Publikationen 2022
Ahmed MFE, Alssahen M, Lämmler C, Hoffmann C, Prenger-Berninghoff E, Ewers C, Plötz M, Abdulmawjodd A (2022)
Phenotypic and gentoypic approach to characterize a Trueperella pecoris strain isolated from necrotic vestibulitis of a camel (Camelus dromedarius)
Letters Appl. Microbiol. 75: 363-367
Albers L, Albers J, Dullin Ch, Staszyk C, Bienert-Zeit A (2022)
Early incisor lesions and equine odontoclastic tooth resorption and hypercementosis: Reliability of radiographic findings.
Eq. Vet. J. 2022, 00:1–9
Albers L, Bienert-Zeit A, Staszyk C (2022)
Equine incisor lesions: Histologic confirmation of radiographic, macroscopic, and micro-computed tomographic findings.
Vet. Sci. 9: 348
Alssahen M, Foster G, Hassan AA, Rau J, Lämmler C, Prenger-Berninghoff E, Eisenberg T, Robinson M, Abdulmawjood A (2022)
First isolation of Arcanobacterium pinnipediorum from a grey seal pup (Halichoerus grypus) in the UK.
Folia Microbiol. (Praha) 67: 291-297
Alssahen M, Kreitlow A, Sammra O, Lämmler C, Borowiak M, Malorny B, Siebert U, Wohlsein P, Prenger-Berninghoff E, Plötz M, Abdulmawjood A (2022)
Aracnobacterium buesumense sp. nov., isolated from an anal swab of a male harbour seal (Phoca vitulina).
Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 72). doi: 10.1099/ijsem.0.005573
Altmann H, Cui Y, Henrich M, Schaub S, Thiel C, Moritz A, Bauer R, Bauer N (2022)
99m-Technetium-Pertechnetat- und 99m-Technetium-Sestamibi-Szintigraphie zur Darstellung von hypofunktionellem Schilddrüsengewebe und Staging bei einem Hund mit Schilddrüsenkarzinom.
Tierärztl. Prax. Klein/Heimtiere 50: 446-456
Anantama NA, Du Cheyne C, Martens A, Roth SP, Burk J, De Spiegelaere W, Michler JK (2022)
The granulation (t)issue: A narrative and scoping review of basic and clinical research of the equine distal limb exuberant wound healing disorder.
Vet. J. 280: 105790
Anschütz NH, Gerbig S, Peter Ventura A M, Silva LMR, Larrazabal C, Hermosilla C, Taubert A Spengler B (2022)
AP-SMALDI MS imaging of Neospora caninum-infected cell monolayers.
Anal. Sci. Adv. 2022: 1-11
Appelberg S, Ahlén G, Yan J, Nikouyan N, Weber S, Larsson O, Höglund U, Aleman S, Weber F, Perlhamre E, Apro J, Gidlund EK, Tuvesson O, Salati S, Cadossi M, Tegel H, Hober S, Frelin L, Mirazimi A, Sällberg M (2022)
A universal SARS-CoV DNA vaccine inducing highly cross-reactive neutralizing antibodies and T cells.
EMBO Mol. Med. 14: e15821
Auer M, Wagner H, Failing K, Wehrend A (2022)
Epididymis incision as a method to collect epididymal sperm cells in alpacas.
Vet. Med. Sci. 8: 157-163
Aurich S, Prenger-Berninghoff E, Ewers C (2022)
Prevalence and antimicrobial resistance of bacterial uropathogens isolated from dogs and cats.
Antibiotics 11: 1730
Ballout J, Claßen R, Richter K, Grau V, Diener M (2022)
Ionotropic P2X4 and P2X7 receptors in the regulation of ion transport across rat colon.
Brit. J. Pharmacol. 179: 4992-5011
Barba E, Guedes AC, Molina JM, Martín S, Muñoz MC, Ferrer O, Lara PC, Hermosilla C, Taubert A, Ruiz A (2022)
Immunoprotection against mixed Eimeria spp. infections in goat kids induced by X-irradiated oocysts.
