Dr. Sascha Krannich
- Dr. Sascha Krannich
- E-Mail: Sascha.Krannich
- Telefonnummer: 0641 / 99 47702
- Sprechstunde: nach Vereinbarung
Sascha Krannich is research associate at Giessen University, Germany, and co-editor of the Springer VS series „Studies on Migration and Integration Policies.“ He holds a PhD from Munster University, Germany. His research focuses on international migration and development, student migration, immigration policies, and global health. In the frame of his research projects, he conducted several research stays abroad – including at University of Oxford; Princeton University; University of California, Los Angeles; Universidad Javeriana, Colombia and Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico. Currently, he is conducting research projects on international student migration in Germany and the United States (funded by the German Research Foundation) and on transnational health-related commitment of the global Tamil diaspora in Sri Lanka (funded by the Fritz Thyssen Foundation).
- E-Mail: Sascha.Krannich
- Migration and Development
- Transnationalism
- Migration and Integration Policies
- Migration in an International Comparison
- International Student Migration
- International Labor Migration
- Migration and Health
- Global Health
09-11/2022 |
Visiting Researcher
08-12/2021 |
Visiting Academic
04/2019 |
Research Associate
Giessen University, Institute for the History of Medicine, Research Group Migration and Human Rights (FGMM) |
04/2018 |
Guest Lecturer
Fulda University of Applied Sciences, Department for Social and Cultural Sciences |
10/2018 |
Postdoc and Research Fellow
Siegen University, Institute for Advanced Study (FoKoS) |
04/2016- 03/2018 |
Visiting Researcher
Kwame Nkruma University, Kumasi, Ghana; Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Social Sciences Department, Colombia; Atma Jaya University, Jakarta, Indonesia; Bethlehem University, Palestine; Orbeliani University, Georgia (funded by the Research Commission of the Union of Dioceses in Germany (VDD)) |
04/2016 |
PhD Political Science
Graduate School of Politics, Münster University PhD scholarship by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES) (dissertation: "The Reconquest of Paradise? How Indigenous Mexican Migrants Construct Community in the United States and Mexico") |
02-06/2013 |
Visiting Research Fellow
07/2012 |
Visiting Academic
05-08/2010 |
Visiting Researcher
Universidad de Guadalajara, Institute of Sociology, Mexico |
09/2009 |
MA Political Science, Sociology and Economics, Münster University |
08/2008 |
Study Year Abroad
The Impact of Studies and Scholarships Abroad on Developmental Commitment at Home. A Case Study about DAAD and Fulbright Alumni from the Global South
Funding: German Research Foundation (DFG), 2022-2024
Guidance: Dr. Sascha Krannich and Prof. Dr. Uwe Hunger
Transnational Migrant Philanthropy: The Commitment of Tamils in Germany and the United Kingdom in Reconstructing the Health Care System in Post-War Sri Lanka since 2009
Funding: Fritz Thyssen Foundation, 2020-2022
Guidance: Dr. Sascha Krannich
Assistants: Cecile van Maanen, Laura-Alina Fabich and Thivitha Edwin
Consultant and speaker for different organizations and foundations:
Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), Schader Stiftung, Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD), Katholischer Akademischer Ausländer-Dienst (KAAD), Diakonie, Arbeiterwohlfahrt (AWO), Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes, Atlantische Akademie Rheinland-Pfalz, Europäische Akademie Otzenhausen, Evangelische Akademie Loccum, samo.fa Migrant*innennetzwerk etc.
- International Migration, Integration and Social Cohesion Network (IMISCOE)
- IMISCOE Standing Committee on Education and Social Inequality
- American Political Science Association (APSA)
- German Political Science Association (DVPW)
- Research Group “Migration and Human Rights,” Giessen University (FGMM)
- Spokesman, working group “Global Health and Human Rights,” Giessen University
- Spokesman, section “Human Rights and Democracy,” Giessen University
- Spokesman, DVPW working group “Migration Policies”
Publications (selection)
- Sascha Krannich and Uwe Hunger (2024): Student Migration and Development, Berlin: Springer Verlag (translation).
- Sascha Krannich and Uwe Hunger (2020): Studierendenmigration und Entwicklung. Eine Fallstudie am Beispiel des KAAD [Student Migration and Development. A Case Study of the KAAD], Wiesbaden: Springer VS Verlag.
- Sascha Krannich (2017): The Reconquest of Paradise? How Indigenous Migrants Construct Community in the United States and Mexico , Münster: LIT Verlag.
- Uwe Hunger and Sascha Krannich (2015): Einwanderungsregelungen im Vergleich – Was Deutschland von anderen Ländern lernen kann [Immigration Policies in Comparison – What Germany Can Learn from Other Countries]. WISO Diskurs, Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik, Bad Godesberg: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.
