza-Rausch F, Binger T, Vallo P, Emmerich P, Cottontail VM, Tschapka M, Oppong S, Drexler JF, Weber F, Leroy EM, Drosten C (2016)
Evidence for widespread infection of African bats with Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever-like viruses.
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Müller MR, Linek M, Löwenstein C, Röthig A, Doucette K, Thorstensen K, Müller RS (2016)
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