Parasitol. Res. 121:1517-1525
Barrio IC, Ehrich D, Soininen EM, Ravolainen VT, Bueno CG, Gilg O, Koltz AM, Speed JDM, Hik DS, Mörsdorf M, Alatalo JM, Angerbjörn A, Bêty J, Bollache L, Boulanger-Lapointe N, Brown GS, Eischeid I, Giroux MA, Hájek T, Hansen B.B, Hofhuis SP, Lamarre,J-F, Lang J, Latty C, Lecomte N, Macek P, Mckinnon L, Myers-Smith IH, Pedersen ÅØ, Prévey JS, Roth JD, Saalfeld ST, Schmidt NM, Smith P, Sokolov A, Sokolova N, Stolz C, Van Bemmelen R, Varpe Ø, Woodard PF, Jónsdóttir IS (2022)
Developing common protocols to measure tundra herbivory across spatial scales.
Arctic Sci. 8: 638-679
Bartlitz C, Kolenda R, Chilimoniuk J, Grzymajlo K, Rödiger S, Bauerfeind R, Ali A, Tchesnokova V, Roggenbuck D, Schierack P (2022)
Adhesion of enteropathogenic, enterotoxigenic, and commensal Escherichia coli to the major zymogen granule membran glycoprotein 2.
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 88: e0227921
Belachsen O, Sargent J, Collins S, Koffas H, Schneider M, Wagner T (2022)
The use of Amplatzer vascular plug II in 32 consecutive dogs for transvenous occlusion of patent ductus arteriosus.
J. Vet. Cardiol. 41: 88-98
Bemmann K, Schüle E, Ohnesorge B, Fey K, Brandt K, Stadtbäumer G, Feige K (2022)
Die tierärztliche Aufklärungspflicht - Kommentar zu den Leitlinien betreffend die Aufklärungs- und Hinweis-/Informationspflicht in der pferdemedizinischen Praxis
VersR 85-95
Bernd KS, Kump AWS, Freise F, Reich F, Kehrenberg, C (2022)
Influences of biosecurity on the occurrence of cellulitis in broiler flocks.
J. Appl. Poult. Res. 31: 100230
Bertram CA, Marzahl C, Bartel A, Stayt J, Bonsembiante F, Beeler-Marfisi J, Barton AK, Brocca G, Gelain ME, Gläsel A, du Preez K, Weiler K, Weissenbacher-Lang C, Breininger K, Aubreville M, Maier A, Klopfleisch R, Hill J (2022)
Cytologic scoring of equine exercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhage: Performance of human experts and a deep learning-based algorithm.
Vet. Pathol. 60: 75 - 85
Bisterfeld K, Raulf MK, Waindok P, Springer A, Lang J, Lierz M, Strube C (2022)
Cardio-pulmonary parasites of the European wildcat (Felis silvestris) in Germany
Parasites Vect. 15: 1-15
Bisterfeld, K, Raulf M-K, Waindok P, Springer A, Lang J, Lierz M, Siebert U, Strube C, (2022)
Cardio-pulmonary parasites of the European wildcat (Felis silvestris) in Germany. Parasites Vect. 15: 452
Bitterl, T, Mund G, Häußler TC, Farke D, Kramer M, Schmidt MJ, Peppler C (2022)
Minimal invasive fluoroscopic percutaneous lateral stabilisation of thoracolumbar
spinal fractures and luxations using unilateral uniplanar external skeletal fixators in
dogs and cats.
Vet. Comp. Orthop. Traumatol.: doi: 10.1055/s-0041-1736219
Blim S, Lehn D, Scheu T, Koch C, Thaller G, Bostedt H (2022)
Evaluation of the electrolyte status in hyperprolific sows on the farrowing process under different housing conditions.
Theriogenology 193: 37-46
Böhmer MM, Haring V, Rubbenstroth D, Bauswein M, Tappe D, Sternjakob A, Pörtner K, Frank C, Wunderlich S, Angstwurm K, Herden C, Beer M, Schmidt B, Ulrich RG (2022)
Selten, aber meist tödlich: Bornavirus-Enzephalitis.
