Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

First Year Curriculum

Here you will find a list of schedule tutorials for the first-year class.

International Graduate Programme

First-year student presentations – Summer Semester 2010
(Sessions start at 18:30 on Wednesdays in the Schwesternkasino unless otherwise indicated)

Date Tutorial
14.04.2010† Post-translational modifications and
their analysis

Generation of antibodies and ELISA
21.04.2010 Principles of electrophoresis and immunoblotting
28.04.2010* Immunoprecipitation, co-Immunoprecipitation, and the GST pull-down
Genomic and cDNA libraries, and their applications
The yeast two-hybrid system
05.05.2010† Practical applications of theory (Questions designed by BreAnne)
12.05.2010 Chromatin immunoprecipitation
Microarrays & ChIP-on-Chip analysis
26.05.2010 Electrophoretic mobility shift assay
Promoter analysis by transcriptional reporter assay
02.06.2010 Regulated gene expression I
Regulated gene expression II
09.06.2010 Practical applications of theory (Questions designed by Esma)
16.06.2010† In situ approaches
Analysis of the ECM
23.06.2010 Exam Revision
30.06.2010 EXAM
07.07.2010 RE-EXAM

* This session will start at 18:30, and will take place in the Schwesternkasino.
† These sessions will start at 18:30, and will take place in the Hörsaal.