Edited Volumes
- Uwe Hunger, Sascha Krannich and Anas Ansar (eds.) (2024): Migration und COVID-19 [Migration and COVID-19], Berlin: Springer Verlag.
- Christine Wiezorek, Michael Knipper, Jürgen Bast, Sascha Krannich, and Regina Soremski (eds.) (2021): Migration und Menschenrechte [Migration and Human Rights]. Frankfurt/Main: Wochenschau Verlag ( forthcoming ).
- Uwe Hunger and Sascha Krannich (2020): Über Brücken und Grenzen entlang der Donau.Reisebericht über eine Studienfahrt der Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes ein Jahr nach Einbruch der Wirklichkeit [Over Bridges and Borders Along the Danube]., Münster: Schriftenreihe der WWU Münster.
Journal Articles
- Sascha Krannich und Douglas S. Massey (2024): The Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Immigration and Immigrant Wellbeing in the United States, SSM – Population Health , https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssmph.2024.101705 .
- Sascha Krannich (2024): Student Migration, Transnational Knowledge Transfer, and Legal and Political Transformation in Georgia, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies , available from: https://doi.org/10.1080/1369183X.2024.2357834 .
- Sascha Krannich (2024): International Student Mobility in the Context of Migration and Development, Migration and Development , available from: https://doi.org/10.1177/21632324241235034 .
- Sascha Krannich (2024): Diaspora and Conflict: The Case of Tamils in Germany, Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies 24, 1, 141-157, available from: https://doi.org/10.3138/diaspora.24.1.2024.01.03 .
- Sascha Krannich and Uwe Hunger (2022): Should they stay or should they go? A case study on international students in Germany, Comparative Migration Studies 10, 39, available from: https://doi.org/10.1186/s40878-022-00313-0 .
- Sascha Krannich and Uwe Hunger (2022): Exit Regime for International Students: The Case of Georgia, International Migration , available from: https://doi.org/10.1111/imig.13033 .
- Andreas Gkolfinopoulos and Sascha Krannich (2022): Highly skilled EU migrants during the COVID-19 pandemic: Between transnational migration and stasis, Transitions: Journal of Transient Migration 6, 2: 27-42.
- Sascha Krannich and Andreas Gkolfinopoulos (2022): Book Review: Mobility of the Highly Skilled towards Switzerland, Transitions: Journal of Transient Migration 6, 2: 123-125.
- Sascha Krannich (2022): Gleicher Name, unterschiedlicher Inhalt: Die Punktesysteme Kanadas, Australiens und Neuseelands im Vergleich [Same Name, Different Content: Point-based Systems in Canada, Australia and New Zealand] , Zeitschrift für Ausländerrecht und Ausländerpolitik (ZAR) 4/2022: 149-151.
- Sascha Krannich (2022): Transnational Urban and Local Migration Governance: The Case of Indigenous Mexican Migrants in Los Angeles, People, Place and Policy Journal 15/3: 117-132, available from: https://extra.shu.ac.uk/ppp-online/transnational-urban-and-rural-migrant-governance-the-case-of-the-indigenous-mexican-migrant-community-in-los-angeles/ .
- Sascha Krannich and Uwe Hunger (2021): Das Potential internationaler Studierender an deutschen Hochschulen für die Entwicklung ihrer Herkunftsländer [The Potential of International Students at German Universities for the Development of Their Countries of Origin] , die hochschule – Journal für Wissenschaft und Bildung 2/2021: 108-122.
- Uwe Hunger and Sascha Krannich (2019): Internationale Migration und Migrationspolitik 2018: Wo kommen wir her, wo stehen wir und wie geht es weiter? [International Migration and Migration Policies 2018: Where We Come From, Where We Are, and Where We Are Going?], Zeitschrift für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik (ZfAS) , Jubiläumsausgabe: 167-176.
- Uwe Hunger and Sascha Krannich (2018): Vor- und Nachteile einer punktebasierten Zuwanderungssteuerung für den Arbeitsmarkt. Lehren aus einem internationalen Vergleich der Zuwanderungsregelungen klassischer Einwanderungsländer [Advantages and Disadvantages of a Point-based Immigration Regulation for the Labor Market], Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft 1: 229-243.
- Sascha Krannich (2018): Das integrationsfördernde und entwicklungsrelevante Potenzial von internationalen Freiwilligen aus dem Globalen Süden in Deutschland. Ein Beitrag zur Debatte um Migration, Integration und Entwicklung [Integration and Developmental Potential of International Volunteers from the Global South in Germany], Voluntaris 10: 228-232.
- Sascha Krannich (2018): Wie ein kohärentes Zuwanderungs- und Integrationsgesetz aussehen könnte [How a Coherent Immigration and Integration Law Could Look Like], Neue Gesellschaft/Frankfurter Hefte (9): 35-40.