Bayr. Ärztebl. 9/2022: 434-437
Borrego B, Moreno S, López-Valiñas Á, de la Losa N, Weber F, Núñez JI, Brun A (2022)
Identification of single amino acid changes in the rift valley fever virus polymerase core domain contributing to virus attenuation in vivo.
Front. Cell. Infect. Microbiol. 12: 875539
Bourg M, Nobach D, Herzog S, Lange-Herbst H, Nesseler A, Hamann H, Becker S, Höper D, Hoffmann B, Eickmann M, Herden C (2016)
Screening of red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) for possivel viral causes of encephalitis.
Virol. J. 13: 151-160
Brabec J, Uribe M, Chaparro-Gutierrez JJ, Hermosilla C (2022)
Presence of Spirometra mansoni, causative agent of sparganosis, in South America.
Emerg. Infect. Dis. 28: 2347-2350
Bredehöft J, Dolga AM, Honrath B, Wache S, Mazurek S, Culmsee C, Schoemaker RG, Gerstberger R, Roth J, Rummel C (2022)
SK-channel activation alters peripheral metabolic pathways in mice, but not lipopolysaccharide-induced fever or inflammation.
J. Inflamm. Res. 15: 509-531
Breuer J, Barth P, Noe Y, Shalamova L, Goesmann A, Weber F, Rossbach O (2022)
What goes around comes around: Artificial circular RNAs bypass cellular antiviral responses.
Mol. Ther. Nucleic Acids 28: 623-635
Büchner S, von Thaden A, Braun A, Drodofsky P, Heim L, Hill P, Lang J, Haalboom T, (2022)
DoMoS – an open-source device for automated monitoring of endangered Garden dormice (Eliomys quercinus).
Eur. J. Wildlife Res. 68: 63
Burgos RA, Werling D, Hermosilla C (2022)
The emerging role of metabolism and metabolic-related receptors on neutrophil extracellular traps (NET) formation.
Front. Immunol. 13:1028228
Burk J, Sassmann A, Kasper C, Nimptsch A, Schubert S (2022)
Extracellular matrix synthesis and remodeling by mesenchymal stromal cells is context-sensitive.
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 23: 1758
Claßen R, Pouokam E, Wickleder M, Diener M, Mattern A (2022)
Atropine-functionalised gold nanoparticles binding to muscarinic receptors after passage across the intestinal epithelium.
Royal Soc. Open Sc.i 9: 220244
Cohrs I, Wächter S, Hansen K, Scheu T, Wilkens M, Grünberg W (2022)
A potential new biomarker to monitor the phosphorus balance in dry dairy cows.
Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 287: 115281
Comino F, Röcken M, Gorvy D (2022)
Standing laparoscopy combined with a conventional inguinal approach to treat extended
septic funiclitit in 12 horses.
Vet. Surg. 51:853-858
Conejeros I, Lopez-Osorio S, Zhou E, Velásquez ZD, del Río MC, Burgos RA, Alarcon PA, Chaparro-Gutiérrez JJ, Hermosilla C, Taubert A (2022)
Glycolysis, monocarboxylate transport and purinergic signaling are key events in Eimeria bovis-induced NETosis.
Front. Immunol. 11: 842482
Conze T, Büttner K, Wehrend A (2022)
Parameters in canines after Cesarean sections
Front. Vet. Sci. 9: 886691
Csadek I, Wagner M, Lingnau D, Alter, T, Herrfurth D, Meemken D, Oswaldi V, Isbrandf R, Langkabel N, Kehrenberg, C, Stephan, R, Morach M, Johler S, Zens W, Braun AS, Martlbauer E, Sperner B, Koethe M, Sudhaus-Jorn N, Krischek C, Plötz M, Mitterer-Istyagin H, Birka S, Saffaf J, Albert T, Braun PG (2022)
Quo vadis: Teaching during the SARS CoV-2 pandemic - Changes in teaching of food hygiene subjects at the universities/faculties of veterinary medicine in German speaking countries.