- Sascha Krannich (2016): Migration and Institutional Change: The Cases of Southern Mexican States and Their Emigrant Communities in the United States of America, Pravni Vjesnik, Journal of Law and Social Sciences 32 (1) 155-170.
Book Sections
- Sascha Krannich and Uwe Hunger (2023): Scholarship Policies and Long-term Mobility of International Students as a Development Strategy for the Global South, in Carola Bauschke-Urban and Dorina Dedgjoni (eds.): Student Mobilities from the Global South . London: Routledge ( forthcoming ).
- Sascha Krannich and Menderes Candan (2023): Migrantenorganisationen und Menschenrechte [Migrant Organizations and Human Rights], in Christine Wiezorek, Michael Knipper, Jürgen Bast, Sascha Krannich, and Regina Soremski (eds.): Migration und Menschenrechte . Frankfurt/Main: Wochenschau Verlag ( forthcoming ).
- Sascha Krannich (2022): Migration and Borders, in Dallen Timothy and Alon Gelbman (eds.): Handbook on Political Borders and Tourism . London: Routledge: 101-111.
- Sascha Krannich (2022): Momentum of Federalism? National, State, and Municipal Responses to the Covid-19 Pandemic in Germany, in Carlos Nunes Silva (ed.): Local Government and the COVID-19 Pandemic . Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer VS Verlag: 155-174.
- Sascha Krannich and Uwe Hunger (2020): Innovationspotentiale und Legitimationsprobleme von Punktesystemen zur Steuerung der Zuwanderung von Fachkräften [Innovation Potentials and Legitimation Problems of Point Systems for the Regulation of Skilled Labor Migration], in Katrin Toens and Roswitha Pioch (eds.): Innovation und Legitimation in der Migrationspolitik – Beiträge aus Politikwissenschaft, politischer Praxis und Sozialer Arbeit . Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer VS Verlag, 72-90.
- Sascha Krannich (2019): Einwanderungspolitik für hochqualifizierte Migranten im internationalen Vergleich. Kanada, Australien, Neuseeland, Großbritannien und Österreich [Immigration Policies for Highly Qualified Migrants in an International Comparison], in Mathias Czaika, Lydia Rössl, Thomas Pfeffer and Friedrich Altenburg (eds.): Migration und Integration 8 . Krems: Edition Donau-Universität, 33-47.
- Sascha Krannich and Stefan Metzger (2018): Netzwerke für Bildung – Das bildungsbezogene Engagement von Migrantenorganisationen zwischen Integration und Transnationalität [Networks for Education – Educational Commitment of Migrant Organizations between Integration and Transnationality], in Stephanie Zloch (ed.): Wissen in Bewegung. Migration und globale Verflechtungen seit 1945 . Berlin: de Gruyter, 128-144.
- Menderes Candan, Uwe Hunger and Sascha Krannich (2011): Long-Distance Nationalism. Eine Fallstudie zu Online-Aktivitäten von Kurden in Deutschland [Long-Distance Nationalism. A Case Study about Online Activities of Kurds in Germany], in Samuel Salzborn (ed.): Staat und Nation. Die Theorien der Nationalismusforschung in der Diskussion . Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 225-238.
Research Reports
- Sascha Krannich (2022): Über die Erreichbarkeit der Zuwander*innen aus Südosteuropa durch die Strukturen der AWO [About the Reachability of Immigrants from Southeast Europe by the AWO Structures], study on behalf of the Arbeiterwohlfahrt Bezirksverband Niederrhein e.V., Essen: AWO.
- Sascha Krannich (2020): Handbuch für Integrationsfachkräfte der Integrationsagenturen der AWO [Handbook for Staff of AWO Integration Agencies], study on behalf of the Arbeiterwohlfahrt Bezirksverband Niederrhein e.V., Essen: AWO.
- Sascha Krannich (2019): Diaspora-Netzwerke: Analyse der Potenziale und Herausforderungen der Netzwerkarbeit der GIZ [Diaspora Networks: Analysis of Potentials and Challenges of GIZ Networking], evaluation study on behalf of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Eschborn: GIZ.
- Uwe Hunger and Sascha Krannich (2018): Das entwicklungspolitische Engagement von internationalen Studierenden [Developmental Engagement of International Students], Bonn: Wissenschaftliche Arbeitsgruppe für weltkirchliche Aufgaben der Deutschen Bischofskonferenz.
- Uwe Hunger and Sascha Krannich (2018): Lernerfahrungen und Anschlusswege von Incoming-Freiwilligen in Deutschland [Learning Experiences and Ways of Continuity of Incoming Volunteers in Germany], pilot study on behalf of the Working Team „Learning and Helping Overseas“ (AKLHÜ), Bonn: AKLHÜ.