J. Food Saf. Food Qual. 73: 48-57
De Jong A, El Garch F, Hocquet D, Prenger-Berninghoff E, Dewulf J, Migura-Garcia L, Perrin-Guyomard A, Veldman KT, Janosi S, Skarzynska M, Simjee S, Moyaert H, Rose M; EASSA Study Group (2022)
European-wide antimicrobial resistance monitoring in commensal Escherichia coli isolated from healthy food animals between 2004 and 2018.
J. Antimicrob. Chemother. 77: 3301-3311
Demattio L, Conejeros I, Grob D, Gärtner U, Taubert A, Hermosilla C, Wehrend A (2022)
Neospora caninum-induced NETosis in canine colostral polymorphonuclear neutrophils.
J. Reprod. Immunol. 154: 103749
Diehl B, Oster M, Vernunft A, Wimmers K, Bostedt H (2022)
Intrinsic challenges of neonatal adaptation in swine.
Arch. Anim. Breed. 65: 427-438
Doll CU, von Pückler K, Offhaus J, Berner D, Burk J (2022)
Characterization of equine chronic tendon lesions in low- and high-field Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
Vet. Sci. 9: 297
Donat K, Einax E, Klassen A (2022)
Evaluation of the Thuringian Bovine Johne's Disease Control Program- A case study.
Animals 12: 493
Dong Y, Rivetti S, Lingampally Tacke S, Kojonazarov B, Erhardt H (2022)
Insights into the black box of intra-amniotic infection and ist impact on the premature lung: from clinical and preclinical perpectives.
Int. J. Mol. Sci. doi: 10.3390/ijms23179792
Du S, Trakooljul N, Palma-Vera SE, Murani E, Schuler G, Schoen J, Chen S (2022)
Regulation of porcine oviduct epithelium functions via progesterone and estradiol is influenced by cortisol.
Endocrinology 164: bqac176
Dubovitskaya O, Valero A, Seinige D, Bungenstock L, Schill F, Kehrenberg C, Reich F (2022)
Comparative studies on the correlation of Campylobacter spp. at different stages in the broiler production chain.
Food Control 133: 108647
Dürrwald R, Kolodziejek J, Oh DY, Herzog S, Liebermann H, Osterrieder N, Nowotny N (2022)
Vaccination against Borna Disease: Overview, vaccine virus characterization and investigation of live and inactivated vaccines.
Viruses 14: 2706
Ebmer D, Handschuh S, Schwaha T, Rubio-García A, Glösmann M, Taubert A, Hermosilla C (2022)
Novel 3D in situ visualization of seal heartworm (Acanthocheilonema spirocauda) larvae in the seal louse (Echinophthirius horridus) by X-ray microCT.
Sci. Rep. 12): 14078
Ebmer D, Kniha E, Strauss V, Kübber-Heiss A, Komornik L, Balfanz F, Hering-Hagenbeck S, Walochnik J, Gärtner U, Prosl H, Taubert A, Voracek T, Hermosilla C (2022)
First report of a severe nasopulmonary acariasis caused by Orthohalarachne diminuata Doetschmann, 1944 (Acari: Halarachnidae) in a captive South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens Shaw, 1800)
Int. J. Parasitol. Parasites Wildl. 19: 248-256
Eisenberg S, Krieger M, Campe A, Lorenz I, Einax E, Donat K (2022)
Herd prevalence estimation of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis burden in the three main dairy production regions of Germany (PraeMAP).
Animals 12:447
Eisenberg T, Mühldorfer K, Erhard M, Fawzy A, Kehm S, Ewers C, Semmler T, Blom J, Lipski A, Rau J, Kämpfer P, Glaeser SP (2022)
Erysipelothrix anatis sp. nov., Erysipelothrix aquatica sp. nov. and Erysipelothrix urinaevulpis sp. nov., three novel species of the genus, and emended description of Erysipeltothrix.
Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 72. doi: 10.1099/ijsem.0.005454
Elashry MI, Kinde M, Klymiuk MC, Eldaey A, Wenisch S, Arnhold S (2022)
The effect of hypoxia on myogenic differentiation and multipotency of the skeletal muscle-derived stem cells in mice.