- Uwe Hunger and Sascha Krannich (2017): Einwanderung neu gestalten: Transparent, attraktiv, einfach [New Immigration Policy: Transparent, Attractive, and Simple], Bad Godesberg: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung [http://library.fes.de/pdf-files/wiso/ 13374.pdf].
- Uwe Hunger, Sascha Krannich, and Stefan Metzger (2014): Migrantisches Unternehmertum im Land Brandenburg [Migrant Entrepreneurship in Brandenburg], research study on behalf of the IQ-Netzwerk Brandenburg, Potsdam/Osnabrück: IQ-Netzwerk [http://www.brandenburg.netzwerk-iq.de/fileadmin/redaktion_brandenburg/pdf/Studie_ BIUF_mig_Unternehmertum.pdf].
- Uwe Hunger, Stefan Metzger, and Sascha Krannich (2012): Integration und entwicklungspolitisches Engagement von Migranten auf der Ebene der Bundesländer und Kommunen [Integration and Developmental Commitment of Migrants on the State and Municipality Level], research study on behalf of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Eschborn: GIZ.
- Uwe Hunger and Sascha Krannich (2010): Migrantenselbstorganisationen in Münster [Migrant Organizations in Münster], research study on behalf of the Koordinierungsstelle für Migration und Interkulturelle Angelegenheiten der Stadt Münster, Münster, http://www.stadt-muensterter.de/fileadmin//user_upload/stadtmuenster/v_zuwanderung/ pdf/Migrantenselbstorganisationen_in_Muenster.pdf [10/21/2019]
Other Publications
- Sascha Krannich, Laura-Alina Fabich and Cecile van Maanen (2022): The Links between Tamil Migrant Organizations in Germany and the UK and Healthcare in Sri Lanka, COMPAS, University of Oxford, available from: https://www.compas.ox.ac.uk/2022/the-links-between-tamil-migrant-organisations-in-germany-and-the-uk-and-healthcare-in-sri-lanka/ .
- Sascha Krannich (2017): Internationale Freiwillige in Deutschland im Spiegel wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse zu Integration und Transnationalität von Migranten [International Volunteers in Germany between Integration and Transnationality], in Internationale Freiwillige in Deutschland – Incoming im Spiegel praktischer Handhabung und gesellschaftspolitischer Entwicklung, Bonn: Arbeitskreis Lernen und Helfen in Übersee (AKLHÜ), 7-14.
- Sascha Krannich (2014): Organization, Belonging, and Transnational Citizenship of Indigenous Mexican Migrants in the United States. The Case of Oaxaqueños in Los Angeles. Working Paper Series, 123, COMCAD - Center on Migration, Citizenship and Development, Bielefeld University, available from: http://www.uni-bielefeld.de/tdrc/ag_comcad/downloads/WP_123.pdf .
- Sascha Krannich and Uwe Hunger (2014): Interkulturelle Öffnung durch Kooperation? Effekte des „TANDEM“-Projekts der Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Evangelischen Jugend in Deutschland e.V. (aej) mit Migrantenorganisationen [Intercultural Opening through Cooperation? Effects of the TANDEM Project of the Working Group oft he Protestant Youth in Germany (aej) with Migrant Organizations], in Jung. vielfältig. engagiert. – Wie die interkulturelle Öffnung der Kinder- und Jugend(verbands)arbeit gelingt, Hannover: aej, 29-38.
Presentations (selection)
International Conferences
- Sascha Krannich, Ester Höhle and Uwe Hunger (2023): The Developmental Impact of Studies Abroad of Alumni from the Global South and the Specific Role of Scholarships, annual conference, Consortium of Higher Education Researchers (CHER), Wien.
- Sascha Krannich, Ester Höhle and Uwe Hunger (2023): Studierende aus dem Globalen Süden an deutschen und US-amerikanischen Hochschulen: Das unerkannte entwicklungspolitische Potential von Auslandsstudien [Students from the Global South at German and US American Universities: The Undiscovered Developmental Potential of Studying Abroad], workshop „Hochschule in der (Post-)Migrations-gesellschaft: Zugang, Partizipation und Erfolg“, Deutsches Zentrum für Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung (DZHW), Hannover.
- Sascha Krannich, Ester Höhle and Uwe Hunger (2023): Mobile Students from the Global South and Their Commitment to the Development Process in Their Home Countries: Possible Interview Biases, Workshop, International Migration, Integration, and Social Cohesion (IMISCOE) “Detecting and Mitigating Bias in Migration Research”, Cordoba, Spain.
- Sascha Krannich and Andreas Gkolfinopoulos (2023): Critical Reflections on Mobility and Stasis (Immobility), workshop “Vocabularies of Migration: Reflexive Perspectives on Interdisciplinarity, Translation and Language in Migration Research”, Gießen.