Stem Cell Res. Ther. 13: 56
Emich J, Gaikwad AS, Stallmeyer B, Fietz D, Schuppe HC, Oud MS, Kliesch S, Gromoll J, Friedrich C, Tüttelmann F (2022)
Functional assessment of DMRT1 variants and their pathogenicity for isolated male infertility.
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Enge AM, Kaltner F, Gottschalk C, Kin A, Kirstgen M, Geyer J, These A, Hammer H, Pötz O, Braeunung A, Hessel-Pras S (2022)
Organic cation transporter I and Na+/taurocholate co-transporting polypeptide are invovled in retrorsine- and senecionine-induced hepatotoxicity in HepaRG cells.
Mol. Nutr. Food Res. 66: 2100800
Estaller A, Kessler M, Wehrend A, Hirschberger J, Neumann S (2022)
Utility of serum Ki-67 as a marker for malignancy in dogs.
Animals 12: 1263
Ewers C, Göpel L, Prenger-Berninghoff E, Semmler T, Kerner K, Bauerfeind R (2022)
Occurence of mcr-1 and mcr-2 colistin resistance genes in porcine Escherichia coli isolates (2010-2020) and genomic characterization of mcr-2-positive E. coli.
Front. Microbiol. 13: 1076315
Fawzy M, Giel AS, Fenske L, Bach A, Herden C, Engel K, Heuser E, Boelhauve M, Ulrich RG, Vogel K, Schmidt K, Eisenberg T (2022)
Development and validation of a triplex realtime qPCR for sensitive detection and quantification of major rat bite fever pathogen Streptobacillus moniliformis.
J. Microbiol. Meth. 199: 106525
Fenske L, Noll I, Blom J, Ewers C, Semmler T, Fawzy A, Eisenberg T (2022)
A dominant clonal lineage of Streptococcus uberis in cattle in Germany.
Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek 115: 857-870
Fischer C, Schaub S, Büttner K, Hartmann K, Schmidt MJ (2022)
Dilated perivascular spaces can present incidental CSF-isointense foci within the ventral forebrain of dogs and cats in transverse MR images.
Front.Vet. Sci. 10: 1002836
Fischer D, De Oliviera MJ, Baumgartner K, Will H, Wu S, Bosso P, Ferreira Teles PH, Cubas ZS, Lierz M, Von Fersen L (2022)
A pilot study about assisted reproduction in harpy eagles (Harpia harpyja) in the course of species conservation including collection, storage, and analysis of semen”
Theriogenology 181: 190-201
Fischer D, Schneider H, Meinecke-Tillmann S, Wehrend A, Lierz M (2023)
Computer-assisted semen analysis in large falcons (Falco spp.) using various settings of the computer assisted sperm analyzer SpermVision™ and comparison to result of conventional semen analysis.
Tierärztl. Prax. Kleintier. Accepted.
Fischer D, De Oliveira MJ, Baumgartner K, Will H, Wu S, Bosso P, Teles PHF, Cubas ZS, Lierz M, von Fersen L (2022)
A pilot study about assisted reproduction in harpy eagles (Harpia harpyja) including semen collection, storage and analysis.
Theriogenology 181: 190-201
Fischer L, Liebing J, Völker I, Baudler L, Gethöffer F, Voigt U, Heffels-Redmann U, Wohlsein P, Siebert U, Lierz M (2022)
Occurrence and relevance of Mycoplasma spp. in free-ranging pheasants from northwestern Germany
Eur. J. Wildlife Res. 1-6
Fischer L, Möller Palau-Ribes F, Kipper S, Weiss M, Landgraf C, Lierz M (2022)
Absence of Mycoplasma spp. in nightingales (Luscinia megarhynchos) and blue (Cyanistes caeruleus) and great tits (Parus major) in Germany and its potential implication for evolutionary studies in birds
Eur. J. Wildlife Res. 68:
Fürbass R, Michaelis M, Schuler G (2022)
Unhatched bovine blastocysts express all transcripts of the estrogen biosynthetic pathway, but steroid hormone synthesis could not yet be demonstrated.
Domest. Anim. Endocrinol. 82: 106770
Gallinger TL, Aboagye SY, Obermann W, Weiss M, Gruenweller A, Unverzagt C, Williams DL, Schlitzer M, Haeberlein S. (2022)
First in silico screening of insect molecules for identification of novel anti-parasitic compounds.