- Sascha Krannich and Ester Höhle (2023): The Developmental Impact of Studies Abroad of Alumni from the Global South and the Specific Role of Scholarships, conference “Knowledge Production and Human Rights,” Fulda.
- Exit Regime for International Students: The Case of Georgia, annual meeting, American Political Science Association (APSA), Montreal, Canada, 2022.
- International Student Migration and Exit Regulation, Conference, Canadian Political Science Association (CPSA), online, 2022.
- International Students: Do They Reduce or Boost Social Inequality in Sending Countries?, conference “Those Who Leave and Those Who Stay: The Consequences of Emigration for Sending Countries,” University of Cambridge, UK (online), 2022.
- Gleicher Name, unterschiedlicher Inhalt: Die Punktesysteme Kanadas, Australiens und Großbritanniens im Vergleich [Same Name, Different Content: Point-based Systems of Canada, Australia, and Great Britain], Forum on Migration Policies “Point-based systems – regulation of economic migration,” of Konstanz University, Berlin (online), 2022.
- Transnational Migrant Philanthropy: The Commitment of Tamils in Germany and the UK in Reconstructing the Health Care System in Post-War Sri Lanka since 2009, 18th International Migration, Integration, and Social Cohesion (IMISCOE) Annual Conference (online), 2021.
- International Student Migration: A Driving Force for Development in the Global South?, 18th International Migration, Integration, and Social Cohesion (IMISCOE) Annual Conference (online), 2021.
- Transnational Urban and Local Self-Governance: The Case of Indigenous Mexican Migrant Communities in Los Angeles, 17th IMISCOE Annual Conference, Luxembourg (online), 2020.
- Immigration Systems in an International Comparison, Annual Meeting, American Political Science Association (APSA), San Francisco, USA (online), 2020.
- Point Systems for Highly Skilled Migrants in an International Comparison. Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, General Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR), Innsbruck, Austria (online), 2020.
- International Student Migration in Comparison: A Driving Force for Development in the Global South?, 15th MiReKoc Annual Conference “Migration and Development in the ‘Global South’: Research Challenges and Policy Implications,” Koc University, Istanbul, Turkey, 2019.
- Transnational Local and Urban Migrant Governance: The Case of Indigenous Mexican Migrant Communities in Los Angeles, IGU International Conference on Local and Urban Governance, Praia, Cape Verde, 2019.
- Staatliche Zuwanderungspolitiken für hochqualifizierte Migrantinnen und Migranten im internationalen Vergleich [Immigration Policies for Highly Qualified Migrants in an International Comparison], 11th Dialog Forum „Dialog zwischen Politik, Wissenschaft und Praxis,“, Danube University Krems, Austria, 2019.
- Immigration Regulations in Comparison: Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, German Political Science Association (DVPW) congress, Frankfurt/Main, 2018.
- Political Economy of International Student Migration and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Annual Meeting, American Political Science Association (APSA), Boston, USA (with Uwe Hunger), 2018.
- Zuwanderung regeln – Optionen von Punktesystemen für Deutschland [Immigration Regulation – Options of a Point System for Germany], conference “Innovation und Legitimationsprobleme in der aktuellen Migrationspolitik“, Schader Forum, Darmstadt, 2017.
- International Student Migration and Development, 10th Nordic Migration Conference, Oslo, Norway, 2016.
- Should They Stay or Should They Go? Policies Toward the Migration of International Students and their Development Impacts, 13. IMISCOE Annual Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, 2016.
- Migrantenorganisationen in Deutschland und den USA. Organisation, Integration und Transnationalität [Migrant Organizations in Germany and the United States. Organization, Integration, and Transnationality], conference „Wissen in Bewegung – Migration und globale Verflechtungen in der Zeitgeschichte seit 1945“, Georg-Eckert-Institut, Braunschweig, 2016.
- From Institutional Exclusion to Inclusion: The Approach Changes of Southern Mexican States Toward Their Emigrant Communities in the United States, 2. Witten Conference on Institutional Change: Migration, Institutions, Institutional Change, Witten, 2015.
- Ethnic Citizenship Constructions of Migrant Minority Groups in the United States and Germany, IGU International Conference on Local Government and Urban Governance, Lisbon, Portugal, 2015.
- Transnational Citizenship of Mexican Indigenous Migrants in the United States. The Case of Oaxaqueños in Los Angeles, European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) General Conference, University of Glasgow, Scotland, 2014.
- Transnational Indigenous Citizenship of Mexican Migrants in the United States. The Case of Oaxaqueños in Los Angeles, XVIII International Sociological Association (ISA) World Congress of Sociology, Yokohama, Japan, 2014.
- Transnational Citizenship: mexikanische indigene Migranten in den USA [Transnational Citizenship: Mexican Indigenous Migrants in the United States], conference „Staatsbürgerschaft, Einbürgerung und Partizipation: Brauchen wir eine neue Kultur der Anerkennung?“ of the Research Group „Migration Policy“ of the German Political Science Association (DVPW), Akademie Franz-Hitze-Haus, Münster, 2013.