Pharmaceuticals (Basel) 15: 119
Gallinger TL, Obermann W, Lange-Grünweller K, Schmidt N, Haeberlein S, Grünweller A, Grevelding CG, Schlitzer M. (2022)
From dithiocarbamates to branched dithiocarbazates: Compounds with potent antischistosomal activity.
Arch. Pharm. (Weinheim) (in press) doi: 10.1002/ardp.202200491
Gedon J, Wehrend A, Kessler M (2022)
Ovariectomy reduces the risk of tumour development and influences the histologic continuum in canine mammary tumours.
Vet. Comp. Oncol. 20: 476-483
Gernand E, Ahlers C, Huchler M, Donat K (2022)
Plumage damage and back skin lesions in laying hens with untrimmed beak depend on rearing of pullets and genetics.
Br. Poult. Sci. 63: 274-282
Gethöffer F, Liebing J, Ronnenberg K, Curland N, Puff C, Wohlsein P, Baumgärtner W, Bücking B, Heffels-Redmann U, Voigt U, Sonne C, Lierz M, Siebert U (2022)
The modulating effect of food composition on the immune system in growing ring-necked pheasants (Phasianus colchicus)
PloS One 17: e0277236
Giamouri E, Papadomichelakis G, Pappas AC, Simitzis PE, Galliou F, Paßlack N, Zentek J, Lasaridi K, Fegeros K, Manios T, Tsiplakou E, Zervas G (2022)
Μeat Quality Traits as Affected by the Dietary Inclusion of Food Waste in Finishing Pigs.
Sustainability 14: 6593
Gierhardt M, Pak O, Sydykov A, Kraut S, Schäffer J, Garcia C, Veith C, Zeidan EM, Brosien M, Quanz K, Esfandiary A, Saraji A, Hadzic S, Kojonazarov B, Wilhelm J, Ghofrani HA, Schermuly RT, Seeger W, Grimminger F, Herden C, Schulz R, Weissmann N, Heger J, Sommer N (2022)
Genetic deletion of p66shc and/or cyclophilin D results in decreased pulmonary vascular tone.
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Glatzle M, Wagner H, Feldmann A, Wehrend A (2022)
Survey among keepers of endangered sheep and goat breeds on the influence of wolves on animal husbandry.
Tierarztl. Prax. Ausg. G Grosstiere Nutztiere 50: 297-302
Globokar Vrhovec M, Alnassan AA, Pantchev N, Bauer C (2022)
Is there any change in the prevalence of intestinal or cardiopulmonary parasite infections in companion animals (dogs and cats) in Germany between 2004-2006 and 2015–2017? An assessment of the impact of the first ESCCAP guidelines.
Vet. Parasitol. 312: 109836
Gmel A, Halla Haraldsdóttir E, Braganca F, Cruz A.M, Neuditschko, M, Weishaupt MA (2022)
Determining objective parameters to assess gait quality in Franches-Montagnes horses for ground coverage and over-tracking - Part 1: At trot
J. Eq. Vet. Sci. 120: 104166
Gmel A, Halla Haraldsdóttir E, Braganca F, Cruz AM (2022)
Determining objective parameters to assess gait quality in Franches-Montagnes horses for ground coverage and over-tracking - Part 1: At walk
J. Eq. Vet. Sci. 115: 104024
Goericke-Pesch S, Reifarth L, Behrens Mathiesen C, Schuler G, Umbach AK, Körber H (2022)
Chronic immune-mediated orchitis is the major cause of acquired non-obstructive azoospermia in dogs.
Front. Vet. Sci. 9: 865967
Gramer I, Karakus E, Hartmann MF, Wudy SA, Bauer N, Moritz A, Aktürk Z, Geyer J (2022)
Urinary cortisol metabolites are reduced in MDR1 mutant dogs in a pilot targeted GC-MS urinary steroid hormone metabolome analysis.