- Identity Building of Indigenous Migrants from Mexico in the United States, International Summer School of Sociology, Bielefeld University, 2012.
- Indigenous Migration and Development: Oaxaca and Chiapas in a Comparative Perspective, 32. International Geographical Congress, Köln, 2012.
- Collective Identity Formations among Indigenous Migrants: Oaxaqueños and Chiapanecos in the United States, CMPR Postgraduate Research Conference, Swansea, Wales, 2012.
Invited Academic Presentations
- International Student Migration and Development, Pontificia Universidad Católica, Lima, Peru, 2023.
- Challenges of Migration and Integration in Germany and the United States, Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola, Lima, Peru, 2023.
- Migration, Integration and the Responses to COVID-19 in Germany, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2023.
- International Student Migration in Global Perspective, keynote speech, international student conference, Fulda University of Applied Sciences, 2023.
- Should they stay or should they go? A case study on international students in Germany, University of Hiroshima, Japan, 2023.
- Transnational Urban and Local Migrant Governance. The Case of the Indigenous Mexican Migrant Community in Los Angeles, lecture series “Basic Knowledge Migration”, Giessen University, 2022.
- Beyond the Question of Return or Stay: Scholarships for Students as a Tool for International Development Cooperation?, conference of the BMBF research project MigIng – Transitions and Mobilities, Fulda University of Applied Sciences, 2022.
- Auswirkungen von Migration auf die Herkunftsländer [The Impact of Migration on Countries of Origin], 43. university seminar “Research and Praxis in Dialog”, University of Cologne, 2022.
- Tamil Organizations and Their Health-related Commitment in Germany, the United Kingdom and Sri Lanka, COMPAS Series, University of Oxford, United Kingdom, 2021.
- International Student Migration and Development, COMCAD Colloquium “The Transnational Lens,” Bielefeld University, 2021.
- Global Mobility, Migration and Development, Kinneret Academic College on the Sea of Galilee, Israel (online), 2021.
- Arbeitsmigration und Einwanderungspolitik [Labor Migration and Immigration Policies], lecture series “Basic Knowledge Migration”, Giessen University (online), 2021.
- Internationale Studierendenmigration und Entwicklung [International Student Migration and Development], book launch, Fulda University of Applied Sciences (online), 2021.
- Mobility and Development in the Global South, Kinneret Academic College on the Sea of Galilee, Israel, 2020.
- Arbeitsmigration und Einwanderungspolitik [Labor Migration and Immigration Policies], lecture series “Basic Knowledge Migration”, Giessen University (online), 2020.
- International Student Migration, Kwame Nkrumah University, Kumasi, Ghana, 2018.
- Migration and Development in an International Comparison, Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia, 2017.
- Migration and Development – New Empirical Insights from KAAD Scholars, Atma Jaya University, Jakarta, Indonesia, 2017.
- Muslim Migration in Europe: Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities, Philosophical University Jakarta, Indonesia, 2017.
- Internationale Studierende als Potential für die Regionalentwicklung?! [International Students as a Potential for Regional Development?!], STIBET II – Workshops „Nachhaltige Netzwerkarbeit zur Arbeitsmarktintegration internationaler Studierender“, Paderborn University, 2017.
- Transnationalism of Indigenous Mexican Migrants in the United States, Fulda University of Applied Sciences, 2017.
- International Students in Germany, Bethlehem University, Palestine, 2016.
- Labor Migration in Europe, European Summer Course, Europäische Akademie Otzenhausen, 2016.
- Internationale Migration im 21. Jahrhundert – Daten und Zahlen [International Migration in the 21. Century], Donauakademie der Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes, Budapest, 2016.
- Organization and Identity of Indigenous Mexican Migrants in the United States – Oaxaqueños in Los Angeles, Institute for Research on Labor and Employment (IRLE), University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), USA, 2013.
- Indigenous Mexican Migrants in the United States, Spring 2012 Colloquium Series, Center for Migration and Development, Princeton University, USA, 2012.
- Collective Identity Formations among Indigenous Migrants: Oaxaqueños and Chiapanecos in the United States, Hastings College, USA, 2012.
- Immigration State Nebraska: A New Destiny for Latinos?, Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico, 2010.
Invited Non-academic Presentations
- Migration und Gesundheit – Herausforderungen und Schnittstellen [Migration and Health – Challenges and Intersections], keynote speech, conference, Gesundheitszentrum für Migrant*innen, Köln, 2023.
- Gesundheit als Menschenrecht? Global Health als ganzheitlicher Ansatz [Health as an Holistic Approach], keynote speech, conference „Gesundheit als Menschenrecht?!“, Akademie Franz Hitze Haus, Münster, 2023.
- Gesundheitsversorgung in Deutschland und im internationalen Vergleich [Health Care in Germany and in an International Comparison], Theodor Heuss Academy of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation, Gummersbach, 2022.
- Einwanderungsregelungen in Deutschland und im internationalen Vergleich [Immigration Policies in Germany and in an International Comparison], Evangelische Studierendengemeinde (ESG), Gießen, 2022.
- Herausforderungen und Chancen der kommunalen Integrationspolitik [Challenges and Opportunities of Local Integration Policies], integration congress, Ostwestfalen-Lippe, Gütersloh, 2022.
- Migration und Gesundheit [Migration and Health], conference, samo.fa Wissenkompakt, Fulda, 2022.
- Erreichbarkeit und Unterstützungsangebote für Zuwander*innen aus Südosteuropa [Reachability and Support of Immigrants from Southeast Europe], Kreisausländerbeirat, Gießen, 2022.
- Migration und Entwicklung [Migration and Development], Evangelische Studierendengemeinde (ESG), Gießen, 2022.
- Die Gesundheit von Geflüchteten [The Health of Refugees], conference, samo.fa Wissenkompakt, Berlin, 2022.
- Internationale Studierendenmigration [International Student Migration], Evangelische Studierendengemeinde (ESG), Gießen, 2022.
- Migration und Entwicklung in Ghana [Migration and Development in Ghana], conference „Migration und Entwicklung“ [Migration and Development], Akademie Franz Hitze Haus, Münster, 2021.
- Migrantenorganisationen und Gesundheit [Migrant Organizations and Health], conference, samo.fa Wissenkompakt, Dortmund, 2021.
- Internationale Studierendenmigration und Entwicklung [International Student Migration and Development], Diakonie Hessen, 2021 (online).
- Das gesundheitsbezogene Engagement von Migrantenorganisationen [Health-related Commitment of Migrant Organizations], conference, samo.fa Wissenkompakt, Dortmund, 2021.
- Globale Gesundheit und nachhaltige Entwicklung [Global Health and Sustainable Development], conference of STUBE Hessen and World University Service, 2021(online).
- COVID-19 und Migration [COVID-19 and Migration], conference, samo.fa Wissenkompakt, 2021 (online).
- Global Health, conference of STUBE Hessen and World University Service, Wiesbaden, 2020.
- Global Health und das Menschenrecht auf Gesundheit [Global Health and the Human Right on Health], conference of STUBE Hessen and World University Service, Marburg, 2019.
- Continuity or Disruption? Geschichte, Gegenwart und Zukunft der Einwanderungspolitik der USA [Continuity or Disruption? History, Presence, and Future of US Immigration Policy], Landeszentrale für politische Bildung Rheinland-Pfalz, Mainz, 2019.
- Migration Policies in Germany and the United States: Similarities, Differences, and Current Challenges, Atlantische Akademie Rheinland-Pfalz, Speyer, 2019.
- Netzwerke für Migration, Integration und Entwicklung [Networking for Migration, Integration, and Development], Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Eschborn, 2018.
- Das entwicklungsbezogene Engagement von internationalen Studierenden und Alumni. Wie kann es am besten gefördert und unterstützt werden? Eine Analyse am Beispiel der Förderprogramme und Alumni-Arbeit des Katholischen Akademischen Ausländer-Dienstes (KAAD) [Developmental Engagement of International Students and Alumni. How Can it be Best Supported? An Analysis of the Scholarship Programs of the KAAD], Katholische Akademie, Berlin (with Uwe Hunger), 2018.
- Einwanderungsgesetz oder Erwerbstätigenzuwanderung? Zahlen - Fakten - zentrale Fragestellungen [Immigration Law or Labor Immigration? Numbers - Facts – Central Questions], Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES), symposium „Miteinander in Vielfalt – Brauchen wir in Deutschland ein modernes Einwanderungsgesetz?“, Wolfsburg, 2018.
- Einwanderungsgesetz oder Erwerbstätigenzuwanderung? Zahlen - Fakten - zentrale Fragestellungen [Immigration Law or Labor Immigration? Numbers - Facts – Central Questions], Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES), symposium „Erwerbstätigenzuwanderung im Klartext: Faire Gestaltung schafft Perspektiven“, Berlin, 2018.
- Einwanderungsland Neuseeland [Immigration Country New Zealand], lecture series „So geht Einwanderung. Analysen – Perspektiven – Chancen“, Interkulturelle Akademie, Augsburg, 2018.
- Asylgesetzgebung und Asylpolitik: Rechtsgrundlagen, Lage, Ausblick [Asylum Law and Asylum Policies], conference, samo.fa Wissenkompakt, Dresden, 2018.