J. Vet. Pharmacol. Therap. 45: 265 - 272
Gross S, Müller A, Seinige D, Oliveira M, Steinhagen D, Siebert U, Kehrenberg C (2022)
High rates of multidrug-resistant Escherichia coli in great cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo) of the German Baltic and North Sea coasts: Indication of environmental contamination and a potential public health risk.
Pathogens 11: doi: 10.3390/pathogens11080836
Gross S, Müller A, Seinige D, Wohlsein P, Oliveira M, Steinhagen D, Kehrenberg C, Siebert U (2022)
Occurrence of antimicrobial-resistant Escherichia coli in marine mammals of the North and Baltic Seas: Sentinels for human health.
Antibiotics 11: doi: 10.3390/antibiotics11091248
Gütgemann F, Müller A, Churin Y, Jung A, Kumm F, Heuvelink A, Yue M, Kehrenberg C (2022)
Proposal of a method for harmonized broth microdilution antimicrobial susceptibility testing of Avibacterium gallinarum.
J. Clin. Microbiol. 60: e0041922
Hagen A, Hagen A, Holland H, Brandt VP, Doll CU, Häußler TC, Melzer M, Moellerberndt J, Lehmann H, Burk J (2022)
Platelet lysate for mesenchymal stromal cell culture in the canine and equine species: Analogous but not the same.
Animals (Basel) 12: 189
Hagen A, Niebert S, Brandt VP, Holland H, Melzer M, Wehrend A, Burk J (2022)
Functional properties of equine adipose-derived mesenchymal stromal cells cultured with equine platelet lysate.
Front. Vet. Sci. 9: 890302
Hartung S, Schlohsarczyk EK, Jost A, Sickinger M, Köhler K (2022)
Benign mixed Müllerian (duct) vaginal tumor in a 12-y-old goat.
J. Vet. Diagn. Invest. 34: 298-301
Hartung S, Weyrich A, Moroni M, Gómez M, Herden C
Histological and immunohistochemical characterization of vascular alterations in meninges of cats infected with Gurltia paralysans.
Pathogens 11: 88
Hasheminasab SS, Conejeros I, Velásquez ZD, Borggrefe T, Kamena F, Taubert A, Hermosilla C (2022)
ATP purinergic receptor P2X1-dependent suicidal NETosis induced by Cryptosporidium parvum under physioxia conditions.
Biology 11: 442
Häußler TC, Thom N, Prenger-Berninghoff E, Köhler K, Barth SA (2022)
Challenging diagnosis and successful treatment of localised Mycobacterium avium subsp. hominisuis glossitis in a dog on long-term immunomodulatory therapy.
N. Z. Ve.t J. Online: ahead of print. doi: 10.1080/00480169.2022.2113166
Hayen, A, Holland, H, Brandt, V-P, Doll, CV, Häußler, TC, Melzer, M, Moellerbendt, J, Lehmann, H, Burk, J (2022)
Platlet lysate for mesenchymal stromal cell culture in the canine and equine sprecies: analogous but not the same.
Animals: doi: 10.3390/ani 12020189
Heier E, Wurtinger G, Hassdenteufel E, Schneider M (2022)
Therapy of pyothorax in cats via small-bore thoracostomy tube in terms of efficacy, complications and outcomes.
Animals 12: 107
Hildebrandt N, Stosic A, Henrich E, Wiedemann N, Wurtinger G, Schneider M (2022)
Transvenous embolization of moderate to large patent ductus arteriosus in dogs using the Amplatzer vascular plug II.
J. Vet. Intern. Med. 36: 20-28
Hoffmann JR, Geburek F, Hagen J, Bütter K, Cruz, A. M, Röcken M (2022)
Bilateral change in vertical hoof force distribution in horses with unilateral forelimb lameness before and after successful diagnostic anaesthesia.
Animals 12: 2485
Hollidge BS, Salzano MV, Ibrahim JM, Fraser JW, Wagner V, Leitner NE, Weiss SR, Weber F, González-Scarano F, Soldan SS (2022)
Targeted mutations in the fusion peptide region of La Crosse Virus attenuate neuroinvasion and confer protection against encephalitis.
Viruses 14: 1464
Höltig D, Reiner G (2022)
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