- Einwanderungsregelungen im Vergleich: Kanada, Australien und Neuseeland [Immigration Regulations in Comparison: Canada, Australia, and New Zealand], Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES), „Neue Wege gehen – Welches Einwanderungsgesetz braucht Deutschland?“, Bremen, 2018.
- Einwanderungspolitik im internationalen Vergleich [Immigration Policies in an International Comparison], Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES) seminar „Auf dem Weg in eine moderne Zuwanderungsgesellschaft?“, Würzburg, 2017.
- Toward a Closed Society? Migration Policy under President Trump, seminar „America First? Donald Trump`s Political Plans“, Evangelische Akademie Loccum, 2017.
- Toward a Closed Society? Migration Policy under President Trump, summer school „A Unprecedented Presidency? The United States in the Trump Era“, Pfalz Akademie, Lambrecht, 2017.
- Migration and Development – New Empirical Insights, KAAD conference „Migration and Development in Asia“, Pontianak, Indonesia, 2017.
- Migration im Spannungsfeld von Integration, Fachkräftemangel und transnationaler Vernetzung und Entwicklungsbeiträge [Migration between Integration, Labor Shortage, and Development], conference „Internationale Freiwillige in Deutschland – Incoming im Spiegel praktischer Handhabung und gesellschaftspolitischer Entwicklung“, Arbeitskreises Lernen und Helfen in Übersee (AKLHÜ), Friedrichsdorf, 2017.
- Migration und Entwicklung – Theoretische Ansätze und empirische Befunde [Migration and Development – Theoretical Approaches and Empirical Results], KAAD seminar „Religion und Entwicklung – Die Rolle von Glaubensgemeinschaften für die Sustainable Development Goals“, Bonn, 2017.
- Status quo und Reformmöglichkeiten der arbeitsmarktbezogenen Einwanderungsregelungen in Deutschland [Status Quo and Reform Opportunities of Labor Immigration Policies in Germany], Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES) integration congress „Flucht, Migration, Integration“, Berlin (with Uwe Hunger), 2017.
- Migration Policies in Germany and the United States: Similarities, Differences, and Current Challenges, Atlantischen Akademie Rheinland-Pfalz, Cochem, 2017.
- Die Debatte um Identität, Differenz und Leitkultur in Deutschland [Debate about Identity, Difference, and Culture], NAVEND conference „Neue Wege der Integration in der Kommune“, Bonn, 2017.
- Einwanderungsregelungen im Vergleich. Was Deutschland von anderen Ländern lernen kann [Immigration Regulations in Comparison. What Germany Can Learn from Other Countries], 16. Sommeruniversität, Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES), Potsdam, 2016.
- Migration und Flucht. Formen, Trends, sicherheitspolitische Herausforderungen und mögliche Lösungsansätze [Migration. Forms, Trends, Security Challenges, and Possible Solutions], Bundesakademie für Sicherheitspolitik, Berlin, 2016.
- Migrationspolitik in den USA und Europa – Gemeinsamkeiten, Unterschiede und Herausforderungen [Migration Policies in the United States and Europe – Commonalities, Differences, and Challenges], Atlantische Akademie Rheinland-Pfalz, Trier, 2016.
- Migrationspolitik in den USA und in Europa – Unterschiede, Gemeinsamkeiten und Herausforderungen [Migration Policies in the United States and Europe – Commonalities, Differences, and Challenges], symposium „Herausforderungen und Chancen der Einwanderung – Migrationspolitik in den USA und der EU“, Atlantische Akademie Rheinland-Pfalz, Koblenz, 2015.
- Einwanderungsregelungen im Vergleich – Was Deutschland von anderen Ländern lernen kann [Immigration Regulations in Comparison. What Germany Can Learn from Other Countries], Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES), Berlin, 2015.
- Einwanderungsregelungen im Vergleich – Was Deutschland von anderen Ländern lernen kann [Immigration Regulations in Comparison. What Germany Can Learn from Other Countries], SPD-Bundestagsfraktion, Berlin, 2015.
- Migrationspolitik in den USA und Europa – Gemeinsamkeiten, Unterschiede und Herausforderungen [Migration Policies in the United States and Europe – Commonalities, Differences, and Challenges], Atlantische Akademie Rheinland-Pfalz, Kaiserslautern, 2015.
- Nationale Identität und Einwanderung in Deutschland und den USA im Vergleich [National Identity and Immigration in Germany and the United States in Comparison], Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES), Frankfurt/Main, 2014.
- Migration und Identität in den USA [Migration and Identity in the United States], Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES) colloquium, Mainz University, 2013.
- Organisation und Identität von indigenen mexikanischen Migranten in den USA – Oaxaqueños in Los Angeles [Organization and Identity of Indigenous Mexican Migrants in the United States – Oaxaqueños in Los Angeles], seminar, Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES), Kurt-Schumacher-Akademie, Bad Münstereifel, 2013.